QOTD: picture postcard
question of the day: what is the farthest long distance relationship you have had? how did you deal with the distance?
Brazil. We talked on the phone a lot, emailed, IMed, and saw each other every 6-8 weeks
dated a girl in phila while I was in college and just saw her on the weekends. In the end it didn't work out.
i don't believe in long distance relationships - unless you think you are going MARRY that person. although, i just found that my roommate from college is going to marry the guy she had a long distance relationship with for three years! (and the whole time i thought it was insane). they met in study abroad. so i guess ya never know..
Don’t do long distance
I once dated a girl who said she was from Mars, I didn't believe her and I haven't seen her since she flew away in her flying sorcerer.
when i went away to school i had a b/f that was about 8 hours away from me. how did i deal with the distance? i cheated constantly - i know - horrible
About 90 minutes. We dealt with it by breaking up. Being geographically inconvenient is the death knell of a relationship.
NC, phone calls and random visits, but it was too hard
My current one. She lives in VA Beach. I live in Northern Jersey. I can’t honestly say it is easy. I use most of my vacation days so that I can spend 3 and 4 day weekends with her. The 6 + hours is a negative, but since she live one block off the beach, the trips are more bearable.
We lived an hour and a half away from each other. To deal with the distance, we would alternate weekends, so that the driving wasn't all on one person. We also talked on the phone like 5 times a day. A shame that she fell off of a cliff and died on impact though.
Probably only half an hour, and we'd usually meet halfway when we were younger. After we could drive, it didn't matter.
xxxx: whats a relationship?
me: i used to know
xxxx: ?????
me: but i forget now
xxxx: I'm stumped
me: i think i saw it on tv once
xxxx: Isn't it like, when a man loves a woman? He can do no wrong?
Three and a half to four hours away. We only saw each other on weekends. One weekend I would drive down to NJ and the next he would come up and visit me in NY. We talked on the phone a lot and just dealt. There was nothing we could do at the time.
I consider myself a geographical bachelor – my relationships only exist within a geographical footprint.
90 miles... we saw each other almost every weekend and talked on the phone almost every day.
n/a. i don't believe in long distance relationships.
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