Happy _____ Day!
One of your standard bloggers and I have stumbled across a great site (http://www.girlsarepretty.com) where there is a new Happy (insert strange item here) Day, every day. Check out the site for examples. We decided to write our own and add it to the blog, so here is your first installment of Happy ____ Day:
Your Mom is the Most Annoying Person On This Earth Day
You've had a LONG day at work, but no longer than usual. The boss might have rode you a little more than he usually does, but nothing too noticable. You're in your regular good mood, the one you're always in right after work lets out. Your 30 minute drive home is peaceful and infused with the colorful music of your favorite Jazz legends. And even though that guy cut you off, so that he could shave a measly 5 seconds off of his commute, and you can feel the vein in your forehead pulsating, your good mood can not be tainted. It's almost like you have on a good mood force field. You come in to an empty house. You think to yourself "Can this day get any better? This is the day she gets her nails done. I can actually eat dinner in peace." But, before you can even start to imagine how good your turkey sub is going to taste, you hear the noise that you dreaded hearing. The low hum of an automatic garage door going up. You rip open the turkey bag, feverishly trying to make your sub and run upstairs before she sees you. She must be able to feel when someone is trying to elude her complaining and she won't stand for that. To get into the house quicker, she sprints down the driveway to get the mail (that's your secret theory anyway). Turkey, mayo, cheese...almost there...lettuce, tomato and now fill your drink. The automatic water dispenser on your fridge fills really slowly. C'mon already!! It's too late, she's already standing next to you. The first words out of her mouth "Boy am I tired." Fascinating!! Please, tell me about all of the terrible things that happened to you today, I'm dying to know.
Happy Your Mom is the Most Annoying Person On This Earth Day!
how come you still live at home with your mom???
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You know where I work. I can barely afford to feed and clothe myself.
I'm sure your mommy feeds you :)
Actually, it looks like his mommy doesn't feed him, hence the need to make his own turkey sandwich. Did you read the posting? Can you even read?
MAKING him food and BUYING him food are two differnt things - i'm sure he doesn't BUY the food to put in the fridge. day at a time said "barely afford to feed and clothe himself" - not that he was incapable of putting food in his mouth - but couldn't afford it.
i can read - but can you???
Your mom is hot!!
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