Tuesday, June 06, 2006

QOTD: catchphrase

question of the day: what is your "catchphrase", something you say all the time?

None at the moment. I used to say NICE all the time until other people started using it without my permission. So I banned it. In the last few months, I started to say SWEET (again like I did 10 years ago), even though I despise that one. I blame my girlfriend for that one. I'm currently in rehad to break that one.

holy cow! fancy a corndog, bro?

whatever dude


good luck with that.

"you know what i mean" i say it constantly - its so annoying

I always seem to be saying "Someone please kill me already, I'm sick of being alive." Then I usually pause and pray for a car to run me over, but it never happens

Holy smokes, Batman.

i use the word "super" like no other. i also say "sup man" a lot. oooh - and "bonkers". one can often catch me saying...'i'm going bonkers today'.

answer: get serious.

what can i get for $40?

"Great", but said with a long "ea" like greeeeeaaaaat. Say this (but don't yell or shout it) sarcastically whenever something goes wrong. This is used at least 20 times per day.

“Ho ho, hey hey, I love the question of the day!”

I hope these aren't too obvious...I like to keep my identity a secret(at least that's what I say to explain the mask and cape) "I swear officer she said she was 18" "Is it supposed to itch this much?" "That wasn't too fast...it was efficient" and the ever popular "Yes it is hard to be humble when you're perfect in every way"

“Put the lotion in the basket”

I don't have a catch phrase, but one that I use a lot is, "Can I pay your mom next week?"


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