Friday, June 30, 2006

QOTD: state law

question of the day: what state law would you like to see put in place?

Legalize gay marriage and marijuana.

legalized drugs. all drugs. you want to o.d. on heroin? okay, here ya go moron. one less loser on the planet.

No smoking tobacco, everywhere!

mandatory abortions/birth control for people who cant afford their kids, mandate that everyone get a job unless they are in a coma or otherwise bedridden, and a law that states that you absolutely cannot have digital cable or a satellite dish if your house is borderline condemned. there' s three, and i definitely could list about 50 more arbitrary laws. i would be so good in government.

Monetary penalties/rewards on having children. A couple can have two children (enough to replace themselves) without penalty. A couple or individual with 0 or 1 child will get a tax credit. Those with 3+ children should pay a penalty. Currently, they are stressing the resources of their communities and having all of the taxpayers share the burden.

They've already enacted it in other states, but not in NJ. It's the law that makes it illegal to ride in the left lane if you are not actively passing someone. They put it in place to stop the jack-offs from riding in the left lane, just so that they can be in other peoples' way. It's very dangerous because it makes people pass on the right, which is already illegal in NJ.

How about a leash law on children who are not taught to behave. If your children are running around the supermarket like animals, you should be fined and the children treated like animals and be leashed until they learn to act civil.

No more question of the days :)

Thursday, June 29, 2006

QOTD: born free

question of the day: name something that happened the year you were born.

Nixon resigned

How do I know? I couldn't even feed myself - all I did was cry and soil my diapers!

Hulk Hogan became the WWF champion

madonna released "Like a Virgin" and Ronald Reagan was re elected

I think Elvis died.

energy crisis

Nixon resigned. Hank Aaron hit his 715th home run.

I made it out just under the wire. Roe V. Wade.

i was born

in a nutshell, lots of disasters and Tron.

Jonestown mass suicide: In Jonestown, Guyana, Jim Jones leads his Peoples Temple in a mass murder-suicide; 913 die, including 276 children.

On the day of my birth, U.S. performs nuclear test at Nevada Test Site, France performs nuclear test at Muruora Island and Crew of Soyuz 29 returns to Earth aboard Soyuz 31.

Gosh, so many to choose from: Thriller won the Grammy for Album of the Year, the first Apple Macintosh went on sale, but most importantly, Miami Vice Premiered on NBC.

George W. Bush is arrested and fined for driving under the influence of alcohol. The Central Intelligence Agency releases documents under the Freedom of Information Act revealing it had engaged in mind control experiments.

Super Bowl VII: The Miami Dolphins defeat the Washington Redskins. The Dolphins become the first NFL team to go undefeated in a season.
President Richard Nixon announces that a peace accord has been reached in Vietnam.
Rock band Pink Floyd releases Dark Side of the Moon, which will go on to become one of the most influential and commercially successful albums of all-time.
Secretariat wins the Triple Crown.
Concorde makes its first non-stop crossing of the Atlantic in record-breaking time.

1974: 1) Ramones begin playing popular New York clubs like CBGB. Their brand of rock'n'roll helps set the trend for the "punk" and "new wave" rockers of the Seventies and Eighties.
2) The United Nations sets the first international fax standard, which allows facsimile messages to be transmitted at about one page in six minutes.

The city of Saigon is surrendered and remaining Americans are evacuated, ending the Vietnam War. One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, Jaws, Nashville, Dog Day Afternoon were in the movies.

• The Tasman Bridge in Tasmania, Australia, is struck by the bulk ore carrier Lake Illawarra, killing twelve people. • Ella Grasso becomes Governor of Connecticut, becoming the first woman to serve as a Governor in the United States who did not succeed her husband • The first successfully predicted earthquake occurred in Haicheng, Liaoning, China. • King Faisal of Saudi Arabia is shot and killed by a nephew with a history of mental illness - the killer is beheaded on June 18. • The Vietnam War ends as Communist forces take Saigon and South Vietnam surrenders unconditionally. • The Busch Gardens Williamsburg theme park opens in Virginia. • The Suez Canal opens for the first time since the Six-Day War • In Detroit, Michigan, Teamsters Union president Jimmy Hoffa is reported missing. • Rock music artist Bruce Springsteen releases his third album, Born To Run. • End of term for Tuanku Al-Mutassimu Billahi Muhibbudin Sultan Abdul Halim Al-Muadzam Shah ibni Almarhum Sultan Badlishah as the 5th Yang di-Pertuan Agong of Malaysia. • American television network NBC airs the first episode of Saturday Night Live • Rock group Queen released the album A Night at the Opera, including their greatest hit Bohemian Rhapsody. • Left-wing terrorists, including Carlos (the Jackal), kidnap delegates of an OPEC conference in Vienna. They kill three hostages, extort $5 million ransom and escape into the Middle East.
[Courtesy wikipeadia]

The heavens opened up with an angelic chorus as I am given my first breath of life, knowing that now there is now male on this earth to one day confront the irrationality of the other species and put to rest, the myth: “A superior man does not only posses knowledge of woman and her physiology but cherishes her biological gifts”.
(I go to bed laughing at that one!! I supose that superior man also wears a red cape and can stop a speeding bullit)

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

QOTD: i shouldn't have asked...

question of the day: tomorrow is a special day. No one will remember what went on that day except you. You have 24 hours to do whatever you want, and everything will be back to normal the next day. What do you do?

That is like putting a kid in front of a candy store… So that means a TOP 10!!
10) Be the center square on Hollywood Square
9) Go blonde…everywhere
8) Panty raid the Pl@yboy Mansion
7) Play out the Breakfast Club library scene at a local high school emphasizing “I want to be an airforce ranger!!”
6) Test drive a Ferrari with Alyssa Milano..for the whole day
5) Take over the MTV studio and actually broadcast MUSIC videos
4) Streak a nursing home
3) Open up for Aerosmith with “Air Guitar”
2) B#tch Slap my boss every time he asks me about my deadlines
1) Put QOTD Editor in a dunking tank filled with piranhas at the local fair…for a day

I cannot trully answer this one.

go on a 10 state killing spree starting in PA

i'd rob a bank, go on a high speed police chase, beat up the people that piss me off, and then jump off a cliff

Two words: Sexual Harrassment

Probably go to Vegas, gamble, drink, do drugs, and bang hookers. Then I'll go to Reno and shoot a man just to watch him die. Then I'll rent a really fast car and drive like an a-hole.

dude... that's a crazy question. i have no idea where to even begin... probably visit a lot of top secret places that i normally wouldn't have access too. have lots of sex with old flames, new flames, random flames, i think i need more than 24 hours... can i die or get hurt? am i allowed to break laws? whoa... my head is gonna blow!

say exactly what you want to say to everyone you know, wear only what you really want to, leave work early, go to the beach and the day doesn't turn into night, it is completely, sunny for the entire day

I'd probably do things that I would never do under normal circumstances like getting a big pile of hookers and heroin together and see where the day took me. At some point, I'd probably try to steal a car or a plane. Maybe rob a bank or two. Do some skydiving and some murdering.

Get the heck out of Dodge. Where? Hmmm…a day on the beach in Bali would be nice.

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

QOTD: the gift

question of the day: what's the worst gift you've ever gotten?

a plant. I have a black thumb....why in the hell would someone want to have a plant murdered like that

pre used pen

a dollar store snowman figurine

i think i got socks as a present once when i was 10?

dunno - but i get a lot of crappy

I got something from my grandmom once and I didn't even know what it was. I got it by mail, so I couldn't even ask her what it was. It was just a piece of wood. Our best guess was some kind of thing to hang hats on.

The gift of herpes...and just like a diamond, it's forever.

a raspberry colored sequin beret

The only gifts that suck are ones that are personally engraved. You can't return them or re-gift them.

Pass-me-on housewarming gift [miniature grand father clock] along with an ornate name plate(with their names) for the door

i got one of those really bad gifts that makes you question your entire persona: patchwork, faux-leather and suede, chunky heel, mid-calf boots. they were the most intensely hideous shoes i have ever seen in my entire life. i gave them to goodwill.

bad clothes. usually from boyfriend's mothers. ugh. it's always something conservative and itchy.

A pair of diamond earrings. A man gave them to me right after I broke up with him, so I could not wear them with a clear conscience.

Monday, June 26, 2006

QOTD: but these go to 11

question of the day: if you had a band, what kind of music would you play and what would be the name of the band?

i am a band. it is called head

The Morons

The only point of having a band is to get chicks. Thusly, I would have only create stripper music and hire a few hot ones to be my entourage. As for a names, I think I'd go with "Hot for Ho's"
"Hey did you hear the new HfH album?"
"No - is it hot?"
"Dude - you gotta SEE it!"
"How about the music?"
"Well it only goes well with an $8 beer and a lap dance..."

The name of my band would be Sherbet and it would play 80’s and 90’s hair metal.

If I had a band, we'd play a lot of Rock 'n Roll, some Punk and some Heavy Metal. We'd also have a few slower, sadder sounding songs. The name of my band would be Izzy's Tractor.

i don't think i'd ever have or be in a band...but if i was...i'd really want to be the drummer. but if i had to a music artist, i think it'd be fun to perform r&b. but i have zero musical skills, so this is just a fun dream. I'd name the band 'Pani Everywhere'.

Really re-worked R&B/Hip-hop cover tunes. The name of the band would be called "Post-Coitial Chocolate".

My band name would be monkey scrotum and we would be a death polka Falco cover band.

rock and the name would be Head

if i had a band, i would want to sound like we were from outer sapce. like t. rex and david bowie, sans annoying saxophone accompaniment. the awesomtastical space fancy-dancers

white boy funk, jazz, stretched out rock n' roll. It would be like trip hop meets disco meets bluegrass meets rockabilly meets heavy metal. We would be called Qbert.

a marvin gaye cover band. called sonic death monkey.

punk rock blues. called bloody guy. after the famed blues guitarist buddy guy

My band would be chick rock for sure. Hard core guitar, fast riffs, etc. but the lead singer would be a hot chick with a hot raspy voice. The band would be called R.O.C.K.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

QOTD: ch-ch-changes

question of the day: describe one moment that changed your life.

you [question asker]

Meeting you

moment I met my husband.

getting to hold my little sister when she was born. I was 8 and she was just born and we got to go in and hold her. I still remember that day perfectly

Yet to happen

i was born

When my grandfather was hospitalized, I saw the strongest, wisest man I ever knew reduced to living like an infant. When he was allowed to go home, the whole family, including myself decided that I should move in with my grand mother to assist. Although he passed away before I got to pack, my visits consisted of me changing and feeding this once tower in my world. My view on life has never been the same.

when my father died while i was in high school. it changed my family dynamic. my mom had to work twice as hard, etc. it sucked.

the day I met [coworkers mom]

The day that I rejected all forms of organized brainwashing... er, religion.

When I was 13, we went on a rafting trip with my camp. There was a boys raft and a girls raft, each with about 10 campers and 2 counselors. We came to a part of the river that was only about 2 feet deep, so one of the boy campers jumped out and started walking back to where the girl campers' raft was. None of them saw him coming and before I could blink, the raft had knocked him down. He was underwater, wedged between the raft and some rocks on the bottom. I felt like I was the only one that realized what had just happened. Without even thinking, I jumped out of our raft and ran back to where the girls' raft was. Not sure how this next part happened, but somehow I lifted up half of their raft (about 5 campers and 1 counselor) and pulled him out from underneath it. I don't believe in God, but some greater being definitely gave me the strength to lift that raft that day. The guy who's life I saved went to my HS and years after the incident, he came up to me to remind me about it and thank me again.

that moment has not happened yet

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

QOTD: simpsons

question of the day: what was the last simpsons episode you enjoyed? what is your favorite quote or moment, and favorite character?

I can't remember specific episodes anymore. Old age does that to you. My favorite quote is from Ralph Wiggum. Eating something, he described it as "tastes like burning". Best line ever.

the one where they send the plant to India...Homer is my favorite and favorite line was....Lisa says, "dad, what would you say if i were to tell you that you could lose weight without dieting?"..Homer says, "i would call you a lying scumbag"

I watched one last night where Bart gets a 10-speed bike. My favorite moment is when Moe changes his bar into a family restaurant and the Flanders' go there for Rod's birthday: Ned: Rod, you order anything you want for your big ten-oh. Rod: Million dollar birthday fries! Waiter: [gleeful] Uh oh! [a flashing light and siren go off] Maude: [reading] "Moe gets so excited when you order his million dollar birthday fries, he just has to celebrate. [Moe jumps out with sparklers and fries on his head in a basket] Moe: Here you go! Here I am! Uncle Moe -- thank you, ma'am! This'll be a treat: Uncle Moe! Here I am, while you eat! [leans down; Rod tries a couple of fries] Moe: Please take the fries off my head, kid. The basket is extremely hot.

The Last Temptation of Krust - 22 Feb 1998 - After finally accepting that his comedic style is outdated, Krusty settles on more edgier material: what's wrong with today's crop of stand-up comedians.


homers car

i don't watch the simpsons

Hmmmm the last Simpsons episode me and the rest of the country enjoyed must have been in 1995. So many great characters...Kato Kaelin..Marcia Clark...and of course O.J himself. Although my favorite would have to be Johnny Cochran and the quote "If the Glove don't fit you must acquit!" Pure Genius!

Favorite quote ever:
Burns: I suggest you leave immediately
Homer: Or what? You'll release the dogs or the bees? Or the dogs with bees in their mouths and when they bark they shoot bees at you?

I never catch the new episodes, I’m always watching reruns, but I love the one with the mental patient who sings like Michael Jackson and Bart gets him to sing a song to Lisa for her birthday since Bart’s song flopped. “Lisa, her teeth are big and green. Lisa, she smells like gasoline, Lisa, da da da Disa…”

in homers underwater house, he is watching the fish swim away with his patio furniture. "stupid flounders!" also, ralph saying "super nintendo chalmers"

Monday, June 19, 2006

QOTD: picture postcard

question of the day: what is the farthest long distance relationship you have had? how did you deal with the distance?

Brazil. We talked on the phone a lot, emailed, IMed, and saw each other every 6-8 weeks

dated a girl in phila while I was in college and just saw her on the weekends. In the end it didn't work out.

i don't believe in long distance relationships - unless you think you are going MARRY that person. although, i just found that my roommate from college is going to marry the guy she had a long distance relationship with for three years! (and the whole time i thought it was insane). they met in study abroad. so i guess ya never know..

Don’t do long distance

I once dated a girl who said she was from Mars, I didn't believe her and I haven't seen her since she flew away in her flying sorcerer.

when i went away to school i had a b/f that was about 8 hours away from me. how did i deal with the distance? i cheated constantly - i know - horrible

About 90 minutes. We dealt with it by breaking up. Being geographically inconvenient is the death knell of a relationship.

NC, phone calls and random visits, but it was too hard

My current one. She lives in VA Beach. I live in Northern Jersey. I can’t honestly say it is easy. I use most of my vacation days so that I can spend 3 and 4 day weekends with her. The 6 + hours is a negative, but since she live one block off the beach, the trips are more bearable.

We lived an hour and a half away from each other. To deal with the distance, we would alternate weekends, so that the driving wasn't all on one person. We also talked on the phone like 5 times a day. A shame that she fell off of a cliff and died on impact though.

Probably only half an hour, and we'd usually meet halfway when we were younger. After we could drive, it didn't matter.

xxxx: whats a relationship?
me: i used to know
xxxx: ?????
me: but i forget now
xxxx: I'm stumped
me: i think i saw it on tv once
xxxx: Isn't it like, when a man loves a woman? He can do no wrong?

Three and a half to four hours away. We only saw each other on weekends. One weekend I would drive down to NJ and the next he would come up and visit me in NY. We talked on the phone a lot and just dealt. There was nothing we could do at the time.

I consider myself a geographical bachelor – my relationships only exist within a geographical footprint.

90 miles... we saw each other almost every weekend and talked on the phone almost every day.

n/a. i don't believe in long distance relationships.

Friday, June 16, 2006

QOTD: snl

question of the day: who are your favorite saturday night live characters? which SNL cast member has been your favorite, past or present?

i dont watch it anymore, but i loved phil hartman so much. his voice is always hilarious, and his ability to keep a strait face was amazing. and of course, the chris farley and david spade skits were always good.

Will Ferrel. Harry Carey of course

debbie downer :) she's the best!

Bulushi and Acroyd. Cheeseburger, chessburger, Coke, No Pepsi

church lady

Phil Hartman and WIll Ferrell. Clinton and Alex Trebek. andSean Connery in the Jeopardy skits

Dana Carvey. It’s sad that he has had no career since he left. Steve Martin and John Belushi are up there as well. I’m a classic SNL guy. The new stuff seems boring to me..

My favorite SNL character was Unfrozen Caveman Lawyer, played by the late, great Phil Hartman. "When I drive around in my BMW, I think to myself, is this some sort of a strange rock that can move? I don't know, I'm just a caveman." My favorite SNL cast member definitely has to be Will Ferrell.

I like buckwheat sings. Wookin pa nub! Phil Hartman was the best cast member.

Matt Foley was the best. It was a character played by Chirs Farley... he was this crazy motivational speaker... who "lived in a van down by the river.

I like the old members like Chase and Murphy. Will Farrell is always good though for todays shows. No specific characters.

Probably the Greek Restaurant Owner played by John Belushi.... Cheeburger Cheeburger Cheeburger Coke....believe it or not that was funny when he said it. .Also Samurai Futaba, Bumblebee Man, and Joliet Jake Blues

waynes world! party time, excellent! and, we are 2 wild and crazy guys! kevin nealon was also my favorite for weekend update. mike myers is prob my favorite snl cast member. and rob shneider, making copies!

I don’t watch SNL.

All time favourite character is Mr. Robinson (Eddie Murphy) in Mr. Robinson's 'hood and of course, the " a van, down by the river!" guy. As for my favourite cast member, I was a huge Phil Hartman fan and now its Horatio Sanz (as Elton John or the Puppet Master).

That's a tough question. It's been on for 30 years now. Sometimes you have a favorite character and they use them over and over again until you're sick of them. Some of my favorite people/characters: Bill Murray's lounge singer; Eddie Murphy: Gumby, Buckwheat, Mr. Robinson; Wayne's World; Adam Sandler's Opera Man; Molly Shannon's Mary Catherine Galleger; Chris Farley's Matt Foley - motivational speaker; Will Ferrell's George W. Bush and Darrell Hammond's Clinton were great.

Thursday, June 15, 2006

QOTD: i am smrt

question of the day: who is smarter, generally, men or women? why?

Me because I'm awesome

Men are smarter, but women are always right.

As the Dead used to sing, The women are...smarter, that's right, the women are...smarter

Men are smarter. Because women already know how to have babies without men, but they keep having sex with men anyway.

Women. They can get men to do what ever they want as long as there is an allusion that 'something' can happen. I say we establish a rate card. You need me to pick you up at the airport? I'm gonna have to see some nipple.

Generally speaking, men. In terms of money in America, no one is richer than Bill Gates, a man. In terms of power and respect, there has never been a woman president. Most of our inventions, works of art and scientific discoveries have all come from men. A man was the first to walk on the moon and women astronauts didn't come along for another 10-20 years after that. The only woman you ever hear about in US History is Betsy Ross and what did she do, some sewing? You can hardly compare that to winning a war as a general or emancipating the slaves.

I think it's pretty much the same. The brains are wired a little differently. So, for example, men make better engineers because they are better at spatial relations. I believe women make better managers because they are better multi-taskers.

can't really answer this question...smarter in what sense? but if i had to just say generally...i guess men. i value science and math above other subjects, and men perform better in those fields.

Ha!! This is an easy one. While women may be smart, men will always be smarter. The reason being is this. Women spend almost an entire month building up their intelligence, only to have it all leak out, consistently every month. Men don’t have these problems. While men may not be the smarter of the two in everything, we are at least consistent with our intelligence and reasonableness. That also makes us more rational. Sorry women, it’s not your fault. It’s just science.

That's right the women are smarter, the women are smarted that,_Women_Smarter.txt

neither. some men and women differ slightly when it comes to logic/reasoning, but i believe men and women (usually) compliment each other well in problem solving because of their innate differences.

I believe that women are smarter because they can look at things both intellectually and emotionally and come to a conclusion. Typically men overlook the emotional aspect of things while women can look at both sides and come to a conclusion.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

The rest of the story... what do you think?

Andy Rooney said on "60 Minutes" a few weeks back:
I don't think being a minority makes you a victim of anything except numbers. The only things I can think of that are truly discriminatory are things like the United Negro College Fund, Jet Magazine, Black Entertainment Television, and Miss Black America. Try to have things like the UnitedCaucasianCollege Fund, Cloud Magazine, White Entertainment Television, or Miss White America; and see whathappens...Jesse Jackson will be knocking down your door. Guns do not make you a killer. I think killing makes you a killer. You can kill someone with a baseball bat or a car, but no one is trying to ban you from driving to the ball game. I believe they are called the Boy Scouts for a reason, that is why there are no girls allowed. Girls belong in the Girl Scouts! ARE YOU LISTENING
MARTHA BURKE? I think that if you feel homosexuality is wrong, it is not a phobia, it is an opinion. I have the right "NOT" to be tolerant of others because they are different, weird, or tick me off. When 70% of the people who get arrested are black, in cities where 70% of the population is black, that is not racial profiling, it is the Law of Probability.
I believe that if you are selling me a milkshake, a pack of cigarettes, a newspaper or a hotel room, you must do it in English! As a matter of fact, if you want to be an American citizen, you should have to speak English! My father and grandfather didn't die in vain so you can leave the countries you were born in to come over and disrespect ours. I think the police should have every right to shoot your sorry ass if you threaten them after they tell you to stop. If you can't understand the word "freeze" or "stop" in English, see the above lines. I don't think just because you were not born in this country, you are qualified for any special loan programs, government sponsored bank loans or tax breaks, etc., so you can open a hotel, coffee shop, trinket store, or any other business. We did not go to the aid of certain foreign countries and risk our lives in wars to defend their freedoms, so that decades later they could come over here and tell us our constitution is a living document; and open to their interpretations. I don't hate the rich I don't pity the poor. I know pro wrestling is fake, but so are movies and television. That doesn't stop you from watching them. I think Bill Gates has every right to keep every penny he made and continue to make more. If it ticks you off, go and invent the next operating system that's better, and put your name on the building. It doesn't take a whole village to raise a child right, but it does take a parent to stand up to the kid; and smack their little behinds when necessary, and say "NO!" I think tattoos and piercing are fine if you want them, but please don't pretend they are a political statement. And, please, stay home until
that new lip ring heals. I don't want to look at your ugly infected mouth as you serve me French fries! I am sick of "Political Correctness." I know a lot of black people, and not a single one of them was born in Africa; so how can they be "African-Americans"? Besides, Africa is a continent. I don't go around saying I am a European-American because my great, great, great, great, great, great grandfather was from Europe. I am proud to be from America and nowhere else And if you don't like my point of view, tough...
It is said that 86% of Americans believe in God. Therefore I have a very hard time understanding why there is such a problem in having "In God We Trust" on our money and having "God" in the Pledge of Allegiance. Why don't we just tell the 14% to Shut Up and BE QUIET!!!

Monday, June 12, 2006

QOTD: halftime

question of the day: the year is half over! how has 2006 been for you so far? has it been a good year or a bad year, and why?

good year, i graduated college, thats always a positive thing

overall it has been a wonderful year - its been a huge year of change and growth and i finally think my life is getting on the right track!

wow, that's depressing. the year hasn't been that great. i do have some fun vacations in mind. but other than expectations for 2006 have not been met AT ALL and unless something magical will be a rather 'blahhh' year.

A good year yes.....I like the idea of a good year. I mean you never hear about a bad year blimp, although maybe bad years should have a about a bad year tuna sandwich. It's a bad year but at least you get a sandwich...kind of like a consolation the year isn't a total waste. Hey wouldn't it be a great year if you actually got ride in the good year that's the stuff dreams are made of...oops almost ended that sentence with a preposition...guess i got a little too excited.

one huge disappointment after another

I can hardly believe that the year is half over. The older I get the faster times seems to move. It's really scary. Kind of depressing actually. The year has been a challenge for me. I believe I have made some significant strides in my career however many goals set forth in my personal life have been on hold. I have a good feeling that 2007 will bring resolution and progress both professionally and personally. For now I'm just trying to live one moment at a time.

pretty good so far

It has been a great year for me so far. I achieved 3 of my lifelong dreams in the past few months. Bought my first sportbike. Went riding with a large group of other riders. And yesterday, I finally got to be the leader of the ride (mainly because I was the only one who knew how to get to the destination, but nonetheless, I was still the leader). Also, I found a place to live in the town that I've been dying to live in all of my life. Just gotta wait til nov. when it's finished being built.

I'm still all in one piece, so I guess it's good. and downs....same as every year.

its been pretty good. im relatively happy, and my house is starting to look like a place where adults live. i wish i read more, and did more, ate less, had a better job, but compared to where i was a few years ago, im pretty set.

2006 has been okay. A lot going on this year, turning a particular age that i'm not thrilled about, looking for a new home, and finally paying down some debt. 2006 has been a lot of freaking work so far. I'm pretty tired of my job right now too, so that is pretty sucky. I'm on the fence - I cannot come up with a yay or nay on the year. sorry dude.

Friday, June 09, 2006

QOTD: food is good

question of the day: What food item do you like that other people think is weird or gross?

spinach in any form

well i love two foods that normally most people are OK with but how i eat it usually grosses people out - i eat tofu straight out of the package like its my job and i eat spaghetti sauce right out of the jar

I like to sip vinegar. I like to mix powdered hot chocolate mix with cold milk ‘till lumpy.

i dont think i have any. i used to eat apples and peanutbutter, but now im allergic to peanutbutter

I'm a non-condimentarian. So most of what I eat is considered 'weird' by some. As far as 'gross' Cadbury creme eggs?!?


cottage cheese

Braunschwager liverwurst on Triscuits.
Dragon Rolls from Banzai (It is eel for those who aren’t in the sushi know)
I will also get a sub from Wawa and pick all the meat and cheese off. Then I will eat the bread and veggies like a normal sandwich and then eat the meat and cheese last.

love oysters, clam, and calamari

i like sour cream with most indian food. and i am a condiment whore - so i mix it all up and most people think its nasty.

My mom used to give me peanut butter and bacon sandwiches when I was a kid. I could probably still eat them but they're a little dry. Every once in a while I'll have a peanut butter and cheese sandwich. I like to put barbecue potato chips on my ham & cheese sandwiches. I love those little orange circus peanuts, although I can only eat a few at a time. Other than these examples I'm a pretty bland eater.

stuffed derma (

Tough one to answer. I will try almost anything, whereas many of my friends won’t, so really, everything I eat is weird, in reference to foods like Tai, Cuban and Korean (to name a few). I have a friend who won’t touch sushi, and refuses to even try the green hot sauce that comes with Cuban dishes.. Let alone anything Korean.. But he is a rare case. Being so close to NYC, variety is the normal. My friends from CA, FL, MA and such sometimes have trouble with that but at least try to be adventurous…


Thursday, June 08, 2006

QOTD: smell the glove

question of the day: Have you ever gotten in trouble during your highschool years? What did you do and what was the punishment…?

i was a good girl.........ok i'm sure you don't believe that one i wasn't good, i was just good at not getting caught

nothing too bad in HS, college is a different story

I got chased by 27 cops through 4 towns, they finally ran me off a 35 foot embankment.

i only got in trouble once, my teacher thought I stole my paper offline, because i forgot my citations, we all realized it was a simple mistake, but it was my one and only detention

i was sent to a frederal jail for creating fake ids for 4 years

I got in trouble during my high school years. I had sex with the slutty girl in school and my punishment was crabs.

Vehicular manslaughter. 500 hours of community service. That'll teach 'em to mock my stutter!

Oh-kay, here's the situation ,my parents went away on a week's vacation...
Well actually this really did happen, I tried to have a party, got caught by my older sister as carloads of seniors are looking for parking in my yard. My punishment: pick a passage from the bible and read it to the family at dinner ever night.

i was a good boy...actually, i just never got caught

In high school, I was suspended repeatedly (in-school suspension) for cutting classes. Not that I wasn’t good at getting away with it, I just did it so much that a percentage was bound to catch up with me. Records show that I skipped 120 days of math in my junior year alone (still passed with a C).
In middle school, I got in trouble, once for playing with firecrackers on my news paper route (is that possible??) and once for drawing a picture of a male flasher. The principle considered it p*rn*graphy. It was pretty simple yet ingenious. I can provide directions to anyone interested..

I was too sexy for my pants so I took them off, and got punished with a spanking from the girls gymnastic team, then I woke up. Ahh the good ole days. Now I'm too sexy for my cubicle and get punished when someone drinks the last cup of coffe and doesn't make more. Ahh corporate america.

yes, i got arrested for underage drinking. my friends and i bought 40s before a show, drank them, and then decided to go home. the driver didnt drink at all, so we werent that stupid, but she got pulled over for following another car too closely. the cops smelled our skunky beer breath, and we had to go to the station, and call our parents. it was fun.

I never got into trouble in high school. I was suspended once for fighting in elementary school. My friend and I were arrested when I was about 14 for being on the roof of the shopping center across the street from my house. We got to ride in a paddywagon and had to have our parents pick us up from the police station. We had to go to court and plead guilty for criminal trespassing and pay a $45 fine. I'm such a bad-ass, aren't I?

My senior year of high school I went to a New Years Eve party. My friends were home from their freshman year of college and I got really, really drunk with them. The people who were at the party that were still in high school with me called my parents to tell them that I was at a party and drunk. Since I was on the basketball team, I violated the no drinking policy. My coach would have looked the other way, but my parents made me quit the team because it was the right thing to do. And also my dad was a teacher in the school. Since I was a softball pitcher and looking to get a scholarship for college, I had to start practicing each night after school; running, pitching and weight training. The worst part was that I was pretty good in b-ball so when I quit the team the papers got a hold of the story and made a big deal out of me leaving the team. Luckily they never found out about the drinking and we were able to spin it and say that I was leaving the team to concentrate on softball. At home I was given about 9000 hours of manual labor to do around the house, couldn’t drive my car anywhere for enjoyment, it had to be solely for going from Point A to Point B and it was only for running errands for my parents and that was it.

Since there may be a statute of limition on things I have done – I respectful decline to comment on this issue.

Once they found a dead hooker in my locker, but it was the principal's wife. And thus it was never spoke of again...

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

QOTD: 3 things

question of the day: what are three qualities you need to have in a relationship?

Sex, sex, sex

1) sense of humor is a must 2) must be sensitive/understanding and 3) must love animals

big breasts, nice ass, good in bed

Trust, love and amazing sex.

1) Leave. 2) Me. 3) Alone.

shared sense of humor, ability to spend massive amounts of time together and never get bored, sick of, or disgusted with each other, and mutual respect

1. intelligence (and i mean brilliant). i want to be 'wowed' daily. 2. stature (when the guy walks in...he should definately have a presence). 3. comes from a good family.

two boobs, a hole, and a heartbeat

Sense of humor, intelligence and the ability to make me weak in the knees.

1) A desire to be co-dependent. 2) A desire to sit at home every weekend, either painting or watching Everybody Loves Raymond. 3) A desire to be with only one person.

1) must put out at least 4 times a day 2) must not speak 3) must be affordable

no wrinkles, a lack of morals, and an uncanny ability to google just about anything. i'm not picky, you see.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

QOTD: catchphrase

question of the day: what is your "catchphrase", something you say all the time?

None at the moment. I used to say NICE all the time until other people started using it without my permission. So I banned it. In the last few months, I started to say SWEET (again like I did 10 years ago), even though I despise that one. I blame my girlfriend for that one. I'm currently in rehad to break that one.

holy cow! fancy a corndog, bro?

whatever dude


good luck with that.

"you know what i mean" i say it constantly - its so annoying

I always seem to be saying "Someone please kill me already, I'm sick of being alive." Then I usually pause and pray for a car to run me over, but it never happens

Holy smokes, Batman.

i use the word "super" like no other. i also say "sup man" a lot. oooh - and "bonkers". one can often catch me saying...'i'm going bonkers today'.

answer: get serious.

what can i get for $40?

"Great", but said with a long "ea" like greeeeeaaaaat. Say this (but don't yell or shout it) sarcastically whenever something goes wrong. This is used at least 20 times per day.

“Ho ho, hey hey, I love the question of the day!”

I hope these aren't too obvious...I like to keep my identity a secret(at least that's what I say to explain the mask and cape) "I swear officer she said she was 18" "Is it supposed to itch this much?" "That wasn't too was efficient" and the ever popular "Yes it is hard to be humble when you're perfect in every way"

“Put the lotion in the basket”

I don't have a catch phrase, but one that I use a lot is, "Can I pay your mom next week?"

Monday, June 05, 2006

QOTD: fight to the death

question of the day: who would win in a fight to the death: a ninja, a pirate, a viking, or a zombie? why?

I think a pirate would win because he is the only one that uses firearms. As long as he shoots the zombie in the head he will be fine. The ninja will be tricky, but if the pirate shoots him first he'll be okay. Arrr, matey!

a ninja. they are quick, and could fight off a zombie; they don't drink, and would be more sober than the pirate, and would therefore kick his ass; and they are definitely more agile than vikings.

Well, scientifically speaking of course, the zombie would win because you can't kill something that's already dead. Think about it

zombie would never die because he is already dead. Now if that zombie is fighting a pirate from the Black Pearl it would go on forever. i think

a ninja cause they are the coolest

mighty mouse

You smell like doody.

a ninja. because i'm a ninja in my caddie.

I don’t know and I don’t care. What is next? Waxing poetic on the merits of Star Wars vs. Star Trek? :)

well considering a zombie is already 'physically' dead, i would think their immortal stature would make them beat out the others...

The viking, pirate, and ninja would engage each other first, paying no attention to the zombie shuffling around in the corner. the ninja and the pirate would join together to quickly dispose of the viking, maybe by tying him up and making him walk the plank. then the ninja would turn his attention to the pirate, and though the pirate would fight valiantly against the ninja, using his sword and parrot, the ninja would use all sorts of trickery and deception and would eventually confound the pirate. all the while the zombie would be shuffling around and groaning. The ninja would tie up the zombie, but trying to actually kill it would fail, because its already dead. eventually the ninja would fall asleep and the zombie would crawl over and eat the ninja, thus ending the fight.

Let's look at this logically, pirates have only one eye, limiting their vision and the peg leg is sure to slow them down. Using a hook and a sword together is killer with the bonus parrott, but I doubt a pirate will be a ring leader. Vikings have great strength, but their lack of intelligence and oversized weapons will surely be a disadvantage. The bigger they are... Zombies are already dead. They only want to eat. You really can't hurt them. But have you ever seen a movie where the zombie wins?
That leaves the ninja. They wear black and are masters of tons of weapons. Speed, agility and stealth are their greatest pluses (this is the most rediculous QOTD ever) and is really the only surviving member in the whole group. They are unstoppable, even as turtles (mutated of course). I think we should put QOTD administrator in a pit with all of the above, wearing nothing but a rib eye steak thong.

I think it would come down to the ninja and the zombie. I’m rooting for the ninja.

Zombies can only kill something by the virtue of their numbers; one on one, they're wusses. Is the fight going to be on the water? If that's the case, then the Viking or the Pirate would have the edge. Overall, though, a ninja is the only one in that group that is trained to kill on air, land, or sea. So unless the Pirate fights dirty, as is their wont, I'd go with the ninja.

Friday, June 02, 2006

QOTD: books

question of the day: when you go into a big bookstore like borders or barnes & noble, which section do you go to first, and why?

i very rarely go to those stores, but it depends on what mood im in. lately, ive been interested in autobiographies, so i guess i would go there. or the coffee area.

magazine section - look at travel, spa, and architecture...cause its stuff i like, but don't subscribe to. and its also gives me something still dream about. i love it.

I've only been to the bookstore like 2 times and both times I headed right for the CD's. The only reason that I was in there was because I received a gift card through work, otherwise, I would have never stepped foot in there.

The prono section

I go to magazines so I can see your mom on the cover of Crack Whore Magazine

i don't buy books

I can't read so i don't go to bookstores

either to the true crime section or the self help section - hmmm that combo is kinda scary isn't it?

i have a routine, magazines, travel, computers, and art sections, in that order

The half price calendars. I only go in the first week of January.

The chick lit section, especially British Chick Lit. I read for relaxation and enjoyment. My days of reading for knowledge are over. I want to read something light and whimsical that takes my mind off of things.

I browse any section closest to the kids reading section so that I can watch the MILFs. Otherwise, I spend time in the Music and Technology areas. Then I browse the fiction for jus-in novels. Then I go to the coffee shop to buy chocolate so I can work on the kiddies to get to their MILFs.

Depends on what I am thre to get. But I like the autobiography section, African American section, spirituality section, and photography section.

Thursday, June 01, 2006

QOTD: prom

question of the day: did you go to your prom, and how was it? if you didn't, why not, and did you do something else better? would you go now? why or why not?

yes i went and i had an amazing time - almost won prom queen too yes i'd go again - actually looking forward to my reunion!

no, i did not go to my prom. my bf at the time said "it was retarded." and i didn't totally disagree. so i worked that night, and i think i saw gladiator at the movies.

i went to 3 proms. i went freshman, sophmore and junior year with my boyfriend (older) and skipped my own senior prom. i had seen enough prom action. it was fun. getting dressed up seemed like a good idea, except the most embarassing moment of my life occurred at the prom my sophmore year when i fell down an entire flight of stairs at the prom. good times. would i go now? NO, i'm too old.

The only school dance I went to was my senior prom. It was a big hassle. I didn't really have much fun. We left early. I probably wouldn't do it again.

i went to the prom - they were both great. at my hs, after the senior prom they have the post prom party where kids can go and bugg out. there's bungi racing, bball, a hypnotist, gladiatior type was awesome. i would totally do it again. i almost want to sign up to be a chaperone so i can go play.

I didn't go to my prom, but I went to my ex-girlfriends' prom, the next year, after I had already graduated. Worst decision of life. I found out that she was cheating on me, but I was stuck with her and her dumb friends in Seaside for 4 days! I drank an entire bottle of Southern Comfort the first night. After that, I walked up to the boardwalk to be alone, but ended up bumping into all these hotties that I knew from college and hung out with them the rest of the weekend, so I guess I had the last laugh. Anyway, the story has a happy ending because my ex fell off of a cliff and died on impact.

I did not go to my prom, but I did go to my girlfriend's prom which was a year later. It was just like a school dance, with fancier clothes. Nothing special.The parental alert levels spike on special occasions, so you don't get to do much. Other non-prom nights were more eventful. Have you seen "Dazed & Confused"?

Oh, yea, I can see myself at a prom at age 51.

Yes, I did go to the prom. It was lame. After the prom we all camped out and drank, that was more fun than the prom itself.

yes, had a great time. Got wasted, don't remember getting there and then one of my friends got caught by one of the chaperones and was sent to the principles office where he decided to use his trash can as a toilet and began to spew. He was one of our best baseball players and was booted from the team. He decided to leave our public school to go to a private one where he advanced to a high level so I feel that without drunkfest 95 he would not be where he is today. Hooray Beer!

I went to my prom and had a fun. Nothing OC like, but a drunken, sloppy, memorable time was had by all. I doubt I'd go to a prom now, b/c half the fun was trying to find a date with a higher ranking and hopefully you'll charm them enough to sleep with you. Now I'd have to take my spouse...what's the fun in that?

Yes I went to my junior prom. My date was a jerk. I was so proud of my dress which was identical to this dress Vanna White had worn, come to find out another girl at my prom had on the same one.

I had no interest in going. Then a bunch of my friends talked me into going with them since they were mixing the limo with couples and ones going stag. So I figured, why not. But I didn’t want to go stag and had recently broken up with my girlfriend. So they tried hooking me up with one of their friends…didn’t work. I cancelled and never thought twice about what I may or may not have missed. I was too busy drinking..