Monday, April 17, 2006

QOTD: stateless protocol

question of the day: how many states have you been in, what was your favorite, and why?

i think 22 and my favorite has been Arizona..Why, golf courses were great, it was clean, had great views, and nice wildlife.

I've been to about 28 states. I used to travel for work a lot. I think my favorite is Arizona because the weather is always super nice. I'm also a big fan of Washington State because it's so beautiful and there is sooo much to do there. Definitely not a fan of the midwest - too god dammned cold (Minnesota, eh?), and I hate Arkansas. There is absolutely NOTHING to do there. Even the clients I went to seemed bored with their lives.

about half of em, new mexico or cali

about 20. and i think new mexico was my favorite - especially santa fe - just so quaint and beautiful

too many to count....probably like 90 or something like that. I like the flat ones....easier to get the sheep to move their fat ass's on a level field rather than going up hills.

Thirty-six. Favorite is Colorado - the Rockies are beautiful, and fun to hike and climb. I am happy to report that I have never been to West Virginia.

hmmm... 15+ fav is hawaii

I've been in 20 states and Nevada is my favorite. Obviously Vegas is awesome, but I enjoyed the desert as well. Not to mention, if you drive 45 minutes north, they have some of the best deep powder snowboarding that I've ever seen. Yes, that's right, there's snow in the desert, at higher elevations. Oh, did I mention that I love playing craps and seeing the dancing girls too!

Maine, Vermont, New Hamphire, Connecticut, New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, N. Carolina, Florida, Texas, California, Kentucky, Massuchussetts, Minessota, Arizonsa, Deleware, Maryland. Not counting states I just drove thru. N. Carolina is best. Clean, slow, open, buildings far apart

Twenty. I have no favorite.

Hmm…that’s a tough one. I’ve been through most of the continental U.S. and there are bits and pieces that I like about all…well, OK, most states. (Iowa kind of made me crazy with the corn.) As for favorites, I’d say it’s a toss up between the Southwest and the Delta. Carlsbad Caverns is AMAZING, and there’s a ton of awesome music all over the South.

I'm a pretty big loser in the travel department. I've been through all of the states on the way to Florida, but only stopped in a few. My only trip out west was a trip to Colorado to hike down Pike's Peak. My only trips north were a few times to NY. I can't really say any one state was better or worse than the others.

PA, NY, NJ, CT, MA, RH, VT, DE, MD, WV, VA, NC, SC, GE, FL, OH, IN, IL,IA, NE, CO,UT, AZ, NV and CA (does Puerto Rico count?). Favorite? Hate that word. But California rocks. The weather is always great. And for some reason, CA chicks really really dig NY guys.

Can’t remember all the states, but I’ve been to Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Rhode Island, Connecticut, Delaware, Pennsylvania, New York, Massachusetts, Virginia, Maryland, Florida, Michigan, Indiana, Illinois, Ohio, West Virginia, Texas, and California. I like California best. The weather is great, the people are friendly, the architecture is amazing, they have excellent universities,’s just a cool place. I’m going to move there within the next ten years and settle my life there (or so I hope).

I’ve been in 20, mostly because of ridiculously long car trips. Texas was my favorite, because I love giant burritos and painfully-hot hot sauce. Also, we got a crappy hotel room for a night and it had shag carpet walls and a sink shaped like Texas. That’s high class.

Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, Delaware, New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Hawaii, Georgia, Florida, Maryland, DC, Virginia, Texas, Louisiana, Puerto Rico (yes, I know it isn’t a state but it is a territory). I would have to say that so far New York is my favorite because it is so big and has so many different types of places. You have NYC and Lake Placid all in the same state. The variety is awesome and I grew up there.

just under half i think, favorites were washington and oregon. rainforests, volcanoes and rocky beaches!


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