QOTD: ch-ch-changes
question of the day: describe one moment that changed your life.
you [question asker]
Meeting you
moment I met my husband.
getting to hold my little sister when she was born. I was 8 and she was just born and we got to go in and hold her. I still remember that day perfectly
Yet to happen
i was born
When my grandfather was hospitalized, I saw the strongest, wisest man I ever knew reduced to living like an infant. When he was allowed to go home, the whole family, including myself decided that I should move in with my grand mother to assist. Although he passed away before I got to pack, my visits consisted of me changing and feeding this once tower in my world. My view on life has never been the same.
when my father died while i was in high school. it changed my family dynamic. my mom had to work twice as hard, etc. it sucked.
the day I met [coworkers mom]
The day that I rejected all forms of organized brainwashing... er, religion.
When I was 13, we went on a rafting trip with my camp. There was a boys raft and a girls raft, each with about 10 campers and 2 counselors. We came to a part of the river that was only about 2 feet deep, so one of the boy campers jumped out and started walking back to where the girl campers' raft was. None of them saw him coming and before I could blink, the raft had knocked him down. He was underwater, wedged between the raft and some rocks on the bottom. I felt like I was the only one that realized what had just happened. Without even thinking, I jumped out of our raft and ran back to where the girls' raft was. Not sure how this next part happened, but somehow I lifted up half of their raft (about 5 campers and 1 counselor) and pulled him out from underneath it. I don't believe in God, but some greater being definitely gave me the strength to lift that raft that day. The guy who's life I saved went to my HS and years after the incident, he came up to me to remind me about it and thank me again.
that moment has not happened yet
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