Monday, April 10, 2006

QOTD: marriage

question of the day: what is your opinion on gay marriages? should it be legal?

Sorry, I don't swing that way. Thanks for the offer, though.

of course - why persecute someone just cause they were born different than the majority of other people? gay people are people too!

don't have strong opinions on gay marriage. it should be legal. to each their own.

Of course. Why do I care if two men or two women want to get married. People argue that it's breaks down the idea of marriage. So do annulments. So do quick divorces. No one stop Liz Taylor from getting married again. She has wrecked more than her share of blissful unions!!!

I think they should be legal. Gay marriages have just as much of a chance of failing as heterosexual marriages. They should be entitled to the same rights and privileges as everyone else.

I don't mind gay marriages, as long as they're the same race. Just kidding, I say let them do what they want. The better question is why does the government have a religious agenda? The religious nuts are the only ones who are against gay marriage. I seem to recall a little document named "The Constitution" which called for the separation of church and state. 230 years have gone by since it was signed by our founding fathers and I've seen no progress. Politicians still base their decisions on religion and how the voting will play out depending on which side they choose.

depends on your definition of marriage i guess. i think that being "legally bound" is okay, but i don't see how people can insist that a particular religion that accepts same-sex marriage when it isn't part of the doctrine. I think that if you are looking at marriage in the perspective of having legal rights and assurances, it's fine.

Not to be crass....but if gay people are legal and gay sex is legal....what's wrong with gay marriage?

It doesn't affect me, and it won't cause society to crumble. As a bonus, it pisses off religious people. It should be legal. Also... I can't wait to see the TV-lawyer commercials for "gay divorces". Those should be FABulous!

go ask the sheep how they feel. I have no opinion

If gay people are dumb enough to want to get married they should be allowed. There's supposed to be a separation of church and state, but obviously that isn't true. Religious influence is the only reason gay marriages aren't legal. What legal reason could there be not to allow it? I'm not 100% sure I'm for gay adoption though. Can't really say why. I guess it's okay. At least with adoption there is a screening process unlike normal childbirth.

i hate that there are people who think that this is even an issue. it is insane to tell an entire group of people that they are unable to do something that everyone else in the country/world is capable of doing, and usually rather easily (vegas drive-thru weddings?). it is disgusting and hypocritical that we do not allow gay marriage in (most) of this country, and it really shows how little progress we have made intellectually.

Gay marriages should completely be legal. That way it will open the door for unions of all sorts: for example, I can finally marry my dog. People just don't understand true, unconditional love.


At 2:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

why do all of the qotd's have to do with your personal life?

At 2:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gay marriage is a slippery slope. What's next? Gay polygamy marriage?


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