Tuesday, February 21, 2006

QOTD: anger management

question of the day: what is the angriest you’ve ever gotten at work? (please try to be as nonspecific as possible)

well, it takes a lot to get me angry to the point that i show it... but one time i got so pissed off at a boss that he called me insubordinate. Unfortunately for him he was fired about a week later due to unrelated matters. That what he gets for pissing me off!!

Ba... i'm taking the 5th.... it takes a lot to get me that angry, but it does happen very rarely

I've punched someone before. Across a meeting room table. Right in the face. She deserved it.

There are so many, I’d have to pick. If I have to repeat something to someone 3 or more times, I am very angry at that point. Recently I got so angry that I had to remove my sweater to cool down, some one misquoted me.

One time, with my old boss at a different division of the current conglomerate that i work for... we were at a client meeting where i was actually the only person in the room that knew what was going on and how things operated... the clients were all talking at once, and she was talking some kind of useless gibberish, so i finally spoke up to clarify the situation... she KICKED MY CHAIR AND SHUSHED ME!!! I got up and walked out. I guess I could have gotten fired, but she was an evil oppressor to begin with, so I didn't care anymore. I told her if she ever did anything like that ever again, I would go to HR and report her absurd and childish behavior. She apologized and tried to explain herself. I went to HR anyway because she was evil and I took great pleasure in her being forced to apologize to me in front of her boss, the VP of operations... LOL. Evil bitch. She still works for said VP to this day and knows that if I had the opportunity to ruin her I would.

Ok, so I was working on this one issue with my sheep Carl and Tammy, when in storms Ralph with complaints about how there isn't enough water and how this wasn't an issue in the past, but it is now.....blah blah blah. I tried very hard to ask him to wait until I was done with the other two before we got to his issues, but he just kept on going. Finally, he said (in the presence of the other two sheep) that I was the worst shepherd he's even seen. That was the final straw...I stood up and a fist fight almost broke out. Thank god Tammy was there to separate the both of us otherwise I would have sent him straight to the butcher!

The moment immediately following the announcement of my small raise. Look for it again this year!

when there was reverse discrimination at my old job-i called them on it but they refused to do anything about it (one particular person was getting extra special treatment) so i accused my boss of sleeping with her, quit on the spot, packed my stuff up and never looked back

When I arrived late one casual friday everyone was naked and gambling..I was overdressed and had forgotten my wallet. I never get the good memos! It makes me sooo angry!

at this job, i've had more than one occasion where i had the solution to a problem, but yet, no one listens to me. the last time this happened, i had to explain to the person 5 times what needed to be done, and he still didn't listen to me until i brought someone more "knowledgeable" with me to explain to him the exact same thing i was trying to tell him! i was furious

i've only gotten angry once at another coworker who spoke loudly to me. no one does that. i was freaking livid.

the friday before [a major project]. My manager told me that a bug that if i did not fix a bug that was found on Friday morning that I would be responsible for it not launching...I told him it was a bug with the drivers we were using and we could not just change drivers now...he said, i don't care, find another way....I quit right there on the spot....I came back though and i really let him have it....To make a long story short, from Friday-Monday i worked a total of around 50 hours

One day I delegated an important task to someone for a very important project, and it was not done properly and finished with no errors. I had to redo it and found many many problems

Hah! Umm…I think I plead the fifth!

hookers at work who say one amount and charge another

After I hung up, I yelled that the woman I just talked to was a c&^t. Pretty much the whole story in a nutshell. My profanity wasn't too appreciated by my fellow employees

At my old job I was in charge of customer service. Through the years I had built up a pretty thick skin and not much bothered me. Except this: I once had a 16 year old and his mother conference call me and proceed to scream at me in a combination of Chinese and English. I couldn’t get a word in and the little punk kid kept yelling, “What the fxxk? How could you fxxkin do this to me? What is fxxking wrong with you people? You’re all a$$holes!” all while his mother was simultaneously screaming at the top of her lungs at me in broken English and Chinese yelling “You are a riar! You rie! I hate you, you riar!!” I asked them to stop swearing at me, I asked them to stop yelling so we could have a conversation about the problem; they wouldn’t. I put them on hold and went into my boss and told him he had to take the call because if I had to take another second of that abuse I’d fxxking start swearing back and then we’d have an even bigger motherfxxking problem on our hands. I turned around and walked out of his office, went back to my desk and transferred the call, and proceeded to bang the headset into my desk until it popped open and the wires fell out.


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