QOTD: later losers
question of the day: what has been your favorite question asked? favorite answers?
you miss the sheep don't you?
ummmmmm......the one where most of us answered "you will go blind" the person who has a fascination with sheep and hookers...they were all funny
i can't come up with a single question (considering there were hundreds) but i have to say you had quite a few philosophical questions that i actually had to sit and think about before i responded - i really enjoyed those - and the ones i got to be political and start fights on the board about
the one about which [company] employee I'd most want to stalk
the stomach punching question was great, all the questions asked about my weekend, the SAT question had great replies
"what do your nipples look like?" that was a great one! Not an answer, but I liked the comment on "my family came over FROM Ellis Island".... "That must have been some ferry ride."
Sometimes crappy potato chips are really good potato chips in disguise.
question of the day: do you believe in aliens (life on other planets)? why or why not? A: I think you might be an alien.
“What products would you never buy generic?”
“which countries have the best/worst food?”
ack -i want to look through the blog and really find my favorites, but its taking too long. but generally, i liked the food and traveling related questions. some of my favorite questions are: 'if you could have only one, what would you pick between books, music, or beer, and why?', 'do you have any tattoos? if yes, what are they?', 'what is the most embarrassing thing that has happened to you while at work?' . and the best answer of all time was when someone said 'my boo' (referring to his gf) in an answer.. and books=brains=success=money=women to the above mentioned question.
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