Monday, June 26, 2006

QOTD: but these go to 11

question of the day: if you had a band, what kind of music would you play and what would be the name of the band?

i am a band. it is called head

The Morons

The only point of having a band is to get chicks. Thusly, I would have only create stripper music and hire a few hot ones to be my entourage. As for a names, I think I'd go with "Hot for Ho's"
"Hey did you hear the new HfH album?"
"No - is it hot?"
"Dude - you gotta SEE it!"
"How about the music?"
"Well it only goes well with an $8 beer and a lap dance..."

The name of my band would be Sherbet and it would play 80’s and 90’s hair metal.

If I had a band, we'd play a lot of Rock 'n Roll, some Punk and some Heavy Metal. We'd also have a few slower, sadder sounding songs. The name of my band would be Izzy's Tractor.

i don't think i'd ever have or be in a band...but if i was...i'd really want to be the drummer. but if i had to a music artist, i think it'd be fun to perform r&b. but i have zero musical skills, so this is just a fun dream. I'd name the band 'Pani Everywhere'.

Really re-worked R&B/Hip-hop cover tunes. The name of the band would be called "Post-Coitial Chocolate".

My band name would be monkey scrotum and we would be a death polka Falco cover band.

rock and the name would be Head

if i had a band, i would want to sound like we were from outer sapce. like t. rex and david bowie, sans annoying saxophone accompaniment. the awesomtastical space fancy-dancers

white boy funk, jazz, stretched out rock n' roll. It would be like trip hop meets disco meets bluegrass meets rockabilly meets heavy metal. We would be called Qbert.

a marvin gaye cover band. called sonic death monkey.

punk rock blues. called bloody guy. after the famed blues guitarist buddy guy

My band would be chick rock for sure. Hard core guitar, fast riffs, etc. but the lead singer would be a hot chick with a hot raspy voice. The band would be called R.O.C.K.


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