QOTD: no smoking
question of the day: the great nj smoking ban. what do you think about it? is it a good thing, is it a bad thing? how will it affect you?
so happy - its definately a good thing. i've been dying for my friend to quit, and there more and more taboo it is to smoke, i hope she just will realize its not worth it.
it sucks. its a pain in the ass - basically it says you have to stand in the middle of the street in order to smoke.. so they would rather you get killed by a car then smoke near a building.
I think its a good thing (coming from a smoker), but the 25 ft. rule is pretty stupid
I enjoy it personally...my favorite place to get wings no longer requires a follow-up shower. As far as whether it's right, I'm not 100% sure.
i think it sucks. ALOT. Frankly, I'm a smoker and I especially enjoy puffing away with a cocktail in my hand. Not being able to smoke at bars seriously inhibits me socially. I hope all you non-smokers lose your happy hour friends. Thanks.
They can ban cigarettes altogether as far as I'm concerned. The smoking ban is fine by me. Not that I really have any say, being a PA resident.
awesome for us non-smokers, although I do think that the Government is beginning to encroach on some of our freedoms.
I think it is both good and bad. I understand the reasoning behind it. However, I’m a smoker so I’m annoyed I can’t smoke in a bar or restaurant now. I think there should be an option for businesses to have a choice if they want to be a smoking business or a non-smoking business. That way people still have a choice as to where they want to go and there would be a solution for everyone. Employees and patrons could choose to be in a smoking or non-smoking environment. I think small businesses are getting a raw deal because it is still legal to smoke in casinos. I will certainly be less likely to spend as much time in a bar as I did before because I can’t smoke now.
I think it is a great thing.
its a bit weird, doesn't the state get tax money from cigs? so if there are less cigs being sold, that extra tax money has to come from somewhere. i don't smoke, or even live in nj, but for the most part this will be a good thing, forcing people to be healthier haha!
i think it is a bit ridiculous that it all started with complaints by casino workers and the ban is in effect for everywhere BUT casinos. I am not a smoker and don't like the smell of it...However, smoking is a persons choice. I agree that there are places you should not smoke, but bars and restaurants is a bit off the wall...It is going to hurt business and i am sure taxes will go up.
Have you ever sat next to someone in public that has horrible B.O. or bad breath? Not exactly pleasant is it? Would you want to eat your food with that odor lingering in the air? Probably not. Smoke is just as annoying.
um...it sucks a whole lot for me, but technically it is a good thing for all obvious reasons. personally and illogically, i think its ridiculous for bars to ban smoking completely. smoking + drinking= good time. if people are so worried about their health, they probably shouldnt be drinking booze. go home buzzkills.
"I think there should be an option for businesses to have a choice if they want to be a smoking business or a non-smoking business....Employees and patrons could choose to be in a smoking or non-smoking environment."
You know what I really hate? The government telling me that there are some sort of guidelines as to how many drinks I can have while still operating a motor vehicle safely. It's as if *they* think that my reckless behavior *may* harm some innocent bystander in *some* way. I think there should be an option to have roads where people can drive drunk, and also roads where people can't drive drunk. Citizens can then choose to which roads to travel on.
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