Tuesday, February 14, 2006

QOTD: vday

question of the day: what is your opinion on events such as valentines day? is it a wonderful joyous occasion to share with someone you love, or a vast conspiracy hatched by the greedy greeting card industry, or somewhere in the middle? do you think it is necessary to dedicate a whole day every year to love in the form of vday?

somewhere in the middle... it's a real pain in the ass when it falls on a Tuesday!

i'm only in it for the candy.

Hmm…it’s probably someplace in the middle, but it’s all about how you approach it. Sure, we’re encouraged to equate heart with dollar, but that’s a personal choice. I say, have fun!

Valentine's Day is for married guys. If you're ten years into a marriage, there is this understanding that if you give her flowers and/or chocolates, she'll give you some sex. This, of course, shows that all women are (fundamentally) whores. Not that there is anything wrong with that! I just want to see a rate card.

it's a great day to celebrate, however should not be the only day one is treated nicely

my wife and I celebrate everyday so V-Day is basically just another day to us. But yes, we do get eachother something and share.

It is a vast conspiracy hatched by the greedy greeting card industry and by the sheep who want to be loved extra one day of the year. I am sure that they will get their wish....Valentines day sucks!

two words: Hallmark Holiday. I'm not even gonna bother writing about sheep on this one

i think its kind of lame. if i were a guy - i'd HATE valentines day - cause there's all this pressure. and if you are a girl that never gets anything, you feel like a loser. plus - i think its dumb to spend 60 bucks on flowers - everything is over inflated. but it is nice to be remembered and i think because americans are generally unromantic, you kinda need these holidays to bring out the love. too bad people don't do all this stupid love stuff on some random wednesday just cause its fun

I think it is a crock. There shouldn’t be a special day set aside. If the person you’re with doesn’t realize you love them and appreciate you in the same way then there are much bigger problems in your relationship then flowers on a predetermined special day could ever resolve. It’s a moneymaking scam designed to make people guilty for either not spending enough or not having a valentine.

I think it's just another "Hallmark" holiday for companies to cash in on. You shouldn't need a day designated for you to show your significant other that you love them. These things would be much more special to that person if they were done on just some random day. Not to mention that it makes some single people feel like crap.

You just can't win on this holiday. If you're in a relationship, you're like "My lord, do I really have to buy a bunch of [expletive] for this [expletive] right now? All I want to do is chill." And if you're single, you're like "I'm such a loser. I'm sitting at home, alone, watching the food network on Valentine's day...with my pants off."

Greedy Greeting Card Industry? Ouch I said that too fast and sprained my spleen. I think love should be celebrated early and often and what better way to say thanks for the love, you should be on your way now, here's cab fare, than with an ornately decorated Valentines Day card. Keep up the good work greedy greeting card companies!

This so-called holiday is a bunch of crap. The end.

It's both. The commercialness of it all has gotten totally out of control. Then again, it's nice to have some time dedicated to your honey. Then again, if you don't have a honey, you might get more depressed and kill yourself. So in other words, Hallmark is responsible for any suicides on Feb 14th.

vd is lame

i hate the idea of giving gifts of love just because society thinks on 2/14 is should. Like always, thanksgiving rules.

I say no....if you wait for this one day out of the whole year to express your love and/or do something special for your partner, then you have bigger problems. This day should be about relaxing and laughing at those dumbos who go the extravagant routes and feed the economy.


At 2:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Enterprise and commercialism = V-Day.
But really, this whole country is set on having to create a day for each occasion, instead of relying on each individual to remember their loved ones on their own. Mother's Day, Father's Day, Groundhog Day.. Hallmark knows this and created this day for profit. The American Way!
In Japan, it is the ladies job to give the chocolates to their men, but is followed a month later with the men giving a gift in return. But who profits with these traditions.
My lady isn't getting jack today. She knows how I feel about her and likewise. WE choose to give gifts when WE want. AND the fact that they are given this ways shows how we REALLY care for each other. The gifts mean more.

At 9:33 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Will there be a question one month from now pertaining to steak and bj day? steakandbjday.com

At 10:29 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

americans are generally unromantic

you just haven't met the right american, then.


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