Friday, July 28, 2006

QOTD: 4 sale

question of the day: what is your opinion of the events of the last few days? is this a good thing? will anything change?


status quo - i seriously doubt anything will change.

Good luck to all of you who have dabbled in narcotics over the past month.

I'm pretty ambivalent. Nothing significant will change. "Meet the new boss. Same as the old boss."

What did I miss?

i think it may be a good thing but only time will tell

the things that would have been best for me didn't happen, but thats probably for the best because the things that would be the best for me would be bad for everyone else

My "service engine soon" light came on, but I think I'll be ok.

i don't think it is a bad thing. we are a much better fit for growth working for the new organization. I think that once people accept the new benefits situation it will all be fine. most people are not going to get screwed, and if you have been through this before (which i have) it really isn't that bad, it could actually open new opportunities for some.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

QOTD: duh, hungary or turkey

question of the day: which countries have the best/worst food?

I've only been to a few countries but from all of my travelling I have to stick with America as having the best food. In America, especially New York City, you get the best food from around the world.

Although everyone typically knocks British food, I love it. Fish and chips, bangers and mash, I love it all. I especially love the English breakfast of eggs, grilled tomatoes, mushrooms and beans. I also love Polish food like kielbasa and pierogis because I grew up eating it all the time. I love food; I don’t think I’ve ever really had anything that I didn’t like. Caribbean, British, Mexican-it’s all good to me.

worst food- the Netherlands. best food- Spain, italy

America has the best food by far, not only in terms of taste and variety, but in terms of cleanliness as well. The rest of the countries can not even compare.

Going to the Olive Garden is like visiting Italy, right?

Countries with the best food:
1. India
2. Italy
3. Thailand
4. Singapore
5. America
…Never been to Korea, Spain, Greece, Turkey, or Morocco but I’m going to guess the food is great…perhaps even over take some on my current list.
Countries with the worst food:
1. England
Countries with cold climates - no appreciation for spice and variety are probably on my shit list. I’m going to guess Russian food is pretty crappy as well (by that criteria).

best: Spain--pallella, tortilla espanola, tapas--how can you go wrong? Worst: Czech Republic--while goulash is delish, after a few weeks you start wondering why there are no vegetables in the country (they win for best beer though)

italy has by far the best food, but coming in a close second are eastern/southeastern asia (chinese, japanese, thai, vietnamese). the worst, which is thus far the only food i've ever tried and just can't eat cause i thought i was going to get sick was indian

best: mexico, worst: uk

I haven't been to many different countries, so I'll say the US has the best, esp. Texas for its close proximity to giant authentic burritos. The worst to my tastebuds' knowledge was Iceland. Things were slimy, there were weird sauces, and the beacon was raw. ugh.

best italy, worst ireland

germany and amsterdam have the best food.

Mexico? Oh, I don’t think so. Any country that uses only a handful of ingredients [corn, tequila, cheese, beans, hot sauce and (insert random meat here)] can’t be a contender. No variety. Besides, you can’t even drink their water without getting Montezuma's Revenge.
England? I don’t even want to hear, “but they have great Indian food there.” That’s not even their own cuisine. What do the Brit’s have to offer? Fish & Chips wrapped in a dirty newspaper. Yuck. Probably a crowd favorite for worst.
France (of course we surrender)? Rumor has it that they have it hands down. Although their whole cookbook is based on making something “tasty” out of something not normally thought of as food. The jury (me) has not decided on the French. They seem to have a knack for cooking things that people want to pay a lot of money to eat.
Korea? Dogs & cats, as in they eat them. Enough said.
Countries of Africa? Its a desert. Nothing grows there. The cows are hungry for God’s sake.
USA? I would honestly lean to our homeland, but “American Cuisine” is more of a hodge podge of everything else. We may have a great variety of interesting and delectable dishes, I don’t think of any of them being all that unique. You don’t see other countries doing their interpretations of American Cuisine.
India? Even if you don’t order something with curry (which can be good), you leave reeking of it. And where’s the pasta? Gotta have pasta.
Japan? OK, you may not have gotten beyond the whole “raw” thing, but you have to admit, their presentation is spectacular. If you have any sense for design, you probably hold Japan close to your heart.
Italy? De-Licious.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

QOTD: existentialism 101

question of the day: sartre wrote that "hell is other people." what do you think hell is?

Working on [project]

I can give you the address to hell: [office address]

hell is a fictional place made up to keep people in line. life is hell.

to quote John Milton: The mind is its own place, and in itself, can make heaven of Hell, and a hell of Heaven.

maybe hell is this bonecrusher video that i keep watching

I prefer singing devil robots.

Hell is stupid people, not other people. The world would be a much better place if stupidity hurt. Ok, rant over. Hell is probably alcohol and drug free, they serve only organic and healthy food. They play re-runs of Alf, Who’s the Boss and Mr. Belevedere. Hell is most likely 95 degrees with 95% humidity. Hell is like being stuck in a non-stop traffic jam driving a 76 Pacer with no air conditioning and an AM radio that plays Muzak 24-7.

Hell is a place that was made up almost 7000 years ago, in order to keep order. With no threat of something as bad as hell, there would have been chaos. There were no jails and no laws back then, so the leaders had to come up with something to strike fear into the people. The fear that if they wronged their fellow man, that there would be severe consequences. With the advent of laws and modern day super-max prisons, I think that the threat of this fictional place is no longer needed.

Hell is a mushroom cloud 30 seconds after you get your 15 minutes of fame. Hell is finally catching that leprechaun for his pot of gold and discovering that he has a gambling problem. Hell is finally dating that really hot model you've been chasing for two years and discovering she used to be a man. Hell is your boss taking the last cup of coffee and not making a fresh pot. Hell is someone going on ad nauseum about what hell is...oops

i agree with that quote. there are definately people capable of making life hell. but in addition, i think ignorance and a close minded outlook on life brings hell into your own life. futhermore, human toture and gradual death seems far worse than "hell" as we know it.

hell is where all my friends will be

a really small crowded plane, with crying babies and a large religious group post convention
Hell in the majority of all faiths is associated to suffering. This is so in the Christian beliefs (see link). Since I am Christian, I will focus on this faith.
Contrary to what is taught in the majority of all Christian churches though, hell is, in Hebrew-Sheol and Greek-Hades. Both literally translate to resting ground or the common grave. Nowhere does the bible say that if you are bad you are eternally tortured in hell when you die. This idea was adopted into the Christian religion after the death of Christ.

Wicker Furniture (painted white = double trouble)
Any vegetable that tastes like chalk, IE. Lima beans, chick peas, brussels sprouts, etc
Lace doilies
Oral surgery
Being asphyxiated in a toilet

hell is a place you go if you lived your life like an asshole.

if there is a hell, i would think it would resemble a twilight zone episode. the worst thing you've ver done would be done to you for eternity, or whatever your greatest fear is would happen to you for eternity. hell has to be sadistic, or its just false advertising.

Hell is drinking too much at a bar and standing in line for the bathroom whilst some takes a crap. Who does that? No one should ever leave the kids in a bar crapper! And then you have to go and withstand the stank...

Monday, July 24, 2006

QOTD: miss me?

question of the day: does money = happiness? why or why not?

While I don't think there is a direct correlation between money and happiness I do think that money does make it easier to be happy. Anything that helps alleviate stress and anxiety can ultimately lead to greater happiness. Unfortunately the grass isn't always greener. Most of the time when you read about lottery winners you hear about how miserable their life has become. I think money whether you have it or not is often the cause of unhappiness. It is quite often the root of divorce, crime, murder, cheating, etc. For me, financial security and comfort does make me happier. I am usually stressed when I don't feel I have enough money. But money is only one source of happiness and at the end of the day what really makes me happy is my family, my friends, my health. As long as I have a good support network then the money becomes less significant. Oh, I am a materialistic bastard though... I like my toys and I'm much happier when I can buy them

Money doesn't buy you happiness but sure can buy you lots of hookers!!

nope - but i still want A LOT of bling bling.

I think Biggie said is best…” Mo money mo problems”

maybe money doesn't equal happiness, but it sure doesn't equal unhappiness either

partly but not entirely... you don't see destitute or homeless people thrilled about their conditions. You need money to afford things in life and take care of yourself. On the flip side, excess of money doesn't ensure you'll be happier than others.... usually quite the opposite. Money can't BUY happiness. it only ensures a roof over your head etc

money=problems. its important to have enough to afford a comfortable living situation, but the more money you have, the more useless crap you will acquire, or the more selfish you become. its a fact that poor people give more money to charity than rich. so f them.

I think in certain circumstances it can mean a little more happiness. If there is a good couple, but they are having trouble paying bills this can lead to frustration and cause marital problems that wouldn't be there if the money problems weren't there. In general though, if it wasn't there before the money it ain't gonna be there after the money.

$ = not having to worry about $ when wanting to do stuff that you want to do. So in my mind $ = happiness

money can buy you things that make you happy and lack of money can cause unhappiness, but overall, if your mind/heart/soul isn't happy, no amount of money in the world can make you happy

If you have respect for money to begin with, you'll be fine. Otherwise, your character flaws are just exacerbated by the increased cash flow.

no, but it sure does help!

Having money to spend makes me happy. Not having money to buy the things I wand and to pay my bills makes me unhappy. But really, that is anxiety which only affects my happiness. In general, I am most happy when I am around friends, family and having a feeling that I am fulfilling a purpose in this life.
The TODAY show the other week noted that couples in areas of the country with higher incomes and adequate affordable housing (is that possible) who had the higher incomes were not the happiest. Rather, couples with a low to mid income reported to be the most happy, according to their pole.

money = common basis of a system of fairly exchanging goods and services
happiness = individual self-fulfillment and increase of joy
Does a "common basis of a system of fairly exchanging goods and services" equal "individual self-fulfillment and increase of joy"? Not to me.
But perhaps you are asking, "Does money lead to happiness?" In other words, is there a causal relationship? Nope:
There exist people who have money who aren't happy.
There exist people without money who are happy.
Strike two. Last try: "CAN money lead to happiness." Again, not really.
I win the lottery.
Free from the need to work to earn money, I quit my job.
I am happy to be not working anymore.
However, my happiness derives from the choice to quit working, not from the money.
And this is only a temporary lift, anyhow. It won't last unless I can find a path to self-fulfillment.
Strike three.

$ = high price hookers. high price hookers = happiness. therefore, money = happiness. QED.

It may not buy happiness, but it can certainly help alleviate some stress.
It would be nice not to have to worry about car payments, mortgage payments and all of the assorted bills on a monthly basis. However, I don’t think it is the be all, end all to happiness.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

QOTD: good

question of the day: what is something you will never be good at?


i can't draw to save my life.


singing, playing the piano, and basketball. =( oh and high level mathematics is on that list as well

Being ugly, cuz I'm so good looking!


Sports. A back injury prevents me from being good at any physical sport like football and hockey. Not that I am a sports fiend. I can enjoy by watching and being a good water boy. Mama said that fuzball iz the devil.

swimming, acting, singing

Giving birth

sports. i'm just not coordinated and i have to accept that.

playing music. i have taken cello lessons, piano lessons and guitar lessons and cannot play a stinkin' note. it sucks. i wanted to be a rock star or something; instead, i work here.


being smart

I’d like to think there isn’t such a thing.

Monday, July 10, 2006

QOTD: weapons

question of the day: could you work for a company who's main source of income came from the manufacture of weapons? why or why not?

Nah…it wouldn’t be rewarding in the non-financial sense, so it’d be pointless to me. I’m not saying I’d demonize someone who would choose to work in that setting, however, but simply that it’s not for me.

Yes, yes I could. With no objection at all, as long as I could get a discounted mac 9 to use in the streets. Word.

yes - because weapons are also used to protect and defend society

Would not be my first choice for an employer. It would bother me to work for a company who manufactures weapons. However, we all pay taxes to a government who makes weapons. So go figure.

sure - why not? its not the guns that are dangerous, its the people whose hands get on the guns that are dangerous. and if it pays more than i get paid here - then i'm there!

do you know if they are hiring? yes, i would work there. I already work for a company that makes weapons.

no, it would be too dangerous for my co workers for me to be around weapons

yes. its all about the money

Depends on the weapon, and it's ammunition. It could really be a lot of fun...especually if you worked for the company that made super soakers..Imagine a meeting where everyone gets to bring their own....sign me up baby!

No. I have my own moral standards. Similarly, I wouldn't work for a place whose main income is from selling religious texts.

i dont think i would, but for the very vague reason of 'weapons are bad.' i think it would make me feel dirty and guilty, so i probably wouldn't even apply for a job at an evil weapons manufacturer.

That depends. A hunting rifle is a weapon, as well as any hunting knife. If the weapon is designed for the killing of human life, then no way. ( That is with the understanding that guns don't kill, people kill). I'm refering to auto-matic, semi-automatic military based weapons and anything designed to hurt, mane or kill human life. Anyone ever hear of thou shalt not kill?

Depends on what kind of weapons. Not really. If used properly anything would benefit mankind. But wait what about other beings on the planet – we never care about them. Weapons are known and accepted forms of destruction enablers. What about unknown or secret forms. Every thing is a weapon. Knifes, scissors, chairs, computers. So no I do not mind working for a company that makes weapons.

Friday, July 07, 2006

QOTD: one more time with feeling

question of the day: what is the most meaningful thing you own and why?

I've got the ring finger from the first person I ever killed. I keep it in my wallet. I suck on it sometimes.

Peace of mind.

A 2007 Mustang GT

my pets - they give me back more than any other possession possibly could.

the white gold compact my grandfather gave my grandmother for her birthday in 1946 with engraving on it

The most meaningful thing I own is a pocket knife that my dad gave me when I was 13. He engraved my name and "Merry Christmas" on it by hand. It's a little rusty now, but I still have it because it was very special to me at the time. That was the same year my dad got sick and died, so it's one of the last things he ever gave me.

Ooh. This is introspective. All things I own or have are meaningful in their own way. It is not possible to measure them with a ruler. I have to find out the least common multiple or the greatest common denominator. Can’t answer your question today.

its not something i own currently, but i will someday (or so i hope). there is ONE picture of my grandmother who died before i was born. we look very similiar and i hear from my relatives we share many qualities, so its special to me.

If this is one of those "what would you save from a burning house?" questions, I'll say the household pets. They're so pweshush.

My motorcycle. Nothing else on this earth brings me the same joy.

I have had the same acoustic guitar for the last 11 years. I call her Melinda, after the first girl I fell in love with, ever. Melinda has been by my side through almost all of my past relationships. The good and the bad. She has shared my experiences along the entire east coast and Canada. Through all friendships, experiences and emotions, she has been there to help me sound out the things I couldn’t put into words as well as assist in the things that I could. When there wasn’t someone to talk to or someone that could relate, Melinda has always been faithful. Scarred with the abuse of the road, she still sings as lovely as the birds on a spring morning. And yet still show her southern blues origins. The two of us have learned a lot from each other. She seems to know each note before I even play it. I could replace her for any newer fancier guitar, but it wouldn’t be Melinda.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

QOTD: superstitious

question of the day: what superstitions do you have, if any? what do you think of superstitions?

I think superstitions are as powerful as one allows them to be. Overall, I tend to be a superstition breaker (I jumped off a cliff on purpose in a dream...and survived). But...if I see an accident I always silently will people to be OK...somehow thinking it might help, I guess.

not really any superstitions but it's more like a minor case of OCD. Too many little things to list. One thing I do not do is think that based on my actions a professional sports team will not win or lose unlike some of my friends.

i have none at all

I have too many to list...I am very superstitious...For one, i have to put on my hockey equipment the same was every game...If i think i did something out of order, i start over

i have none that i can think of, but i generally think superstitions are silly and pointless. bad stuff happens a lot and that will probably never change.

i am very superstitious. i don't think you should say bad things because it gives the precedence of it actually happening. for example, if you have a fight with your friend/sibling or should never say 'you would go kill yourself' or something. i go nuts when people say stuff like that. i also believe in the 'evil eye' which can be either intentional or unintentional. intentional is when you are blatantly jealous of someone else's success or happiness and because of all that negative thinking, something bad happens to them. there are tons more, but those are what i am most conscious off.

I'm not superstitious, but I do notice when a black cat crosses my path or if I accidentally walk under a ladder. Sometimes I knock on wood, but I don't actually believe that it does anything. For the most part, superstitions are like organized religion -- if you believe in them, you're a sucker.

I will not throw money or step on it. Superstitious that it will throw me away when I need it most. Superstitions are great! Keeps the holder on tenterhooks

I don’t believe in superstitions. Superstitions are for the weak minded.

If I don’t answer the QOTD the world will end.

When I am driving I can only blink between telephone poles

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

QOTD: paris

question of the day: who is the most annoying celebrity, and why?

i hate oprah and dr. phil. i hate their pseudo-intellectual crap, and i hate their suggestions, and their domineering attitudes, and their retarded opinions, and their blank "listening faces."

paris hilton - cause she just will NEVER go away. i hate that b*tch

Paris Hilton because she has done nothing in her life but be rich and I want to be rich!!!

Britney Spears, an embarrassment to all white people.

Mayim Bialik. She's cute as a button! I hate buttons.

susan serandon......she should just shut the hell up already...I HATE HER. i want to punch her in her stomach

oh there are so many, but i really dislike cameron diaz cause of her super WIDE smile.. ughhh - so gross. and her laugh, jeez.

Paris hilton. Sleeps w.every guy but me

Hands down, Paris Hilton. She has done nothing other than win the genetic jackpot by being born into a family with money.

Helen Hunt because she has the most irritating voice ever. I wish she would just die.

tom cruise

Here are 2. Paris Hilton and Bill Murray. Paris is not a celebrity. She is a whore of a dumb blonde. All she does in her TV show is look stupid, take advantage of her host families and try to make them look inferior to herself. Her best scene in House of Wax was when she fell and her head landed on a pole. Do I even have to mention her new singing endeavor? Notice I did not say career. (I wonder if she is still single? Her night vision video wasn’t too bad)
Bill Murray is a has-been of an actor who believes he is superior to everyone and everything around him. That coming from all the actresses in Charlie’s Angels. As if no one caught that he was replaced by Bernie Mack in the sequel. OK, his acting is still good, just his attitude that needs some adjustments. Maybe he needs to fall off the wagon and reunite with his old coke suppliers...