Friday, April 28, 2006

QOTD: useless

question of the day: what is the most useless job you can think of?

Any job accepted by George W. Bush.


answering these questions

This place

Systems Analyst for company name


CEO of any company...everyone knows it's the grunts underneath that do all the real work

The guy that checks your receipt as you leave Walmart. If I'm stealing something from Walmart it sure ain't gonna be you that catches me, Corky.

the people who hand you towels in some fancier public restrooms- i can fetch my own paper towel thanks!

aside from mine? Mariah Carey's beverage holder.

QOTD asker

Living in NJ, I'd have to say: gas station attendant. Whoever lacks the knowledge of properly pumping their own fuel should not be allowed to drive.... or procreate.

the person who uses the radar gun at the ball parks to check the speed of pitches.

US President. he has advisors who make all the decisions for him as well as Congress and Senate to make laws. This just cuts out the middle man.

the greeters at walmart. don't talk to me when i'm shopping!


Currently – Head of FEMA
Otherwise there really nothing that’s useless

vanna white has the most useless job. she pushes buttons in nice clothes for a living and probably is paid really well. that's a useless job i want.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

QOTD: cubism

question of the day: do you think that if people have a messy cube it means that the rest of their life is disorganized too? how much can you tell about a person from how they keep their cube?

No, a messy cube doesn’t mean anything other than someone is busy or likes to give the illusion of busy. Lots of people have messy looking cubes but can find something the instant someone asks for it. Now if there is rotting food and day old meals on the desk that is an entirely different story. That is a total disregard for hygiene.

i think its a sign of how busy they are. my cube is messy cuz i get slammed with work and have NO TIME to organize it in my day. ppl who have time to organize it all, must have more time and less work than i do. When i do have a half hour, you'll find my desk cleaned up.

Since my cube is organized 50% of the time, and disorganized the other 50%, I would say that my life at home can not be viewed in this manor. But in reality, my life at home is 50% of the time organized and disorganized the other 50%...

well, my desk is usually dirty, and i like my hookers dirty, so i guess so.

My cube is pretty neat and tiday. My box is a mess though. Not sure what that says about me.

i think cubes are actually very telling of a person. people who have very bland cubes tend to be more private, quiet, and to a point 'boring'. those who have more in their cube tend to be more outgoing, forward, and lively.

i don't think it means anything....hey, are you threatening me?

not all the time but in some cases I am sure the way an individuals cubicle looks it a good representation for the rest of their life. Yikes! I wonder what that says about my life.

I suddenly feel compelled to clean my cube! Hmm...don't know, but maybe I'm saying that b/c my cube is disorganized. Or it was...

are you saying I have a messy cube? So what if my life is spiraling out of control and I've lost everything. I don't think that is any of your business and who are you to judge me on the contents of my desk!?!?! most of these papers are worthless from stupid meetings that mean nothing!!! Stop killing trees to clutter my desk!!!

i don't necessarily think person with messy cube = person with messy life. but there are tons of articles saying that people who keep tidy cubes are percieved as more organized and are more likely to recieve tasks and perhaps promoted than an equal with a messy cube. and as for how they keep their cube, i think people ought to have to have fun cubes with toys, things on the wall, whatever... you are at work for a majority of your day...make it fun. people with NOTHING in their cube dissapoint me. where's the creativity???

A messy cube just means that you are TRYING to look busy, as oppossed to ACTUALLY being busy.

You can tell everything about a person by the way they keep their cube. People who have a disorganized cube are usually disorganized about their work (papers everywhere), so I assume their homes and cars look the same. Then, the next thing you know, they're digging up corpses just to punch them in the stomach.

The naked shots of [male coworker] in [male coworker]'s cube makes me wonder about their private life!!

A desktop is a dynamic thing. Looking at it once, taking a "snapshot" if you will, doesn't capture the dynamic elements of the organization. People like me with "messy" desktops know where everything is; there's usually a method behind the madness. Here's a good guide: messy + dirty = disorganized person; messy = person with dynamic organization; clean = mildly obsessive need to have one place for everything. There's nothing wrong with the "clean" desk, it's just not for everyone. However, the desk/cube does speak clearly to the rest of their lives.

I'm not sure I've ever really known enough about a co-worker's life to be able to answer this question. I can say that my cube is usually kind of messy, but I try to keep my house neat.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

QOTD: days of future past

question of the day: if you had to go 100 years in the past or future, what would you pick and why?

Past. Nov 22, 1963. Who really killed JFK?

I'd be 127 if I went into the future.....I'd be -73 if I went to the past

probably 100 years into the future - just to see how much we've f*cked up the planet

I'd go 100 years into the future, dig up your corpse and punch it in the stomach.

I would probably go into the future because I'm always looking forward to the next great thing. And, as fast as technology moves it seems too slow to me sometimes. Besides, we've already seen the past. Nobody has seen the future yet.

Hmm...I think the future, although I wouldn't mind checking out the 1940's for a few days. As for the future, it'd be a trip to see how it all turns out.

I'd go back--to castrate Prescott Bush.

i would go to the past.....Why? Because knowing what i now know 100 years ago would make me a God!

Dastardly question. 100 years ago had it’s simplicity. But its greater challenges can be compared to today’s times. 100 years from now will sure to have higher gas prices. Can’t decide.. I’ll pass…

Past, because the future might be all crazy and scary a la "The Terminator." Also, I could evacuate San Francisco before the earthquake. But most likely, I would invest in a bunch of things, and buy a lot of property so my future self wouldn't have to pay my super-sucky future mortgage.

the past, because the future would too depressing, knowing how your family and friends died. and maybe you could change it, but they would still die eventually, no matter what.

i would pick 100 years into the future if i absolutely had to pick one. i would prefer to go about 10 years back and study more instead. 100 years in the past women couldn't do what they wanted, so i have to go with the future one although the outlook is poor. I would like to see how far technology really came, and whether or not my god damned jet pack was ready yet!

To infinity and beyond! That way I could come back and know it all. Make money off of my psychic abilities and financial forecasts

definately the future, cause there are so many things i'm fascinated that have happened in my life time...and i want to see how it all progresses. for example, cellular technology, the use of the internet (all things we can't live without) - i want to know what are the new things, people of that time can't live without..

I’d go into the past because I would know everything that happens and I could re-write history like Marty McFly.

Monday, April 24, 2006

QOTD: typecasting

question of the day: what is your type?

out of this world


I like my women like I like my coffee: cold and bitter.

somebody who isn't an @$$hole.

Must have a [um] cat.

female, non-smoker, non-obnoxious.

Fast, easy and young… Oh, were you talking about the ladies?

O Positive,

I think there's two kinds of people in the world... and I'm the thirsty type. Naturally, I am attracted to the not-so-thirsty type.

i have two types - first is darker skinned, dark hair, dark eyes..the second is one with tattoos and piercings. as far as personality, they have to have a sense of humor, be compassionate, and intelligent. wait... are you trying to hit on me?

Low maintenance and low self esteem rank very high in my book. I want a chick who's hot, but doesn't know it. I want her to be my partner in crime, so to speak. I see too many relationships these days where the partners are pitted against each other at all times. I'd rather it be me and my boo taking on the world together. That and she has to be mute and own a brewery.

O+ blood

Blood Type: O neg. Curious question.

dirty losers with a good sense of humor. i prefer brown hair/eyes but weight doesnt matter. the person must smoke and drink, but not have a "problem," no drugs, no religious affiliations, and no cats. also, no health obsessions. ridiculously healthy people are annoying.


the type that hits people in the stomach

Friday, April 21, 2006

QOTD: no smoking

question of the day: the great nj smoking ban. what do you think about it? is it a good thing, is it a bad thing? how will it affect you?

so happy - its definately a good thing. i've been dying for my friend to quit, and there more and more taboo it is to smoke, i hope she just will realize its not worth it.

it sucks. its a pain in the ass - basically it says you have to stand in the middle of the street in order to smoke.. so they would rather you get killed by a car then smoke near a building.

I think its a good thing (coming from a smoker), but the 25 ft. rule is pretty stupid

I enjoy it favorite place to get wings no longer requires a follow-up shower. As far as whether it's right, I'm not 100% sure.

i think it sucks. ALOT. Frankly, I'm a smoker and I especially enjoy puffing away with a cocktail in my hand. Not being able to smoke at bars seriously inhibits me socially. I hope all you non-smokers lose your happy hour friends. Thanks.

They can ban cigarettes altogether as far as I'm concerned. The smoking ban is fine by me. Not that I really have any say, being a PA resident.

awesome for us non-smokers, although I do think that the Government is beginning to encroach on some of our freedoms.

I think it is both good and bad. I understand the reasoning behind it. However, I’m a smoker so I’m annoyed I can’t smoke in a bar or restaurant now. I think there should be an option for businesses to have a choice if they want to be a smoking business or a non-smoking business. That way people still have a choice as to where they want to go and there would be a solution for everyone. Employees and patrons could choose to be in a smoking or non-smoking environment. I think small businesses are getting a raw deal because it is still legal to smoke in casinos. I will certainly be less likely to spend as much time in a bar as I did before because I can’t smoke now.

I think it is a great thing.

its a bit weird, doesn't the state get tax money from cigs? so if there are less cigs being sold, that extra tax money has to come from somewhere. i don't smoke, or even live in nj, but for the most part this will be a good thing, forcing people to be healthier haha!

i think it is a bit ridiculous that it all started with complaints by casino workers and the ban is in effect for everywhere BUT casinos. I am not a smoker and don't like the smell of it...However, smoking is a persons choice. I agree that there are places you should not smoke, but bars and restaurants is a bit off the wall...It is going to hurt business and i am sure taxes will go up.

Have you ever sat next to someone in public that has horrible B.O. or bad breath? Not exactly pleasant is it? Would you want to eat your food with that odor lingering in the air? Probably not. Smoke is just as annoying. sucks a whole lot for me, but technically it is a good thing for all obvious reasons. personally and illogically, i think its ridiculous for bars to ban smoking completely. smoking + drinking= good time. if people are so worried about their health, they probably shouldnt be drinking booze. go home buzzkills.

Thursday, April 20, 2006

QOTD: quotable

question of the day: what are your favorite movie quotes, and from what movie?

c'mon, CLAIRE, answer the QUESTION! - the breakfast club
mess with the bull, and you get the horns! - also from breakfast club
dear diary, my teenage angst now has a bodycount - heathers
but what does it all mean, basil? - austin powers

I'm your huckleberry - Tombstone

“Tree! I am no Tree!” – Tree Shepard from Lord of the rings Twin towers
“You can tell me, I am a doctor” – Airplane
“It’s a big building with lots of beds, but that’s not important right now” – Airplane [The doctor says the patient needs to be taken to the hospital, the stewardess exclaims “ a hospital!” what is it]
The classic and now cliché’d “You, talking to me?”

What? What ain't no f*cking country I ever heard of!!!

Edward G. Robinson All Movies, "Eeehhh", "Eeeehhh".

Badges? We don't need no stinkin' badges! - Blazing Saddles. So I jump ship in Hong Kong and make my way over to Tibet, and I get on as a looper at a course over in the Himalayas. A looper, you know, a caddy, a looper, a jock. So, I tell them I'm a pro jock, and who do you think they give me? The Dalai Lama, himself. Caddy Shack.

"What is it with [everyone's facination of] this chick? She got beer-flavored nipples?" (10 Things I Hate about You)

"You get one of these hot shot managers giving you some static, cut off his pinky finger. If he still gives you static, tell him that his thumb is next. After that, he'll tell you if he wears ladies' underwear." - Harvey Keitel: Reservoir Dogs.

"i think we need a bigger boat"....jaws...."that boy was our last hope"....."no, there is another" wars...."Hilts, Cooler"....The great escape....."I just want to wish you both good luck, we're all counting on you"....Airplane....."my brother's a genius, he hooked up our car stereo"..."surrender to the dark side of the force, you nom"...."that was no goal, he was in the crease".....Strange Brew

"the dude's car got a little dinged up." from the big lebowski

Zoolander..1. There was a moment last night, when she was sandwiched between the two Finnish dwarves and the Maori tribesmen, where I thought, "Wow, I could really spend the rest of my life with this woman". 2 So I'm rapelling down Mount Vesuvius when suddenly I slip. And I'm just falling, terrified and then I think, "Hey, Hansel, haven't you been smoking peyote for six straight days and couldn't some of this maybe be in your mind?"

"As well as rollover state, if you can do it." - from Garden State, I believe.

i don't have any real favorite quotes, but i love it when people bust out with quotes from movies like 'big daddy' or 'miss congenality' - those movies people don't like to admit watching, but you know they loooved it.

"You're gonna eat lightening and crap thunder." Rocky 2
"I love you guys." Hoosiers
"I see Blue, he's glorious!" Old School

"Well-well look. I already told you: I deal with the god damn customers so the engineers don't have to. I have people skills; I am good at dealing with people. Can't you understand that? What the hell is wrong with you people?" - Tom Smykowski, Office Space

Goin' on a year now I ain't had nothin' twixt my nethers weren't run on batteries!
She is startin' to damage my calm. - Serenity

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

QOTD: tv party

question of the day: what are some of your favorite TV shows?

gilligans island, south park, family guy, playboy channel

favorite shows of all-time: Cheers, Seinfeld, Friends, Simpsons. favorite shows currently: Lost, CSI, 24.

Well, I'm a food network junkie, but I also enjoy housewives of Orange Country, Real world, Extreme Home Makeover, Will and Grace, Friends, and any reality hospital show like critical hour.

deadliest catch and 60 minutes (I want to be Andy Rooney when I grow up)

home on the range....Old Yeller....sheep gone wild vol 3 (oh that was a good have to see it!!!)

I don't watch a heck of a lot of TV, but I love No Reservations with Anthony Bourdain and Curb Your Enthusiasm. I'm also a major Discovery Times channel dork.

thats my momma, bj and the bear, win loose or draw, sigmund and the seamonster, land of the lost,love boat, battlestar galactica,family ties, silver spoons, barney miller

History Detectives, Antiques Roadshow, Cold Case Files, Forensic Files, The Avengers.

All time favorite-90210
Top 10-in no particular order
Lost, Dawson’s Creek, 24, House, LA Law, Survivor, The Sopranos, The Simpsons, The Family Guy, The Office (the British version, not the U.S. version)

GOLDEN GIRLS, deadwood, carnivale, lost, nip/tuck, ummmm...the oc......, curb your enthusiasm, home movies, sealab, athf, and anything on court tv from the crime libraray that involves murder and forensics.

Sopranos, Entourage, Prison Break, The Apprentice, The OC, Family Guy, and I'll watch just about any reality show on MTV (I'll watch it twice if it involves hot 16 year olds).

i'm an american idol geek

corner gas, degrassi, arrested development (rip), veronica mars! small wonder. press your luck. the scarecrow and mrs. king

Bones on Fox
Family Guy on Fox
Deadliest Catch on Discovery

NCIS, Iron Chef, the Stargates, The Daily Show, and the Colbert Report

Grey’s Anatomy is my show favorite by far. I really like MTV Cribs, Smallville, One Tree Hill (and all that stupid stuff on WB for that matter), Ellen, BBC News, Fresh Prince, and nearly everything on Nick at Night.

Seinfeld, News Radio, CSI, Gilmore Girls, Friends, Land of the Lost

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

QOTD: roadtrip!

question of the day: what are some good roadtrip songs/music?

Superglam era David Bowie, because he's fun to imitate, any and all Johnny Cash and (some) Willie Nelson, and a good mix of new music (channel 26 on Sirius is great, and i can leave it on for hours without getting annoyed)

james taylor greatest hits, i am a big fan of acoustic guitar and piano. i really dont like music where the instuments just clang together like noise. i like things that are very musical, and for long trips, easy music fits the bill. long trips are stressfull enough, so i like to keep it mellow. actually i like all music except for country

"on the road again" - willie nelson

The Gambler is the best road trip song ever!

"Rocky 9 soundtrack - eye of the sheep"

101 bottles of beer on the wall

Neil Diamond. The man rocks!!

jimi hendrix, "driving south" is the best that and can't beat voodoo chile. anything but barry manilow, and some snoop is great for those ghetto trips

full moon by brandy - i could listen to that song on repeat forever. and the song nina pensa en ti and the song rehle rehle make for some good car riding expereinces. it doens't matter if you understand the song or not, the beat is good!

Golden Earring - Radar Love, Steppenwolf - Magic Carpet Ride, Grateful Dead - Truckin'

Something laid back and familiar... like Al Green or The Eagles.

I like to keep a whole bunch of different music at hand so you can roll with whatever the landscape inspires.

anywhere i roam, metallica; The Vast Spoils of America (From the Badlands through the Ocean), saves the day

Life Is a Highway-Tom Cochrane; Here I Go Again-Whitesnake; Birdhouse in Your Soul-They Might Be Giants; Anything by Guns N Roses, Motley Crue, Whitesnake, Van Halen and the South Park Movie Soundtrack.

anything eighties.

Monday, April 17, 2006

QOTD: stateless protocol

question of the day: how many states have you been in, what was your favorite, and why?

i think 22 and my favorite has been Arizona..Why, golf courses were great, it was clean, had great views, and nice wildlife.

I've been to about 28 states. I used to travel for work a lot. I think my favorite is Arizona because the weather is always super nice. I'm also a big fan of Washington State because it's so beautiful and there is sooo much to do there. Definitely not a fan of the midwest - too god dammned cold (Minnesota, eh?), and I hate Arkansas. There is absolutely NOTHING to do there. Even the clients I went to seemed bored with their lives.

about half of em, new mexico or cali

about 20. and i think new mexico was my favorite - especially santa fe - just so quaint and beautiful

too many to count....probably like 90 or something like that. I like the flat ones....easier to get the sheep to move their fat ass's on a level field rather than going up hills.

Thirty-six. Favorite is Colorado - the Rockies are beautiful, and fun to hike and climb. I am happy to report that I have never been to West Virginia.

hmmm... 15+ fav is hawaii

I've been in 20 states and Nevada is my favorite. Obviously Vegas is awesome, but I enjoyed the desert as well. Not to mention, if you drive 45 minutes north, they have some of the best deep powder snowboarding that I've ever seen. Yes, that's right, there's snow in the desert, at higher elevations. Oh, did I mention that I love playing craps and seeing the dancing girls too!

Maine, Vermont, New Hamphire, Connecticut, New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, N. Carolina, Florida, Texas, California, Kentucky, Massuchussetts, Minessota, Arizonsa, Deleware, Maryland. Not counting states I just drove thru. N. Carolina is best. Clean, slow, open, buildings far apart

Twenty. I have no favorite.

Hmm…that’s a tough one. I’ve been through most of the continental U.S. and there are bits and pieces that I like about all…well, OK, most states. (Iowa kind of made me crazy with the corn.) As for favorites, I’d say it’s a toss up between the Southwest and the Delta. Carlsbad Caverns is AMAZING, and there’s a ton of awesome music all over the South.

I'm a pretty big loser in the travel department. I've been through all of the states on the way to Florida, but only stopped in a few. My only trip out west was a trip to Colorado to hike down Pike's Peak. My only trips north were a few times to NY. I can't really say any one state was better or worse than the others.

PA, NY, NJ, CT, MA, RH, VT, DE, MD, WV, VA, NC, SC, GE, FL, OH, IN, IL,IA, NE, CO,UT, AZ, NV and CA (does Puerto Rico count?). Favorite? Hate that word. But California rocks. The weather is always great. And for some reason, CA chicks really really dig NY guys.

Can’t remember all the states, but I’ve been to Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Rhode Island, Connecticut, Delaware, Pennsylvania, New York, Massachusetts, Virginia, Maryland, Florida, Michigan, Indiana, Illinois, Ohio, West Virginia, Texas, and California. I like California best. The weather is great, the people are friendly, the architecture is amazing, they have excellent universities,’s just a cool place. I’m going to move there within the next ten years and settle my life there (or so I hope).

I’ve been in 20, mostly because of ridiculously long car trips. Texas was my favorite, because I love giant burritos and painfully-hot hot sauce. Also, we got a crappy hotel room for a night and it had shag carpet walls and a sink shaped like Texas. That’s high class.

Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, Delaware, New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Hawaii, Georgia, Florida, Maryland, DC, Virginia, Texas, Louisiana, Puerto Rico (yes, I know it isn’t a state but it is a territory). I would have to say that so far New York is my favorite because it is so big and has so many different types of places. You have NYC and Lake Placid all in the same state. The variety is awesome and I grew up there.

just under half i think, favorites were washington and oregon. rainforests, volcanoes and rocky beaches!

Thursday, April 13, 2006

QOTD: pick it up

question of the day: what are some funny/lame/awful/cheesy pickup lines you have heard? has anyone ever tried to pick you up with a lame/funny line, and did it work?

you dont sweat to much for a fat chick

is your dad a dealer, cause you're dope to me

at a taco bell once, I used the line: "hey baby, I like my food the way I like my women... cheap and greasy. How 'bout you and I split a number 7 combo?" Okay, I'm lying. I never used that line. I will someday though.

i myself have never used one but i have heard quite a few of them (too many to list)...I am trying to think of the worst one i ever heard...Can't think of it though

"hey don't i know you??" it actually works slightly - cause you will actually talk to the person a little bit to see if you actually do know them - but then you realize you have no idea who they are and they dont know you and its just a cheesy pick-up line-and you walk away

Are your feet tired? Because you've been running through my mind all night. Do you use Windex on your pants? Because I can see myself in them. Nice dress. That would look even better crumpled up on my floor. Nice shoes. Wanna f*ck?

“Are you tired? Because you’ve been running through my mind all day.” “Come here often?” And no they never worked. A simple “hello” would suffice. Hmm, an odd choice of question today. Are you looking for some new material? ;)

Would you like to [sexual action] my [body part]? Sometimes it works, sometimes you get slapped.

i don't think anyone has ever used a "pick up" line on me. usually people just introduce themselves and that is that.

on my last vacation - my friend and i were hanging out at a beach bar and this guy was paying particular attention to my friend. at some point during the night - he wrote her a note - "if looks cud kill u'd be in jail". we hung out with the guy and his friends all it probably worked to a degree. but that's probably cause we wanted more stupid notes to laugh at. and one time i dressed up as ketchup for halloween, and several guys said they wish they were mustard.

Any line that a woman uses on me works. The most common..”Hey Jack@ss, DRINK!!”
Top 10 that I use..
10) You look finer than a new set of snow tires
9) What’s your sign, hopefully not STOP
8) How was the weather when you left heaven this morning, cause heaven must be missing an angel..
7) Have we met somewhere? State Pen maybe?
6) Excuse me, are you a model?
5) I couldn’t help noticing you noticing me noticing you…err, uhm, what was I saying
4) You know what would look good on you? Me..
3) You wouldn’t happen to have to have a little Polish in you? No, would you like to?
2) You have a fantastic hiney. I want to be on you..
And my #1….
1) Hey little girl, I’ve got candy…

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

QOTD: spelling

question of the day: what words do you always misspell?

i can never make any necessary decisions!


Anything that requires a "z"; I always use an "s" instead.

i misspell, mispell....I really hope you did not send this to [coworker] though

"receive", "marriage", whatever [coworker]'s mom's name is

oh god - everything. i have terrible spelling skills; i can't spell the most basic words. i am so thankful for spell check or else i probably wouldn't have graduated college..

I'm not aware of any words that I spell incorrectly. If I was aware, I would correct it. Therefore, any mis-spelled word that I use is somehow correct in my mind, so I do not fix it--because I am not aware that it is wrong. I *do* mis-use affect/effect, but I don't know if that is a spelling error. I'll give$1 to anyone that fixes the grammatical errors in the previous statements.

I always struggle with "definitely" and "separately"

i type my name wrong and always write "thnaks" instead of thanks, but traditionally i always misspell embarrass, separate and i never know if its gray or retarded


minute and definitely

Hah, sometimes I misspell my name. It's really annoying, but mostly it's just because I'm a crappy typer.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

QOTD: come here often?

question of the day: What’s your sign? (For ex: Scorpio, Taurus, etc?). Do you think you fit the characteristics of your sign? Do you think that astrology or the zodiac has any bearing on your life?

The date of your birth has nothing to do with you, it has to do with your parents. For example, the urban myth about population explosions in areas nine months after a black out. Similarly, if you are born in mid-November, congratulations--your mom is a whore who gave it up on Valentine's Day because she got some candy and flowers. If you were born in mid-December, you must be Irish!

Taurus is ruled by Venus (love and money). They appreciate the finer things in life, are very particular about things related to the home, and tend to enjoy gardening. They are famous for both being extremely loyal and stubborn. Taurus people also tend to put up with a lot of sh!t – but when enough is enough, move out of the way…cause they have a temper like no other. An ideal day for Taurus would consist of laying in bed and eating all day. All 100% true for me.

i'm on the cusp of Gemini and Cancer - guess it means i'm a two faced emotional bitch haha

Taurus... i fit many of the characteristics of my sign and think that astrology has a bearing on a lot of things.

Pisces (sp?) No and no

I'm an Aries. I only fit some of the characteristics. I don't really believe in that stuff.

Cancer... I sort of fit my sign... I don't really think it has much bearing on my life.

virgo. i don't know what the characteristics even are. i don't follow this stuff at all.

Are you hitting on me? I'm a Scorpio and I definitely think that the characteristics fit my personality. I don't read my horoscope though because it's as ambiguous as John Edwards...and his sexuality.

My sign is Cancer and the symbol is the crab. Lovely, I’m two diseases! Of course I can be a tad testy so one could stretch it and say that I’m slightly crabby at times, but who isn’t? I really don’t pay much attention to this stuff, but from what I’ve heard Cancer’s are supposed to be fiercely loyal to friends and family and I would certainly say that I am. I don’t think astrology has any bearing on my life. I’m not one for frou-frou bs like that. I read my horoscope each month in my In Style magazine and that is about it.

Sagittarius.....I think I have most of the traits, above the waist a man, below the waist a horse. Astrology or the Zodiac used to have a bearing on my life when "Hey baby what's your sign?" was a way to start a conversation. Ahh the good ole days.

hmm...capricorn. and yes, I fit the profile with a few exceptions, but it's mostly true

I am told Taurus. I personally am offended that someone would create a zodiac based on a FORD. A Taurus at that!! They are such pieces of crap (or rather a stupendious automobile in the event you own one). The stars don’t even look like Taurus. Maybe if the stars lined up like a car on a lift…then it MIGHT look like a Taurus. I personally put no faith in astrology. Can’t understand why anyone would. My future is what I make it, not by the way any stars lined up on my birth date. That is just silly. (Can’t believe there was a FORD Taurus in the sky of my birth…)

sag. i fit it to a T

Monday, April 10, 2006

QOTD: marriage

question of the day: what is your opinion on gay marriages? should it be legal?

Sorry, I don't swing that way. Thanks for the offer, though.

of course - why persecute someone just cause they were born different than the majority of other people? gay people are people too!

don't have strong opinions on gay marriage. it should be legal. to each their own.

Of course. Why do I care if two men or two women want to get married. People argue that it's breaks down the idea of marriage. So do annulments. So do quick divorces. No one stop Liz Taylor from getting married again. She has wrecked more than her share of blissful unions!!!

I think they should be legal. Gay marriages have just as much of a chance of failing as heterosexual marriages. They should be entitled to the same rights and privileges as everyone else.

I don't mind gay marriages, as long as they're the same race. Just kidding, I say let them do what they want. The better question is why does the government have a religious agenda? The religious nuts are the only ones who are against gay marriage. I seem to recall a little document named "The Constitution" which called for the separation of church and state. 230 years have gone by since it was signed by our founding fathers and I've seen no progress. Politicians still base their decisions on religion and how the voting will play out depending on which side they choose.

depends on your definition of marriage i guess. i think that being "legally bound" is okay, but i don't see how people can insist that a particular religion that accepts same-sex marriage when it isn't part of the doctrine. I think that if you are looking at marriage in the perspective of having legal rights and assurances, it's fine.

Not to be crass....but if gay people are legal and gay sex is legal....what's wrong with gay marriage?

It doesn't affect me, and it won't cause society to crumble. As a bonus, it pisses off religious people. It should be legal. Also... I can't wait to see the TV-lawyer commercials for "gay divorces". Those should be FABulous!

go ask the sheep how they feel. I have no opinion

If gay people are dumb enough to want to get married they should be allowed. There's supposed to be a separation of church and state, but obviously that isn't true. Religious influence is the only reason gay marriages aren't legal. What legal reason could there be not to allow it? I'm not 100% sure I'm for gay adoption though. Can't really say why. I guess it's okay. At least with adoption there is a screening process unlike normal childbirth.

i hate that there are people who think that this is even an issue. it is insane to tell an entire group of people that they are unable to do something that everyone else in the country/world is capable of doing, and usually rather easily (vegas drive-thru weddings?). it is disgusting and hypocritical that we do not allow gay marriage in (most) of this country, and it really shows how little progress we have made intellectually.

Gay marriages should completely be legal. That way it will open the door for unions of all sorts: for example, I can finally marry my dog. People just don't understand true, unconditional love.

Friday, April 07, 2006

QOTD: accentuate the positive

question of the day: do you have an accent? how would you describe it?

I have a moron accent!

its now a lovely mix of jersey slang and philly ghetto -


No way dood! I ain't got no Philly accent. Now, you'se bedder leave me alone so I can drink my wooder in peace.

You got a problem with people who have accents you insensitive bastard?

no accent (or so i don't think so)

i ain't got no stinkin f'ing cockaroach

I do not think I have an accent. I’m pretty conscious of it and when I moved to NJ I never wanted to pick that up. Well, unless one can count slurring when drunk as an accent.

No. Professor 'iggins helped me bunches.

sometimes-i think it the northeast philly accent, and apparently i pronounce the word phone like feau-ne, and naturally, i say hoagie instead of sub

Yes. A little bit country, a li'l bit rock & roll.

i have an american accent - can't describe it, i sound like the girls on tv.

My whole life I thought I did not have an accent, until my girlfriend in Virginia Beach told me I did. She described my accent (a Pennsylvania boy) as talking faster, abbreviating anything possible and using words like “yous” and such, which I believe you only hear in the Philly (I guess I have an accent in typing as well) area. Imagine that…

I don't have an accent at all. I learned to talk in the Pacific Northwest, and they really don't have an accent at all there.

There are times, when speaking, that I betray my midwestern roots. The words "root" and "roof" are giveaways, don'cha know?

Thursday, April 06, 2006

QOTD: blazing arrows

question of the day: should marijuana be legalized? why or why not?

marijuana should be legalized under certain circumstances. These circumstances are for people who could benefit from their "properties" when going through cancer treatments, etc. I don't think it should be legalized unless it is going to be treated like alcohol is and have regulations associated with it. there has to be some kind of guarantee of purity or something. under those circumstances, it should definitely be legalized.

yes yes yes. puff puff give. that would be cool to roll one up and take a smoke break

no, it's a drug

I think if alcohol's legal, it may as well be legal as well. But hey, what do I know?

Yes, we need more taxes!!!

Pot isn't legal? uh oh.....the sheep smoke everyday in the barn, does that mean I have to turn them not....I'll just join em

they should make it just like they do with alcohol - illegal to drive on it, have a 'legal age' and tax the hell out of it so gov gets some money out of the deal

As long as killing people is legal (think army) and taking other drugs is legal (think alcohol) and prostitution is legal (think old guys dating really young chicks by buying them stuff)... then I see no reason why marijuana shouldn't also be legal.

no, it should not be. Why???Because if it were legal the usage would become much higher. What does that mean? More people would be driving, operating heavy machinery, etc. while high....That and i am making a fortune selling it illegally. and there is really no "sobriety test" for being high

yes - if you are allowed to smoke and drink (which have worse long term health risks), then you should be able to smoke marijuana. people should have the right to do whatever they want as long as they aren't harming others. if you smoke, don't drive..i mean, just have common sense.

Absolutely. It's less harmful than alcohol. Anybody that wants it can get it anyway. Let the government make the money on it and lower my damn taxes.

Of course! How else can you make jazz music bearable to listen to?

I think it should be legalized. For starters it would be a huge cash cow for the government. The deficit could probably be eliminated in a year. I really don’t believe it is “gateway” drug and it is no worse than alcohol. If anything, I think alcohol is worse. I’ve never seen anyone get super crazy or get “pot” muscles like some do with alcohol. Most people just get high and sit around, eat and watch tv or movies. How is that hurting anyone? People argue that it kills brain cells and damages respiratory systems, but cigarettes and alcohol do the same thing. People have a choice, if they want to do it they will. If it isn’t their cup of tea, they won’t.

Nope. I think we were intended to eat and & drink. Smoking was not an intended way to accept stuff into our bodies.
(what if it was in pill form?)
Good point. Might as well legalize it then, if you can booze, then you should be able to use marijuana too

Yes, if alcohol is legal, marijuana should be too. Alcohol is more damaging to the system, is more addictive, causes more car accidents and accident related deaths, provokes more fights, leads to more rapes and accidental pregnancies, but since the government makes a ton of money from the sale of alcohol, they will never make it illegal. Just think how much money they could make if they sold weed! Currently, an ounce of marijuana is worth more than an ounce of gold.

It's legalization personally does not affect me one way or the other, but I see so many people using it and wonder if maybe it shouldn't be legalized and regulated by the government. I have no idea of the social ramifications...but it seems to be a drug that doesn't really hurt people any worse than cigarettes or alcohol. Also it's one more drug that just may improve my chances of party on.

sure. its no more or less health-threatening than cigarettes or alcohol, and it really does not cause crime or destructive behavior. not in my experience at least.

it would make sense, if only to clear out the prisons of people whose only crime is holding. maybe it could be regulated like alcohol

I think it should, but under the same stipulations as alcohol. Not that I would toke up even if it were legal. It doesn’t cause lung cancer like smoking tobacco, makes brownies even better and is a tasty tea. It’s good in salads as well. As far as pain relievers and nausea preventatives, it is amazing. It was good enough to be used for the penned word in the Declaration of Independence (hemp paper) and is also wonderful full cloth and rope. Think of the possibilities.. Clothing you can edible underwear any day.. Writing paper as can really tell someone to put that in their pipe and smoke it.. Caught in a hostage situation, smoke your way out of it. Really, the question is why is it NOT legal??

Absolutely. Glaucoma is running amok in this country!

Yes. I’d rather have legitimate companies sell it as a product because it is safer for consumers. Also, it eliminates the black market and illegal drug distribution that exists today.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

QOTD: our list of demands

question of the day: what are some products that aren't made anymore that you miss the most?

double r burger, reggie jackson candie bar, hot and cold burger at MCD

mcdonalds cheesesteaks. not as bad as you might think. nintendo cereal. crystal pepsi and kona pepsi

The Ford Edsel

one xmas holiday season marlboro put out this special edition "black pack" - was awesome and i miss it

For a while, I was under the impression that they no longer made Pop Rocks, but luckily, that wasn't true.

Hershey's Cookies 'n' Mint.

Freshenup, it was this gum that had a liquid center. Chester's Cheese Doritos, they were normal doritos, but they were covered with the cheese from cheese doodles (I know that your mouth is watering. And don't think that writing letters will help, I've been down that road my friend). O'boisies Potato Chips, man were they O'boisterous!! And the product that I miss the most, regular Nestea, in the silver can. Cool Nestea just sucks and you know it!

Although there are alternatives available, BigZoo was a neat thing to have, if one needs to call people. This was before the cell phone boom.

pop rocks, big league chew, The Evil Kinevil stunt bike, stretch armstrong (i got it for xmas one year and xmas night, my brother poked him full of holes and ruined it), low cost LSD, and the flowbee

8 Tracks. What a great way to listen to music!!!

Thalidomide. Damn shame people gave up on it so early...

baked campbells ramen, fat free apple newtons, sega master system. a product i wish someone would really invent: vapoorize

There was a cereal called Croonchy Stars that had the Swedish Chef from the Muppets on the box. The cereal had these little cinnamon sugar covered stars and it was delicious. I would give anything to have it again.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

QOTD: the best years of your life

question of the day: if you could redo high school – would you? why or why not? and if so, what are some key things you’d change?

I would definitely NOT return to high school. It was OK, but life tends to get better with age.

High school was boring, and looking back I was an idiot. I had a crappy relationship, and a bad haircut.

No way. I don't need to go through the awkward phases of my life again. If I could redo college, I would. I'd try to have a lot more fun.

I was like James Dean in HS, fast cars fast women. I guess I would have liked to have a nicer fast car and a better looking women


why do all of the qotd's have to do with your personal life?

no, i hated hs


No way, Jose!!!!

hmm...sure. I will make smart investments and be the richest HSer in US. With all that money, I can screw all the cheerleaders ...something I wasn't able to do in HS

I would redo high school in a second!! I wasted the foundation of my higher education (of which I h=now have none). Since I have been out of school, I discovered that I enjoy writing, engineering and have artistic talents that are being wasted sitting in a cubicle. If I could go back, I would take it seriously, get a scholarship and my plans to take over the world will succeed!!

I believe I'm redoing high school right now by working here. Hold on, lemme go book-check this dude in senior hall.

I would redo it and focus on my academics more this time around. Being cool or impressing people would be my last priority because once you graduate, you never see those people again anyway. The so-called "cool people" all end up as losers in life because they never focus on their academics. I could've went to Harvard instead of a stupid state school. I just didn't care back then.

[question asker], are trying to get ideas from us for that un-official "Billy Madison" sequel that you are writing? Stop it.

Nah. High school was painful enough the first time. The benefit of being able to have a little more fun would be outweighed by all the B.S. that comes along with the whole high school experience.

no way...i couldn't stand going to class...if i had to, i would be like uncle rico in Napolean Dynamite and win the football state championship...oh, and i would punch [coworker] in the stomach

My initial thought, yes if I could go back “knowing what I know now”. However, upon further reflection, my answer would be no. There are too many important things in my life today that I would never want to give up.

i would totally redo high school. i would have changed some of my courses, read more, probably even taken AP Bio (and who knows...maybe i'd even be a doctor). perhaps i would have even gone to a different university. i also wrote this letter to a kid i was in love with...i still can't believe i did that. so i'd definately play that game differently. - guess that's it.

Monday, April 03, 2006

QOTD: room with a view

question of the day: what do you want to happen to your body when you die?


I don't plan on dying. Seriously. In our lifetime, either the medical advances will exist to halt and reverse aging, or I'll be able to download the contents of my brain into a new form. However, if I get killed by something that doesn't destroy my body, donate the organs (if organ donation is still something that's useful) and cremate the rest.

hmm, not sure... i think just a plain old burial in a grave site near the rest of my family. Unless I'm mangled in some horrific accident or have some crazy disease that makes my body all nasty, then maybe cremation. i saw this thing on tv about a company that mixes your ashes into cement and makes a thing that they dump into the ocean. your ashes then become a habitat for fish. maybe that's what ill do. or maybe i'll get my body frozen so they can bring me back in 200 years.

If anything left is worth saving, I’d like to donate whatever organs are viable. I mean I’m done with it, why not let someone else get a little more mileage out of them?

i want to be cremated. and i want my ashes spread in the desert of rajasthan.

I want my body to come with me to heaven. Those 1000 virgins aren't going to do themselves.

I want my body to be thrown down a flight of stairs, then stuffed with old Beatle Bailey comics. I'd like to have some antlers screwed into my skull and a hook drilled into my back. Then I'd like to be hung from the back of a speeding school bus, with a T-shirt on that says "How's my driving?"


have my ashes spread over a golf course...or, have me stuffed and placed in cones alley

I want be sealed up inside the wall of the house of an enemy. That'll smell!

In accordance with the beliefs of my people, my body will be raped by 100 syphillitic inmates, dragged across a field of broken glass, beaten with a 2x4 full of rusty nails, and fed to angry chipmunks.

I would like it to come with me. I would like it to punch [a coworker] in the stomach

i would like to swim with the fishes

My grandfather always said that he wanted to be buried with his buttocks out of the ground. I always figured it was so everyone could kiss his rump good-bye. He said it was so there was a place to park ones bicycle. As much as I appreciate his thoughtfulness, I think I want to be cremated. How morbid for a Monday morning!! Editor has issues…

i'm not sure. i used to want to be cremated, or stuffed into a mausoleum (i love those things!) but donating my body to science seems like something important i could do with my body after i'm done with it

I guess donate to “science” if the science wants it. I think viewings and funerals are disgusting, so if science won’t take my haggard corpse then someone can go ahead and incinerate me.

I haven’t thought much about it. I just don’t want to be buried.