QOTD: cheater
question of the day: have you ever been cheated on, cheated on someone, or helped someone cheat? what happened with it? if you have never cheated, do you think you would ever?
depends on the girl
I was cheated on in college. I never cheated on anyone and never would. But in college I did help some of my friends cheat by providing alibis for them.
Actually, no. I’ve been pretty lucky…or, perhaps, I think I’ve been lucky! I’m a big fan of sucking it up and going through the breakup, rather than cheating.
Like my sheep....I don't stray
deny til you die
cheaters never prosper
i used to be the cheating queen *gulp* but i have since changed my ways
i have never cheated and don't have any plans to ever do it. It has happened to me and it really sucks. And, I am not talking about [coworker] sleeping with [coworker]
I can't wait for [coworker]'s answer to that one!!! (That is my official response!)
I was cheated on several times when I was 17. She slept with a few of my so-called "friends." I was naive back then and my love for her was blind, so I kept taking her back and hoping for the best, but to no avail. Things ended bad, and I hope she's dead now. It was a great learning experience for me and I now know not to be so trusting, but at the same time, I have a hard time trusting anyone now. In summary, sheep, hookers, having your pants off and bloody clown suits will not stop girls from cheating.
I haven't and wouldn't, but I have ceased one relationship to begin another. My penis is the bane of my existence.
is it technically "cheating" if you use multiple hookers? but seriously, if i did have a "regular", i would consider cheating with [name of female coworker], [name of female coworker], [name of female coworker], and [name of sheep].
been cheated on, i think. my best friend and my (ex)girlfriend started officially dating like an hour after we broke up. not cool!
The only things I've ever cheated on were school tests. Never cheated on any of my ladies. My ex-wife cheated, hence the EX part. . No respect for cheaters, that is if a committed relationship has been established. I will save you the rest of the speech.
I have never been cheated on (at least not that I know about). I have not cheated on anyone and never will. That’s probably one of the few things I don’t think I will ever be able to tolerate either. I don’t care if I have been married to someone for a day or 17 years – if the guy cheats on me, I’d be out in 2.5 seconds with the kids, all his money, and I’d make his life a living hell. I just think if you don’t like someone anymore or the passion is dead – be strong enough to tell them and break up.
When I was in high school, I had a really good boyfriend. He was nice to me, he treated me good, he was smart, my mom loved him, and after being together for 2 years, I cheated on him with what my mom refers to as a “bad boy”. I ended up dating said, “bad boy” who cheated on me a year later. I now do not believe in cheating, I believe in getting the hell out if you think you might cheat. I would never help anyone cheat either. I had a boss who regularly cheated on his wife when away on business, and wanted me to cover for him often and I just couldn’t do it. I had to ask him to not include me in that at all. I would never cheat now.
nope on every count
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