question of the day: Have you ever gotten in trouble during your highschool years? What did you do and what was the punishment…?i was a good girl.........ok i'm sure you don't believe that one i wasn't good, i was just good at not getting caught
nothing too bad in HS, college is a different story
I got chased by 27 cops through 4 towns, they finally ran me off a 35 foot embankment.
i only got in trouble once, my teacher thought I stole my paper offline, because i forgot my citations, we all realized it was a simple mistake, but it was my one and only detention
i was sent to a frederal jail for creating fake ids for 4 years
I got in trouble during my high school years. I had sex with the slutty girl in school and my punishment was crabs.
Vehicular manslaughter. 500 hours of community service. That'll teach 'em to mock my stutter!
Oh-kay, here's the situation ,my parents went away on a week's vacation...
Well actually this really did happen, I tried to have a party, got caught by my older sister as carloads of seniors are looking for parking in my yard. My punishment: pick a passage from the bible and read it to the family at dinner ever night.
i was a good boy...actually, i just never got caught
In high school, I was suspended repeatedly (in-school suspension) for cutting classes. Not that I wasn’t good at getting away with it, I just did it so much that a percentage was bound to catch up with me. Records show that I skipped 120 days of math in my junior year alone (still passed with a C).
In middle school, I got in trouble, once for playing with firecrackers on my news paper route (is that possible??) and once for drawing a picture of a male flasher. The principle considered it p*rn*graphy. It was pretty simple yet ingenious. I can provide directions to anyone interested..
I was too sexy for my pants so I took them off, and got punished with a spanking from the girls gymnastic team, then I woke up. Ahh the good ole days. Now I'm too sexy for my cubicle and get punished when someone drinks the last cup of coffe and doesn't make more. Ahh corporate america.
yes, i got arrested for underage drinking. my friends and i bought 40s before a show, drank them, and then decided to go home. the driver didnt drink at all, so we werent that stupid, but she got pulled over for following another car too closely. the cops smelled our skunky beer breath, and we had to go to the station, and call our parents. it was fun.
I never got into trouble in high school. I was suspended once for fighting in elementary school. My friend and I were arrested when I was about 14 for being on the roof of the shopping center across the street from my house. We got to ride in a paddywagon and had to have our parents pick us up from the police station. We had to go to court and plead guilty for criminal trespassing and pay a $45 fine. I'm such a bad-ass, aren't I?
My senior year of high school I went to a New Years Eve party. My friends were home from their freshman year of college and I got really, really drunk with them. The people who were at the party that were still in high school with me called my parents to tell them that I was at a party and drunk. Since I was on the basketball team, I violated the no drinking policy. My coach would have looked the other way, but my parents made me quit the team because it was the right thing to do. And also my dad was a teacher in the school. Since I was a softball pitcher and looking to get a scholarship for college, I had to start practicing each night after school; running, pitching and weight training. The worst part was that I was pretty good in b-ball so when I quit the team the papers got a hold of the story and made a big deal out of me leaving the team. Luckily they never found out about the drinking and we were able to spin it and say that I was leaving the team to concentrate on softball. At home I was given about 9000 hours of manual labor to do around the house, couldn’t drive my car anywhere for enjoyment, it had to be solely for going from Point A to Point B and it was only for running errands for my parents and that was it.
Since there may be a statute of limition on things I have done – I respectful decline to comment on this issue.
Once they found a dead hooker in my locker, but it was the principal's wife. And thus it was never spoke of again...