Wednesday, April 12, 2006

QOTD: spelling

question of the day: what words do you always misspell?

i can never make any necessary decisions!


Anything that requires a "z"; I always use an "s" instead.

i misspell, mispell....I really hope you did not send this to [coworker] though

"receive", "marriage", whatever [coworker]'s mom's name is

oh god - everything. i have terrible spelling skills; i can't spell the most basic words. i am so thankful for spell check or else i probably wouldn't have graduated college..

I'm not aware of any words that I spell incorrectly. If I was aware, I would correct it. Therefore, any mis-spelled word that I use is somehow correct in my mind, so I do not fix it--because I am not aware that it is wrong. I *do* mis-use affect/effect, but I don't know if that is a spelling error. I'll give$1 to anyone that fixes the grammatical errors in the previous statements.

I always struggle with "definitely" and "separately"

i type my name wrong and always write "thnaks" instead of thanks, but traditionally i always misspell embarrass, separate and i never know if its gray or retarded


minute and definitely

Hah, sometimes I misspell my name. It's really annoying, but mostly it's just because I'm a crappy typer.


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