QOTD: accentuate the positive
question of the day: do you have an accent? how would you describe it?
I have a moron accent!
its now a lovely mix of jersey slang and philly ghetto -
No way dood! I ain't got no Philly accent. Now, you'se bedder leave me alone so I can drink my wooder in peace.
You got a problem with people who have accents you insensitive bastard?
no accent (or so i don't think so)
i ain't got no stinkin accent.....you f'ing cockaroach
I do not think I have an accent. I’m pretty conscious of it and when I moved to NJ I never wanted to pick that up. Well, unless one can count slurring when drunk as an accent.
No. Professor 'iggins helped me bunches.
sometimes-i think it the northeast philly accent, and apparently i pronounce the word phone like feau-ne, and naturally, i say hoagie instead of sub
Yes. A little bit country, a li'l bit rock & roll.
i have an american accent - can't describe it, i sound like the girls on tv.
My whole life I thought I did not have an accent, until my girlfriend in Virginia Beach told me I did. She described my accent (a Pennsylvania boy) as talking faster, abbreviating anything possible and using words like “yous” and such, which I believe you only hear in the Philly (I guess I have an accent in typing as well) area. Imagine that…
I don't have an accent at all. I learned to talk in the Pacific Northwest, and they really don't have an accent at all there.
There are times, when speaking, that I betray my midwestern roots. The words "root" and "roof" are giveaways, don'cha know?
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