QOTD: i am smrt
question of the day: who is smarter, generally, men or women? why?
Me because I'm awesome
Men are smarter, but women are always right.
As the Dead used to sing, The women are...smarter, that's right, the women are...smarter
Men are smarter. Because women already know how to have babies without men, but they keep having sex with men anyway.
Women. They can get men to do what ever they want as long as there is an allusion that 'something' can happen. I say we establish a rate card. You need me to pick you up at the airport? I'm gonna have to see some nipple.
Generally speaking, men. In terms of money in America, no one is richer than Bill Gates, a man. In terms of power and respect, there has never been a woman president. Most of our inventions, works of art and scientific discoveries have all come from men. A man was the first to walk on the moon and women astronauts didn't come along for another 10-20 years after that. The only woman you ever hear about in US History is Betsy Ross and what did she do, some sewing? You can hardly compare that to winning a war as a general or emancipating the slaves.
I think it's pretty much the same. The brains are wired a little differently. So, for example, men make better engineers because they are better at spatial relations. I believe women make better managers because they are better multi-taskers.
can't really answer this question...smarter in what sense? but if i had to just say generally...i guess men. i value science and math above other subjects, and men perform better in those fields.
Ha!! This is an easy one. While women may be smart, men will always be smarter. The reason being is this. Women spend almost an entire month building up their intelligence, only to have it all leak out, consistently every month. Men don’t have these problems. While men may not be the smarter of the two in everything, we are at least consistent with our intelligence and reasonableness. That also makes us more rational. Sorry women, it’s not your fault. It’s just science.
That's right the women are smarter, the women are smarted that
neither. some men and women differ slightly when it comes to logic/reasoning, but i believe men and women (usually) compliment each other well in problem solving because of their innate differences.
I believe that women are smarter because they can look at things both intellectually and emotionally and come to a conclusion. Typically men overlook the emotional aspect of things while women can look at both sides and come to a conclusion.
"I'm a man who discovered the wheel and built the Eiffel Tower out of metal and brawn. That's what kind of man I am. You're just a woman with a small brain. With a brain a third the size of us. It's science." -Ron Burgandy
"In terms of power and respect, there has never been a woman president. Most of our inventions, works of art and scientific discoveries have all come from men"Just because the history books have not recorded the many great achievements of women does not mean that men are smarter. Men have systematically oppressed women over time for their own personal gain. Resulting in the illusion and social belief system that men are somehow "greater" or smarter than women.
"Women spend almost an entire month building up their intelligence, only to have it all leak out, consistently every month" Apparently you don't have much leaking out of you...explains the hostility toward women!
"Men have systematically oppressed women over time for their own personal gain." Sounds pretty smart to me! If women are so smart, how come they didn't opress the men? They're just mad that we thought of it first.
"... ... ...Apparently you don't have much leaking out of you...explains the hostility toward women!"-
There was no hostility toward women in that statement. Your reaction only proves my point on women being irrational. And then to make an attempted statement at my sexual activity? You must be 18 or something. Don't you have a sweater to knit?
"If women are so smart, how come they didn't opress the men? They're just mad that we thought of it first." Being oppressed does not connote a lesser intelligence. Would you say that African Americans are not as intelligent because they are oppressed by Caucasians?
You said…"Your reaction only proves my point on women being irrational. And then to make an attempted statement at my sexual activity?"
My reaction does not, in the least, prove irrational thinking. It was your initial statement that was not only irrational but scientifically unfounded. A woman's intelligence does not "leak out" of her body once a month. I am assuming you are referring to a woman’s menstrual cycle? Maybe you missed that day of health class?
And yes, I certainly did make a statement regarding your sexual activity. What do you expect when you make idiotic statements involving a woman’s reproductive cycle? Your ignorance had lead me to assume your experience with women has been limited. A superior man does not only posses knowledge of woman and her physiology but cherishes her biological gifts, e.g.: ability to cultivate life in the very place you believe is the conduit for which her intelligence leaves her body.
Either you are currently leaking at this very moment, cause I really didn't understand a word that you said, or you live alone with alot of cats. But then again you could be a comedian, cause "A superior man does not only posses knowledge of woman and her physiology but cherishes her biological gifts" is the funniest thing I have heard all year!!
OH, and while you are trying to make some sort of point, you might want to put the Haagendaz back in the freezer...it's melting.. (or simply place it in your lap..will do the same effect)
Cleary your not up for intellectual debate, hence your lack of understanding. I do love some good ice cream though but as for placing the ice cream between my legs, that could pose a problem...too much heat! I have been told I am quite funny, but as for the superior man who is aware of his woman and her gifts, that is very real and the sooner you understand what that means the happier your woman will be! If you have one?
"The superior man is modest in his speech, but exceeds in his actions." -Confucius
Obviously you have some sort of intelligence as you are able to read and write. But the fact that you need to quote other people's words shows that you do not have the intelligence to speak for yourself (besides, anyone can go on line for quotes...dumn @ss). In fact, the more you respond the more irrational you sound, proving my point more an more. Your superior man exists in romance novels and chic flicks. On the rare case that you find this specimin, he is probably g@y or french (same thing), but I am sure they will have some good cat tips and stories for you.
So, really, do your sisterhood a favor and go get your boss a cup of coffee. But don't linger in his office. No one wants to hear your rediculous ramblings.
(Heat between your legs..haha, maybe from right clicking your mouse...) And thanks for agreeing on your sense of humor. The world can now sleep.
Just stop argueing with this woman....everything you say she just states the opposite, with no proof or backing...no new arguements of her own only yours recycled. That is not an intellectual debate. That is an argument with a child (probably one under the age of 10) Seriously, I've heard more intelligence from my kids. And one of them thought the 4th of July was in August.
Quoting a great thinker does not diminish my intelligence. I posted his quote to prove a point. Actually you proved it for me. I find your use of profanity to be childish; clearly both of you have no real understanding of what I am saying and is why young children are making more sense to you than I. Grow up.
As for finding a superior man; I already have, he is magnificent, not gay nor French. He reeks of masculinity actually, and would never speak so poorly of females as you have done. You’re a detriment to your own purpose in life when you speak so ill of women. Your stereotypes of the French only further proves your ethnocentricity and ignorance. Cleary you are not well traveled or well read.. I feel sorry for you really. As for your comments regarding my intimate life, that is really unnecessary although it gave me a good laugh really. It is YOUR rambling that sounds so ridiculous. Anyone who has to use profanity or crass insinuations clearly has nothing intelligent to contribute to a conversation. Which is why you have now become a waste of my time.
Holy crap..you are still going on about this. If I am such a waste of time, then why do you bother?
To recap: I made an incredibly sexist remark out of sarcasm. Of which out of all the females that read this, YOU are the only one who doesn't understand this and chose to respond. You state that my remarks are hostile (???? where did you get that), then try to take a crack at my sexuality,insist that you are not irrational and then spout some rediculous rantings about a superior man, decide to let everyone know that you are actually a funny girl, enjoy ice cream and has heat between your legs, print a quote off of the internet, take offense of the word dumb @ss (should I have said stupid mule?), insist that I am not capable of an intellictual debate (as if this is one? You really are the stupidest woman I have ever encountered), then state that my comments concerning YOUR intimate life are unnecessary.. Am I missing something here?
Your "I know you are but what am I" type of comments show your maturity. You have a chemical imbalance.
Do us all a favor, either go back on your meds or get on some. AND ONCE AND FOR ALL..go back to the whole you crawled out of.
And if your "man" (man child, dog, horse..whatever) reeks of masculinity, tell him to wear some deordorant, cause that is just nasty. But glad to know that even you can have some sort of relationship. Even fat girls need love.
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