Tuesday, February 28, 2006

QOTD: this is a generic question

question of the day: what products or items do you never buy generic, and what products or items do you always buy generic?

I NEVER buy peanut butter, eggos, or girlie products in the imposter generic versions....however, saline solution and pain killers are all gens. Guess we know where my priorities are...

Toilet paper should never be generic unless you have a peverse love for sandpaper. As for what's always generic: butter. Who cares where the congealed fat comes from anyway? I'm not paying an extra $3 for some american indian chick sittin' in the sun...

I LOOOOVE generic products. I'm VERY cheap. I will buy generic toilet paper and ALL paper products, I buy generic soda, generic food, generic medication like CVS Sudafed knockoff and generic prescriptions! I would NEVER buy generic toothpaste because I like the flavor of Crest with Scope, I think generic Motrin has a funny taste so I don't buy that, and I won't buy generic feminine products because I just won't.

Sometimes crappy potato chips are really good potato chips in disguise.

Never generic: condoms Always generic: hookers

i never buy generic make-up, shampoo, etc., or some food, and i buy generic on most everything else so long as the product works the same.

I never buy generic crack. Always get the brand-name stuff.

Wool, rack of lamb, no no's

I always buy generic toiletries and paper goods because that stuff is expensive and I can't tell the difference anyway. Most foods, I buy brand name except for condiments and things like that. I get my bloody clown suits at wholesale prices, in case you were curious.

never buy generic shampoo and most foods -- i like certain brands and not willing to save .20 on something to have the lower quality. but generic paper towels, light bulbs. i dunno - this is a weird question.

I try to never buy generic questions of the day... but they keep winding up in my IM

I always buy name brand electronics and appliances. I don't really trust "Goldstar" or "AKIA" for my entertainment needs. For supermarket items, I buy mostly generic. Only a few items like soft drinks or windex are name brands. I've tried the generic equivalents and they sucked.

If the name fits, wear it…Generic prescription drugs, eggs, milk, butter.. Otherwise you get what you pay for. Once in awhile, I will find a product with a generic name, that is actually made by a high end manufacturer or clothing company.

Every time I go "generic" I am disappointed in the quality. I buy almost nothing generic. Friends always say to me things like "ibuprofen is ibuprofen, so why pay more for Advil." But that's not really true. Yes, the ibuprofen is the same in both, but its the filler/binder that is different. Although, some supermarket brands which were once considered generic are now name brands of their own. For instance, I do buy the 365 brand for a lot of products. That's the generic Whole Foods brand.

i don't like generic tires

Never generic: Heinz Ketchup, Bounty paper towels, Charmin or Cottonielle toilet paper and Windex. When my husband first moved in with me while we were dating I learned the hard way and had the Acme brand ketchup called Finest. To this day I still have to hear, “Fine-assed what is this crap? Is it the fine-assed ketchup money can buy?! I want Heinz!” Generic: Some cleaning products like Clorox wipes. I love store brand cereals, oh and paper plates too.

I never buy prescriptions drugs that are generic.

Monday, February 27, 2006

QOTD: 100th post!

question of the day: how much of the olympics did you watch? what were your favorite events, or what was the best/worst thing that happened this year? even more importantly, is it torino or turin?

I watched ALOT of the Olympics. I LOOOVE the Winter Games!!! I hate winter, which makes it kind of weird, but I'm an Olympic snowboarding JUNKIE, and I love the Alpine skiing. The worst thing was Bode Miller not getting a medal. The best thing was so many snowboarding medals and speedskating medals. I'm crazy for speedskating too. Is it torino or turin? I guess it depends on if you're American, 'cause I don't care.

Who cares, the Olympics is boring and these people train their whole lives for what, dancing on the ice. Imagine training your whole life dancing on the ice or better yet racing around in a circle on the ice. Bob wanna go out tonight, no, I gotta run around in a circle on the ice for 5 hours, I'm training for the Olympics. Who does this? and How do they make money to survive? Do people pay them to run around in circles? If they do I want that job, oh wait, I do get paid to run around in circles I work here. I wonder if that means that I qualify for the Olympics!

Did not watch any of the olympics.

xxxx: I'd like to see more sheep tossing....
me: thats in the summer
xxxx: well there was this one sport which used sheep and brooms.....kinda like curling

Watched only 1 night. In Italy it is Torino. In English; Turin.

i watched about 2 minutes of it - i was flipping the channels and witnessed "curling" for the first time - i couldn't believe that was actually an olympic sport. i think you guys should push to have cones as an olympic sport - takes more talent than curling.

Boarder cross is probably my favorite event to watch (after curling of course). The best and worst thing that happened this year is the same for me. It was hilarious to see Lindsay Jacobellis fall and lose the gold because she was hotdogging on the last jump, but at the same time, it reflected negatively on all Americans because we already have a bad reputation for showing off in sports.

40 minutes.
Curling: USA Vs CAN mens semi final and the closing ceremony.
Closing ceremony was cool, they were blowing air at upwards of 125MPH towards the sky and few artistis were floating in the air, doing snowboarding, stuff like that.
I think is torino

i watched a decent amount of the olympics. this one wasn't as exciting as i usually think they are. favorite event - speed skating (with 5 people). huuuuge ohno and red tomato fan. the worst is curling and the snowboarding girl who was winnign and decided to show off - fell than got silver (that's karma). and i like torino better than turin. aaand one more thing -- the whole chad/shawny fiasco was really interesting to watch.

I only watched a little. The figure skating was kewl, cause they were all bitchy and fallin and stuff. FUNNY!! Watched some snowboarding…the chics rock… The last event I watched was the skier tri-athalon. But only cause I thought that the addition sharp shooting to skiing is insane.

I flipped between olympics and my normal shows/I love speed skating, ice skating, and slalom/rivalry between Hedrick and Davis... and Sasha Cohen winning silver.

read more about them than I watched...favorite events were the ones where bode miller chugged beers before he raced...that has gotta be the best and worst part of the olympics. Torino has too many vowels and is not associated with a shroud of any kind...not even a hankerchief or a pair of suspenders....in my opinion torino is just way in over it's head trying to compete with turin.

Torino! Surprisingly I watched quite a bit. The high-def TV made it really fun to watch. I liked the snowboarding events the best. The snowboarding supercross (I don't know what the real name of the event is) was my favorite. I also really liked watching the short track speed skating relay races. That event is just pure chaos. I think I'm going to check out Canada in 4 years.


I watched some of the skating cuz some of those chicks are hot. Although, I don't consider any of the winter olympic events an actual sport except for hockey. On Turin vs. Torino, I'm not sure. It sounds like a marketing ploy to me but I guess the locals do call it "Torino." But then again, the summer olympics a few years ago in Atlanta were not called the "Dirty South" olympics.

I'm a big Olympic fan so I spent a lot of time watching the games. Speedskating, Snowboard Cross, the Biathlon and the Luge were some of my favorite events. There were some really dissapointing aspects to these games. Bode Miller was just a joke which will soon be forgotten, the beef between the American speedskaters was completely overblown, and what was up with those opening ceremonies? Overall, I'm bummed it's over but I do look forward to Vancouver 2010.

I watched a little here and there. The short track speed skating was cool. I was hoping to catch some of the freestyle skiing and snowboarding, but missed that. Women's ice hockey is a joke. Ice dancing is ridiculous. The worst was when the American girl had the lead in snowboarding and fell and lost the race. And, finally, it's not called the Shroud of Torino.

It's Torino. The host country should get to choose. I watched some Olympics every day. Bode Miller's attitude and behavior were disgusting, as was the whole Chad Hedrick/Shani Davis feud. The Olympic spirit is a real thing, and a good standard to live up to. Lindsay Jacobellis' method air cost her the gold, but the worlds of snowboarding and the Olympics have only just come together... it will take time for everyone to adjust. Lindsay feels bad enough, I'm sure. On the positive side, Shani Davis broke another color barrier. The Flying Tomato won with style and his own brand of class. Michelle Kwan did the right thing in dropping out. Apolo Anton Ohno embodied all that's good with the Olympics, regardless of the fact that NBC gave him waaaaaaaaay too much air time. The whole American winter Olympic "effort" needs to take a hard look at itself if we want to stay competitive going forward. Too many skiers failing to finish, to many off-the-field incidents. And no more professional athletes!

i didn't really watch it, wanted to see curling but always missed it.

Friday, February 24, 2006

Happy _____ Day!

One of your standard bloggers and I have stumbled across a great site (http://www.girlsarepretty.com) where there is a new Happy (insert strange item here) Day, every day. Check out the site for examples. We decided to write our own and add it to the blog, so here is your first installment of Happy ____ Day:

Your Mom is the Most Annoying Person On This Earth Day

You've had a LONG day at work, but no longer than usual. The boss might have rode you a little more than he usually does, but nothing too noticable. You're in your regular good mood, the one you're always in right after work lets out. Your 30 minute drive home is peaceful and infused with the colorful music of your favorite Jazz legends. And even though that guy cut you off, so that he could shave a measly 5 seconds off of his commute, and you can feel the vein in your forehead pulsating, your good mood can not be tainted. It's almost like you have on a good mood force field. You come in to an empty house. You think to yourself "Can this day get any better? This is the day she gets her nails done. I can actually eat dinner in peace." But, before you can even start to imagine how good your turkey sub is going to taste, you hear the noise that you dreaded hearing. The low hum of an automatic garage door going up. You rip open the turkey bag, feverishly trying to make your sub and run upstairs before she sees you. She must be able to feel when someone is trying to elude her complaining and she won't stand for that. To get into the house quicker, she sprints down the driveway to get the mail (that's your secret theory anyway). Turkey, mayo, cheese...almost there...lettuce, tomato and now fill your drink. The automatic water dispenser on your fridge fills really slowly. C'mon already!! It's too late, she's already standing next to you. The first words out of her mouth "Boy am I tired." Fascinating!! Please, tell me about all of the terrible things that happened to you today, I'm dying to know.

Happy Your Mom is the Most Annoying Person On This Earth Day!

QOTD: cheater

question of the day: have you ever been cheated on, cheated on someone, or helped someone cheat? what happened with it? if you have never cheated, do you think you would ever?

depends on the girl

I was cheated on in college. I never cheated on anyone and never would. But in college I did help some of my friends cheat by providing alibis for them.

Actually, no. I’ve been pretty lucky…or, perhaps, I think I’ve been lucky! I’m a big fan of sucking it up and going through the breakup, rather than cheating.

Like my sheep....I don't stray

deny til you die

cheaters never prosper

i used to be the cheating queen *gulp* but i have since changed my ways

i have never cheated and don't have any plans to ever do it. It has happened to me and it really sucks. And, I am not talking about [coworker] sleeping with [coworker]

I can't wait for [coworker]'s answer to that one!!! (That is my official response!)

I was cheated on several times when I was 17. She slept with a few of my so-called "friends." I was naive back then and my love for her was blind, so I kept taking her back and hoping for the best, but to no avail. Things ended bad, and I hope she's dead now. It was a great learning experience for me and I now know not to be so trusting, but at the same time, I have a hard time trusting anyone now. In summary, sheep, hookers, having your pants off and bloody clown suits will not stop girls from cheating.

I haven't and wouldn't, but I have ceased one relationship to begin another. My penis is the bane of my existence.

is it technically "cheating" if you use multiple hookers? but seriously, if i did have a "regular", i would consider cheating with [name of female coworker], [name of female coworker], [name of female coworker], and [name of sheep].

been cheated on, i think. my best friend and my (ex)girlfriend started officially dating like an hour after we broke up. not cool!

The only things I've ever cheated on were school tests. Never cheated on any of my ladies. My ex-wife cheated, hence the EX part. . No respect for cheaters, that is if a committed relationship has been established. I will save you the rest of the speech.

I have never been cheated on (at least not that I know about). I have not cheated on anyone and never will. That’s probably one of the few things I don’t think I will ever be able to tolerate either. I don’t care if I have been married to someone for a day or 17 years – if the guy cheats on me, I’d be out in 2.5 seconds with the kids, all his money, and I’d make his life a living hell. I just think if you don’t like someone anymore or the passion is dead – be strong enough to tell them and break up.

When I was in high school, I had a really good boyfriend. He was nice to me, he treated me good, he was smart, my mom loved him, and after being together for 2 years, I cheated on him with what my mom refers to as a “bad boy”. I ended up dating said, “bad boy” who cheated on me a year later. I now do not believe in cheating, I believe in getting the hell out if you think you might cheat. I would never help anyone cheat either. I had a boss who regularly cheated on his wife when away on business, and wanted me to cover for him often and I just couldn’t do it. I had to ask him to not include me in that at all. I would never cheat now.

nope on every count

Thursday, February 23, 2006

QOTD: good vs. evil

question of the day: would you do something bad to accomplish something good? for example, if you could go back in time to kill Hitler as a baby, would you?

I refuse to answer on the grounds that it may incriminate me.

If Back to the Future taught us anything, it should be that you never mess with time - no matter how much good you think you're doing. Poor Michael J. Fox...

i would definately do something bad for the greater good. but if its for the greater good, is it really bad? i don't think so. plus, i tend to be more collective than individualistic by nature - so if something needs to be done to, i'm all about it. if everyone was worried about doing the right thing - half the countries in the world would probably still be under british and french rule - cause no one wanted to "break the law" and stand up for their rights (and that's just one example).

my initial thought would be yes, but have you seen the movie 'the butterfly effect'? sometimes making a change for what you think is the better makes everything so much worse - so if i was guarenteed no bad would come from doing it, then heck yeah i would kill baby Hitler!


Well, that's why I kill babies now, to prevent the next Hitler from growing up. And do you know what's worse than killing a baby?? Getting the blood stains out of my clown suit...

When you say Hitler, I assume you mean [coworker]. The answer is yes, I'd take him out in a heartbeat.

I would not kill Hitler as a baby....It would depend on how bad the thing would be. I would not rat out a friend for money....I would not kill someone.....I would punch [question asker] in the stomach for a penny though.

i don't think so because by doing so you run the chance of causing even something more horrific. Your actions may in turn cause, say for example, the deaths of your parents which inturn would make you non- existent. So don't mess with stuff or you may die. everything happens for a reason and there are always other ways of getting things done.

This topic was already covered in a Twilight Zone. "Cradle of Darkness". http://www.spug.net/showthread.php?t=68634

It I couldn’t get caught and suffer any repercussions, then yes. Otherwise no. I wouldn’t fare well in jail.

Nope. Good and Bad are relative to current-culture-time-law-apathy-sympathy levels and historical precedence

hmmmm... are we talking good for me? or good for society? it's hard to say, you caught me feeling selfish today. i suppose i have done things that were good for me and not good for someone else... like work the system to get a better job (not this one), but in general, if i can do something good, i would...

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

QOTD: influences

question of the day: what was the first cassette/cd/lp you bought with your own money?

I think it was a cassette of Tina Turner; don't remember which one.

Peter Frampton Live

U2's Unforgettable Fire. Best investment ever.

Pink Floyd the Wall

8 Track: Dark Side of the Moon

Billy Joel, Glass Houses.

I was 9 years old, in 4th grade and I bought Run DMC - King of Rock.

LP - Disco Disney, Cassette - Thriller, CD - Sgt. Pepper

quiet riot, Metal Health

i'm not completely certain, but my guess would be debbie gibson or tiffany

Synchronicity - The Police

cassette - mc hammer. cd - portishead/dummy. lp - cub/box of hair

Van Halen-1984, I’m showing my age by saying this, but my mother was mortified that her 9 year old bought a cassette with an angel holding a pack of smokes on the cover.

I remember having a Stevie Wonder 45--Sir Duke/ I Wish. My older sister already had some good albums, so there was no need to double-buy. The first casssette I bought was probably Rolling Stones' Tattoo You. First CD.... It was a group of 4 that I bought with my first CD player back in 1989. I remember Tom Petty - Full Moon Fever and the first Georgia Satellites album. I forget the other two.

Hall & Oates. Private Eyes.

Hmm…you know, I really don’t remember. But I know the Eye of the Tiger album was in there somewhere. Oh yeah, and the Go Go’s. Those were good times!

My first 8 track was …. It was probably a tape of Journey.

I was very fortunate to have older siblings who had awesome taste in music so I never bought my own when I was young. Eventually I was sucked-in by the rising popularity of grunge and "alternative" music so one day I ran out and bought the Stone Temple Pilots' Purple album on cassette. I was 14. It was a great day.

I think the first cassette was "Are you down with this Sheep?" by quarmy redcoat. If you haven't heard it....you're missing out

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

QOTD: anger management

question of the day: what is the angriest you’ve ever gotten at work? (please try to be as nonspecific as possible)

well, it takes a lot to get me angry to the point that i show it... but one time i got so pissed off at a boss that he called me insubordinate. Unfortunately for him he was fired about a week later due to unrelated matters. That what he gets for pissing me off!!

Ba... i'm taking the 5th.... it takes a lot to get me that angry, but it does happen very rarely

I've punched someone before. Across a meeting room table. Right in the face. She deserved it.

There are so many, I’d have to pick. If I have to repeat something to someone 3 or more times, I am very angry at that point. Recently I got so angry that I had to remove my sweater to cool down, some one misquoted me.

One time, with my old boss at a different division of the current conglomerate that i work for... we were at a client meeting where i was actually the only person in the room that knew what was going on and how things operated... the clients were all talking at once, and she was talking some kind of useless gibberish, so i finally spoke up to clarify the situation... she KICKED MY CHAIR AND SHUSHED ME!!! I got up and walked out. I guess I could have gotten fired, but she was an evil oppressor to begin with, so I didn't care anymore. I told her if she ever did anything like that ever again, I would go to HR and report her absurd and childish behavior. She apologized and tried to explain herself. I went to HR anyway because she was evil and I took great pleasure in her being forced to apologize to me in front of her boss, the VP of operations... LOL. Evil bitch. She still works for said VP to this day and knows that if I had the opportunity to ruin her I would.

Ok, so I was working on this one issue with my sheep Carl and Tammy, when in storms Ralph with complaints about how there isn't enough water and how this wasn't an issue in the past, but it is now.....blah blah blah. I tried very hard to ask him to wait until I was done with the other two before we got to his issues, but he just kept on going. Finally, he said (in the presence of the other two sheep) that I was the worst shepherd he's even seen. That was the final straw...I stood up and a fist fight almost broke out. Thank god Tammy was there to separate the both of us otherwise I would have sent him straight to the butcher!

The moment immediately following the announcement of my small raise. Look for it again this year!

when there was reverse discrimination at my old job-i called them on it but they refused to do anything about it (one particular person was getting extra special treatment) so i accused my boss of sleeping with her, quit on the spot, packed my stuff up and never looked back

When I arrived late one casual friday everyone was naked and gambling..I was overdressed and had forgotten my wallet. I never get the good memos! It makes me sooo angry!

at this job, i've had more than one occasion where i had the solution to a problem, but yet, no one listens to me. the last time this happened, i had to explain to the person 5 times what needed to be done, and he still didn't listen to me until i brought someone more "knowledgeable" with me to explain to him the exact same thing i was trying to tell him! i was furious

i've only gotten angry once at another coworker who spoke loudly to me. no one does that. i was freaking livid.

the friday before [a major project]. My manager told me that a bug that if i did not fix a bug that was found on Friday morning that I would be responsible for it not launching...I told him it was a bug with the drivers we were using and we could not just change drivers now...he said, i don't care, find another way....I quit right there on the spot....I came back though and i really let him have it....To make a long story short, from Friday-Monday i worked a total of around 50 hours

One day I delegated an important task to someone for a very important project, and it was not done properly and finished with no errors. I had to redo it and found many many problems

Hah! Umm…I think I plead the fifth!

hookers at work who say one amount and charge another

After I hung up, I yelled that the woman I just talked to was a c&^t. Pretty much the whole story in a nutshell. My profanity wasn't too appreciated by my fellow employees

At my old job I was in charge of customer service. Through the years I had built up a pretty thick skin and not much bothered me. Except this: I once had a 16 year old and his mother conference call me and proceed to scream at me in a combination of Chinese and English. I couldn’t get a word in and the little punk kid kept yelling, “What the fxxk? How could you fxxkin do this to me? What is fxxking wrong with you people? You’re all a$$holes!” all while his mother was simultaneously screaming at the top of her lungs at me in broken English and Chinese yelling “You are a riar! You rie! I hate you, you riar!!” I asked them to stop swearing at me, I asked them to stop yelling so we could have a conversation about the problem; they wouldn’t. I put them on hold and went into my boss and told him he had to take the call because if I had to take another second of that abuse I’d fxxking start swearing back and then we’d have an even bigger motherfxxking problem on our hands. I turned around and walked out of his office, went back to my desk and transferred the call, and proceeded to bang the headset into my desk until it popped open and the wires fell out.

Friday, February 17, 2006

QOTD: that's just morbidly obese

question of the day: best/worst way to die?

Best: In my sleep. Worst: On a sinking ship

Ooh…well, they all kinda suck, I suppose. In your sleep/at the gaping jaws of some wild animal.

fire/drown, best is in ur sleep... that's not ur best ques of the day there

driving naked off a bridge with the tunage cranked to 11/being eaten alive by zombies or something, turning into a zombie yourself, and going off and drowning in a burning lake.

best: in your sleep of old age. worst: cancer or a flesh eating virus


worst ishaving your skin peeled off layer by layer best would have to be orgy mishap

Duh. Best = in my sleep. Worst = awake.

Best: Like Kenny Rogers said in The Gambler, The best thing you can hope for is to die in your sleep. Worst: Either drowning or being burned. I’d rather not be aware of the process when it is happening.

Best way to die... playing cones, the sport I love. Worst way to die, winning at cones 7-5 and having my opponent throw a ringer to win the game (and then having a heart attack)

Best: during sex. Worst: being smothered by a fat woman during sex.

worst way would be by fire because of the pain. Best way would be to just die in your sleep....Or, to get trampled by a flock of sheep and hookers....Oh, another bad way would be if [coworker] farted on you.

Best way to die: after some good lovin', in your sleep...with your pants off. Worst way to die: your parachute doesn't open and you land in an alligator farm.

between two female coworkers/Looking at [coworker]

Best not to die. Best way: To notify that one is passing away at so and so time and then pass away naturally. Worst way – To know ahead of time

Thursday, February 16, 2006

QOTD: crushed

question of the day: according to the linked article, over half of the people who work in offices have had a crush on a coworker. Have you ever had a crush on a coworker, and if so, how did you handle it?
link to article

I’ve had one major work crush. I didn’t really do anything about it, so there was nothing to deal with. But I made it fun in my own way, I dressed up for work extra nice everyday (which was actually annoying cause I would wake up early to iron my clothes, straighten my hair, etc. and he probably never even noticed). And little things he said made me really happy. I had no expectations, just a silly office crush.

Yes. I asked the person to get together for a drink (after I had left the company). I think she thought I was nutz, considering while I worked at the place I said no more than two words to her. She never got back to me

i usually end up dating them

yes and I did nothing...

no offense to the ladies, but the IT field doesn't really draw a lot of hot young women

Yes, I have had a crush on a co-worker and I married him!

I personally do not find sheep attractive. Now I know in some cultures, they're considered sex objects....but I just don't get it...

Married her. Then 3 years later, divorced the bitch!

I never had one but we had a blood drive here when I first started and one of the nurses came up to me at the end of the day and gave me her number. I never called her and about a week later she ended up calling me which wa sodd because I never gave her my number. That crazy b#@%h got my info from my blood drive form. How wacked out is that? If anyone is desperate I know where she works.

Yeah, I've got a crush on a few of my co-workers. The way I handle it is to just not act on it. I'm not about to lose my job for a piece of ass. Next thing you know, I'm thumbing through the classifieds in prison...with my pants off.

I met my current girlfriend at my last job. It rocked until we both got laid off at the same time.

I slept with her, then had a threesome with her and my next girlfriend right after attending another coworkers wedding

I have had a crush on you for a long time. wink wink

I love you, [question asker]!!!!!!!

yes. haven't handled it very well at all, in my opnion.

uh, yeah... generally, i go ahead and dip the pen in the company ink. soooo much easier than talking to a straner. dating people you work with is a-ok in my book. the last two long term relationships i've had were with people i worked with, or met at the office, and both of those relationships lasted well over a year. if you're careful about it and have an understanding from the beginning that it is personal, and has nothing to do with work, you were just lucky to happen upon each other at work, it can totally work out. plus, it makes showing up to work worthwhile sometimes.

I asked her out, we dated. Later, I proposed to her, and she said yes. Had she been in the same department as I, I probably wouldn't have even gotten the ball rolling. At least when I die, I'll be able to say the company did something for me.

Yes. I asked her out. What other course of action is there? There seems to be some societal taboo about asking out co-workers, but you spend 40 hours a week around these people getting to know them, so why not? Better than meeting some stranger in a bar that is probably a complete psycho

does having sex in the storage closet count as a crush?

Yes, for a couple of them didn't open my mouth. For a couple of them, initiated it, hooked up and regretted it. But I will definitely do it again and again and again...

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

QOTD: what do you mean, i'm not famous?

question of the day: have you ever met a famous person? if so, what was it like?

Met a couple but my favorite was the following: I was in Denny's when Ice-T came in. He sat two tables away from me. He was sitting there with his guitarist and someone else. The restaurant was buzzing a bit (it was right around the time of Cop Killer). He ordered a breakfast meal and a strawberry shake. Then there is a pause in the conversation and Ice-T said, "I can't believe I'm in fxxxing Denny's!" Hysterical

I'm....I'm famous....and I meet myself everyday. Come to think of it....I'm kinda sick of myself and so are the sheep. They just want me to go back to the way I use to be before that documentary came out called "The wool we choose"

i think i've only met one and he's not even that famous. ajay naidu (sameer naienanajaaran from office space). he was at some lounge i was at - friend of a friend. i was totally star stuck - young and stupid. he was nice and insanely high. he also had lots of weird things with him - such as some indian herbs. i wasn't sketched out - i just thought it was strange...cause who carries that stuff around with them?

Back in 1992 I was on a car rental bus w/ Dennis Hopper. He was there with his trophy wife and young son. I was surprised he was taking a Hertz rental car.

I once met the founders of Cones. They were dicks.

Close, I got a real good look at Nicholas Cage's Bentley. The whole trunk was filled with a sound system. The car had been in an accident in California, was trucked to New Jersey for repair. And we know the owner of the repair shop.

I met Bono in Pittsburgh one time. It was OK…I don’t really go out of my way to meet famous people, but the person I was with hauled ass as soon as he learned that Bono had entered the building. He was nice enough. Pretty short…tall boots!

Gov. Whitman Twice (Big deal). An actor from the original Star Trek Pilot. He got killed off. When I asked him he he was the actor in Star Trek he yelled at me, "I don't want to talk about it", and stormed out of the bar!

Haven't physically met any, but have been in casual settings with many at parties. Just seeing them in a casual, non "spotlight" settings was good enough for me. You don't want to be that "crazy autograph person".

I met the WWF wrestler Bam Bam Bigelow at Great Adventure, but it was quick, so there was no awkwardness. I met John The Stutterer from the Howard Stern show (if you can even call him famous) on the street in Philly after a crazy night of partying. I remember nothing of what I said to him. When I was in Vegas, I went out to dinner with Christina from The Real World Paris. She was a really cool chick. And last, but not least, I worked with Ryan Dunn at this welding place for 2 years while I was in college. He's was on Jackass, Viva La Bam and even had his own show on MTV recently called Homewrecker. It's weird to see one of your friends on TV, while you're sitting at home, eating fig newtons...with your pants off.

At backstage 'meet and greets'. Just a few quicks words while they signed a cd... not like we talked at length and I'm on a first name basis with them. I've met Aimee, Sarah and Tori. No Ani, she wouldn't come off of her bus.

the rock and roll Meatloaf. I was back stage looking thru the curtains. He was playing the drums and his sweat was spraying all over me!!!!! I always wondered what the crowd was thinking with me and the curtin wrapped aroung my head directly behind Meatloaf!!! There was about 40 cartains of beer and the smell of pot was so bad I got high just breathing it!!!

sat next to Oliver Platt, he is huge and fat, almost ran over Julia Stiles....but didn't luckily, Played softball with Matthew Broderick, very down to earth and nice guy, George Stephanopulous likes to talk loudly on his phone. met other slew of global celebrities...but my life still sucks

*looks in mirror*…yes, i have. it was fun.

i was on a 12 hour flight with my favorite band ever and stood directly behind them in line for customs, but i was too nervous (and tired!) to say anything to them. i also sold cigarettes to one of the guys in ween a bunch of times, his mom came in the store once looking for a magazine because her son was on the cover and she was all excited.

a few....Joe Montana was a really cool guy. Sinbad was an arrogant ahole. Ken Griffey Jr. was pretty cool too

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

QOTD: vday

question of the day: what is your opinion on events such as valentines day? is it a wonderful joyous occasion to share with someone you love, or a vast conspiracy hatched by the greedy greeting card industry, or somewhere in the middle? do you think it is necessary to dedicate a whole day every year to love in the form of vday?

somewhere in the middle... it's a real pain in the ass when it falls on a Tuesday!

i'm only in it for the candy.

Hmm…it’s probably someplace in the middle, but it’s all about how you approach it. Sure, we’re encouraged to equate heart with dollar, but that’s a personal choice. I say, have fun!

Valentine's Day is for married guys. If you're ten years into a marriage, there is this understanding that if you give her flowers and/or chocolates, she'll give you some sex. This, of course, shows that all women are (fundamentally) whores. Not that there is anything wrong with that! I just want to see a rate card.

it's a great day to celebrate, however should not be the only day one is treated nicely

my wife and I celebrate everyday so V-Day is basically just another day to us. But yes, we do get eachother something and share.

It is a vast conspiracy hatched by the greedy greeting card industry and by the sheep who want to be loved extra one day of the year. I am sure that they will get their wish....Valentines day sucks!

two words: Hallmark Holiday. I'm not even gonna bother writing about sheep on this one

i think its kind of lame. if i were a guy - i'd HATE valentines day - cause there's all this pressure. and if you are a girl that never gets anything, you feel like a loser. plus - i think its dumb to spend 60 bucks on flowers - everything is over inflated. but it is nice to be remembered and i think because americans are generally unromantic, you kinda need these holidays to bring out the love. too bad people don't do all this stupid love stuff on some random wednesday just cause its fun

I think it is a crock. There shouldn’t be a special day set aside. If the person you’re with doesn’t realize you love them and appreciate you in the same way then there are much bigger problems in your relationship then flowers on a predetermined special day could ever resolve. It’s a moneymaking scam designed to make people guilty for either not spending enough or not having a valentine.

I think it's just another "Hallmark" holiday for companies to cash in on. You shouldn't need a day designated for you to show your significant other that you love them. These things would be much more special to that person if they were done on just some random day. Not to mention that it makes some single people feel like crap.

You just can't win on this holiday. If you're in a relationship, you're like "My lord, do I really have to buy a bunch of [expletive] for this [expletive] right now? All I want to do is chill." And if you're single, you're like "I'm such a loser. I'm sitting at home, alone, watching the food network on Valentine's day...with my pants off."

Greedy Greeting Card Industry? Ouch I said that too fast and sprained my spleen. I think love should be celebrated early and often and what better way to say thanks for the love, you should be on your way now, here's cab fare, than with an ornately decorated Valentines Day card. Keep up the good work greedy greeting card companies!

This so-called holiday is a bunch of crap. The end.

It's both. The commercialness of it all has gotten totally out of control. Then again, it's nice to have some time dedicated to your honey. Then again, if you don't have a honey, you might get more depressed and kill yourself. So in other words, Hallmark is responsible for any suicides on Feb 14th.

vd is lame

i hate the idea of giving gifts of love just because society thinks on 2/14 is should. Like always, thanksgiving rules.

I say no....if you wait for this one day out of the whole year to express your love and/or do something special for your partner, then you have bigger problems. This day should be about relaxing and laughing at those dumbos who go the extravagant routes and feed the economy.

Monday, February 13, 2006

QOTD: accessible

question of the day: A blind UC Berkeley student is suing Target Corp., saying the retailer is violating the civil rights of those who cannot see because its Web site is inaccessible to them. – What is your reaction?
link to article

he probably discovered a loophole like site not being section 502 compliant under the federal regulations or something and decided to seize the litigious opportunity

i hate people that sue major companies for bullsh!t. Aren't ALL websites inaccessible??? Companies do not have an obligation to cater to every disability when it comes to customer service. They already do at the employment level! I think it's outrageous. Look, I'm all for doing what you can, but suing them???!!!

xxxx:I don't see the point
me: what do you mean?
xxxx: get it "see"

i don't know if they can really win that law suit. i'm not a lawyer (obviously, cause i work here), but its not something most websites do at this point. i think it would be wise from a business standpoint to make sure you have the widest reach possible (specially if you a majority of your sales are coming via the internet) - but not neccessary.

No lawsuit should be filed. It is Target who is losing out on business if a blind person can not use their site. There are bigger problems in this country (and world) than a web site that does not cater to the blind. What's next, a lawsuit against Playboy because of the same thing?

That's just ridiculous. Would Target have someone walk around the store with the student describing every item? I don't think so.

ugh, can't insert the pictures for my answer... they are here: link to answer

he's pretty smart. i think it's a valid point

I say screw the blind. Like they'd know what they bought anyway. Even if the software was present to tell them that it was a red sweater, they don't even know what red is. Would they even know it was red when it arrived? "Waaa, waaa, my civil rights are being violated." Bunch of babies.

you have got to be kidding me. i'd take a gun and shot him in the head - hey, at least he won't see it coming

Uh...if you're blind does it really matter if you can get to a site or not? Can you really see the difference between the Black dressers on sale vs. the Brown one? What's next....gonna sue GM when they crash their car trying to access a drive through at McDonalds and read the brail menu? I had a couple of blind sheep try and sue me once over the fact they couldn't access the main grazing field because of steep inclines that would have killed them. We settled the case and I'm happy to report we reached an agreement where the finest grass could be brought to them (although a few didn't like this policy and tried to walk down the incline....may they rest in peace)

while it may be true that for the law to actually apply, you have have dealings with the government, its no excuse for taking shortcuts in the code and using substandard practices. its like not putting up a wheelchair ramp because "not many people use wheelchairs anyway."

Hmm... I think he has somewhat of a valid point... consumer facing website have an obligation to be accessible to "all" consumers.

There is no law stating Target's site has to be usable by the blind. I find it odd that Wal-Mart doesn't have a pending lawsuit as well. Their site has two different entrances-- one for whites and one for 'coloreds'.

ADA is a good law. Accessibility should be built in right away into media as opposed to an after thought. Equality for humans in all dimensions. Not just Men-Women. Either deal with less-complete or handicapped people the Hitler way or consider them an equal human. Since no one wants to admit to the Adolf way, we should provide them all we can to not make them feel special.
That said, private companies are out there to make money by catering to a specific market. Only the government and its agencies are not catering to a specific market. So the government & its agencies should comply with ADA. I think instead of suing the company, the person to enter a public-interest_litigation kind of lawsuit and to force Target or any other company to comply. It’s like suing the USAF for not taking a blind man to pilot the stealth-bomber.
This whole suing thing is silly and ends up costing us. Soon you will see a line item on your telephone bill.
BPAPB Charge:$0.73
(BPAPB: A palindrome expanded to Blind People Accessible Phone Book)

Friday, February 10, 2006

QOTD: you're only as good as the last good thing you did

question of the day: what was the last good movie you saw?


brokeback mountain - was awesome!

the Matador was not too bad

Now I remember!! The Blue Lagoon

The Matador. it was pretty good. About an aging hit man played by Pierce Brosnan.

I have a ten month old. I don't get to see movies. On video, it would have to be a double feature of 40 Year Old Virgin/Wedding Crashers

The Matador

The 40 year old virgin

the new zorro wasn't too bad

xxxx: dude, movies are so 2003
me: movie can mean dvd too
xxxx: dude, dvds are so 2004. I only watch commercials in HD

The Interpreter

The Truth About Sheep and Hookers

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

If 'good' is the only qualifier, the last movie that I watched (just last weekend) was "The Bourne Supremacy". It was 'good'. I still have quite a stack to watch, maybe this week's selection will be better. Maybe if I rented porn, my chances of seeing a good movie would go up. I mean, those movies ALWAYS have happy endings!

Broken Flowers—you just have to love Bill Murray. He’s on my wish-he-was-my-uncle list. Is that weird? Oh well…

Munich. One of the best I've seen in a long time.

crash. i don't know if i especially liked it, but it certainly makes you think.

oooh - i saw two good movies recently. i watched 'hustle and flow'. great acting and good music. and after a really long time, i saw 'bend it like beckham' - that movie gets funnier everytime you watch it. and there's something really cool about a girl running onto a soccer field in a pink sari.

Thursday, February 09, 2006

QOTD: company for sale

question of the day: the sale! how will this affect you and your job? is this a good thing? will anything change?

i don't appear to be as worried as other people...It could be a good thing because i thought [company] did not treat us too great. Yes, things will change..hopefully, for the better

no clue - this could be great or we could almost all lose our jobs. luckily we have a little bit of time to sort thru things, but i don't think i'm going to stick around till the end to find out.


of course, whoever buys the company will try to restructure it. but first...they will fire this dude who annoys everyone and wastes company time by asking QOD

A new company will probably want more automation than what we have now. The good news is that there will be jobs available to teach the robots to surf the internet, gravitate toward free food, and smoke out back.

Don’t know how it will affect my job. Could be good, or it could be bad, but I am still concerned. I think the sale overall is a good thing. As far as things changing, I think it really depends on who buys us.

I'm worried how this might affect "cones"

its still too much information for me to really realize what all this means at this point. i don't know if it will really affect my job - and quite honestly, i don't know if i care - cause i'm young enough and in a position to easily find something else if need be. i don't think the change is good -- cause we are being sold - its not like someone saw the potentional in [company] and offered [company] a bid for us. i think the change may be fine and good for a lot of people...but not me, cuase i came on thinking i was working for [company]. the name meant something to me.

I would check to see if Wawa will take you back...The good news is that these things tend to be motivating... like in, get you're resume polished up...the nice thing is that even if there were cuts we probably have at least 6 months before anything happens. that's a nice chunk of time to get your ass in gear and to see what else is out there.

It really depends who picks us up on what will change....I'm hoping coppertone will acquire us...my dream will then be still alive to be the offical dude who rubs suntan lotion on the coppertone models

I don't think that our jobs will be affected by the sale as far as our day-to-day tasks are concerned, assuming that our jobs aren't cut. I can definitely see this as a good thing, since we don't really fit well with the [other companies]. Maybe if we find a better fit with a new company, we will be seen as the focus/future of this new company rather than as a dead weight, which could lead to more revenue. Things that I can see changing are: our location, our benefits and possible downsizing, but let's try to remain positive here people...oops, I forgot, you're all cynical...

Well, considering this is not my primary job.....I'll be fine. The Sheep might get more attention which will make them very happy, but we'll see

if we get bought by a regular company, fine. if we get bought by a competitor, whats to stop them from shutting us down?

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

QOTD: cartoons

question of the day: what is your opinion of the controversial editorial cartoons from denmark and the reaction towards them? Should they have been published? http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/4692318.stm

I have noticed that tv channels and daily prints often run mocking and hateful illustrations of other religions, especially Jews, and Muslims around the world stay quiet. Um....why the hypocrisy. And bigger issue over here is them getting all uppity about a few cartoons, but there are oppressive governments that are allowing certain western countries to occupy their land. Where is their outrage?

With all the jokes about sheep going around these days people just need to suck it up and get over it. It’s a joke!!! You don’t see me getting all bent ot of shape, do ya? How many times is that Italian, American, Irish, German, Polish, etc person going to walk into that same bar and not expect to get made fun of?!?! It’s a joke people….relax or I’ll start swinging with my shepherd hook.

i love cheeze danish

i have not seen the cartoons, so i don't have an opinion. although, free speech is free speech - can't have a double standard.

They're F*!#ing cartoons! Who cares? Everyone's gotta chill out

i can't really tell if these are actually offensive or not, but in either case, violence isn't the answer

Get a life. Not you. them

i think they are making WAY too much of a deal about it...and yes, they should have been posted

Wait, those are the ones that make fun of their God, right? Isn't that the guy who's always trying to get the cereal, but the kids won't let him? Oh no, that's the Trix Rabbit. Sorry, I get them confused because they're both made up.

i firmly believe in the freedom of speech - but the cartoons were blatently racist. in the US - no one would dare draw cartoons that made fun of hasidic jews or the recently deceased pope and if they did [just for arguments sake] - the moment people took offense to it...they would stop printing them. however, in the case of denmark - when muslims voiced their objections...they claimed freedom of speech and in support other european countries printed the cartoons. who does that??? but then the whole situation got wayyyy out of hand - burning buildings and embassies - what the hell? the reaction is soooooooo extreme - that i just think its all just STUPID.

I think Terrorists are inciting the violence and this is just one more excuse to use religion as a weapon. Their stance is hypocritical since they have cartoons in Muslim newspapers mocking the Jews and defacing the Jewish religion. It's an outrage that they want sympathy from the US, we should sit back and let them fight amongst themselves until they are extinct.

the guy must have known what an uproar something like that would have caused, so this is on the same level as yelling fire in a crowded building. printing something shocking in a newspaper just for the reaction is not news.

Yes, they should have been published.
Islam prohibits visual representation of Prophet (or almost anything for that matter). That’s for practitioners of that faith/religion. Non-Practitioners do not have to follow anything about the religion. Islam is a practiced world-wide, its not some private little rule book, its public domain. One should be able to discuss anything publicly and debate publicly.
I see the violence as defense mechanism on the part of the people who are not comfortable criticism or (mis) representation of their religion in any other media/form.
If someone makes a mockery of my religion, I will ask him what he is trying to say or do, reason it out as how bad it is and then may be ask the editor to publish my disagreement. Anything that is as archaic as the Koran/Quran is bound to have holes after couple of centuries, its called inability to predict future in its full detail and publish guidelines for living.
I understand that people who are resorting to violence are just venting their disbelief, engaging in a violent reaction that questions your faith in a non-violent manner.
Where are these people when people of their faith kill hundreds of people just to prove a point? Where was their sense of disbelief on 9/11, where was their disbelief when they bombed Bali. It is boiling down to a matter of choices – when I feel like it I will be in disbelief and not do anything about it. They did not say anything when Gulbuddin Hekmatiyar ordered demolition ancient Buddhist sites in Afghanistan as Taliban was chasing him (1998 ish time frame).
These were cartoons; the thing about cartoons is that they exaggerate. Welcome to the new age where newer (visual) metaphors have taken ground. If your book did not teach you how to make bombs, you went ahead and learnt it from somewhere else; do the same things to bring your self up-to speed with civilization learn and adapt then interpret.

Friday, February 03, 2006

QOTD: the honeymoon is over

question of the day: where did you go for your honeymoon? if you haven't yet, where do you want to go (assuming you can go anywhere in the world and cost isn't a consideration)?

i really want to go to mauritius (a tiny country above madagascar) or the maldives. fiji islands and bora bora work for me as well. when the time comes - i will just tell my man to pick one and i'll be happy with any of those four. the key is: remote island destinations. no europe, no mexico, and no carribean.

Maui. or your house. whichever is closer

Hmm…a cross-continental extravaganza would be nice!

Newark, NJ

a cruise around the world

I really want to go to the poconos and stay in one of those cheesy hotel rooms with the martini glass hot tub. That's romance, baby! That could also explain why I'm not married yet.

We did not go on a honeymoon because we had $1000 between us when we got married. However, we did celebrate our 20th anniversary in Bermuda.

got to go on two... first was a week in Sea Isle City and then to Playa del Carmen Mexico a few months later. Would definitly go back.

No fair. People that haven't gone yet get to fantasize and I'm stuck in reality. Just kidding. We went to Sandals Whitehouse on the south coast of Jamaica. It was great. I'd love to go again. There's nothing better than an all-inclusive resort.

I would like to go to Hawaii

graceland, so we can live like kings!

1st Honeymoon: Jamaica
2nd Honeymoon: Island off the the state of Salvador, Brazil

I have not had one yet, but if money were not an object, I would like to go to Ireland where I would golf, drink, golf, drink, golf, drink, etc. Perhaps I'd go see some pubs as well and experience the culture a bit, as long as it doesn't interfere too much with the golf, drink thing that I've got going on...

New Jersey!
The Serengeti, Kashmir, Nepal & Tasmania

We went to the Rivera Maya in Mexico for 9 days and 8 nights. An all-inclusive resort with the golf package. We played golf 4 out of the nine days. The best part was that the all inclusive package carried over to the golf course so every time the beer girl came around all we had to say was, “Cuatro Dos Equis por favor!” It was fantastic.

Vegas. Lots of hookers. Gotta love those hookers...

I'm married to my work. It would have to be Scotland....have you seen the grass over there?!?!?! It's perfect for them!!!

You're barking up the wrong tree with all of that honeymoon talk because I'm never getting married. If I had to go one place in the world without a nagging fiancé you ask, I would go to Vienna, to see where my ancestors came from.

new zealand of course! get married in tekapo, a couple of days in the bay of islands, then we'll go to hot water beach and cathredral cove on the coromandel peninsula for awhile, and end the trip in whakatane.

xxxx: I have been on way too many unmarried honeymoons to remember all the places
me: ok just 1 or 2 then
xxxx: ok, her bedroom
xxxx: and my bedroom

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

QOTD: surprise! you're fired.

question of the day: given the current trend of out-of-state out-sourcing, do you see any concerns for job security in the next 5 years?

Out-sourcing is not a true problem. It is an effect caused by the so-called solution to another problem--the need for higher profits. I find that over-population is a bigger problem! People need to stop breeding beyond two children (enough to replace each parent) because it puts a strain on so many resources. You are more likely to get a job if there are fewer people applying. It's simple supply and demand. Why do you think countries with a billion people have such low wages? Because they have so many people to pick from, there is little room for salary negotiating.

I can always be a hooker. I think I would make a good hooker

out of state? u mean out of country. and no - the type of work i do isn't effected by this.

No, not for what I do.

Nah....shepherds are in high demand in the tri-state area after the "dot com" era came to a crash. I'll be laughing all the way to the bank and fields

hell yes. having witnessed the out-sourcing environment first hand, it is clear that these countries are churning out supremely educated, better trained, well-disciplined and far more hungry employee pool, comparatively speaking. On top, the cost-benefits are an added bonus (as opposed to primary reason for out-sourcing). So the more they adapt and evolve from just being a back-office solution providers to American companies to becoming more proactive in field of R&D and global-market-consumer driven products and ideas, we lazy Americans are pretty soon going to lose our jobs, sleep and pants. AND I as an American see nothing wrong with that. that competitive nature made this country as great it is, nothing wrong with someone else doing the same

Not really. My current team is small enough not to be outsourced.

Yes, I see a huge problem with job security in the future. Companies are in business to make money, so if they can get other employees that work for less, they'd be dumb not to do it. With new technology emerging for telecommuting, such as webcasts and web conferences, there is no longer a need to have employees that live in close proximity to the building.

Hmmm -- I'm not sure. I guess you need to adapt to the changes and look for opportunities that outsourcing creates.

outsourcing fascinates me. it is scary - but also inevitable. as an international business major - i have the flexibility and desire to move globally with opportunities. within the next five years - as more technology and business shifts to asia - i'd like to work with a company that works towards helping the US and Asia simultaneously. so i think it will affect me, but positively (or so i hope). in a business development/marketing role

i don't work in security.

bite me.

you would have to be a fool to not have concerns...however, i hope the goverment steps in and starts taxing the crap out of the companies doing it (like [company])

Out of state? Like someone who lives in PA and works in NJ, effectively taking away a job from a 'garden stater'? Those people make me sick!

Not really. It's hard to shovel sh!t from overseas.

I could be at home playing Legos, but no. I'm stuck at work.

I've got the best idea for a project here at the office.

Let's hire a couple of people over the course of a year. Let's let them spend a lot of time, money, and effort on building and maintaining a system. Let's even pull in a few people from other areas to help out.

Once the system is built and the team starts to get positive recognition for it. Let's throw out that system entirely and start to build something else.

That's not business application development. That's playing Legos with a four year old.

I just wanted to clear that up for you.