Thursday, April 06, 2006

QOTD: blazing arrows

question of the day: should marijuana be legalized? why or why not?

marijuana should be legalized under certain circumstances. These circumstances are for people who could benefit from their "properties" when going through cancer treatments, etc. I don't think it should be legalized unless it is going to be treated like alcohol is and have regulations associated with it. there has to be some kind of guarantee of purity or something. under those circumstances, it should definitely be legalized.

yes yes yes. puff puff give. that would be cool to roll one up and take a smoke break

no, it's a drug

I think if alcohol's legal, it may as well be legal as well. But hey, what do I know?

Yes, we need more taxes!!!

Pot isn't legal? uh oh.....the sheep smoke everyday in the barn, does that mean I have to turn them not....I'll just join em

they should make it just like they do with alcohol - illegal to drive on it, have a 'legal age' and tax the hell out of it so gov gets some money out of the deal

As long as killing people is legal (think army) and taking other drugs is legal (think alcohol) and prostitution is legal (think old guys dating really young chicks by buying them stuff)... then I see no reason why marijuana shouldn't also be legal.

no, it should not be. Why???Because if it were legal the usage would become much higher. What does that mean? More people would be driving, operating heavy machinery, etc. while high....That and i am making a fortune selling it illegally. and there is really no "sobriety test" for being high

yes - if you are allowed to smoke and drink (which have worse long term health risks), then you should be able to smoke marijuana. people should have the right to do whatever they want as long as they aren't harming others. if you smoke, don't drive..i mean, just have common sense.

Absolutely. It's less harmful than alcohol. Anybody that wants it can get it anyway. Let the government make the money on it and lower my damn taxes.

Of course! How else can you make jazz music bearable to listen to?

I think it should be legalized. For starters it would be a huge cash cow for the government. The deficit could probably be eliminated in a year. I really don’t believe it is “gateway” drug and it is no worse than alcohol. If anything, I think alcohol is worse. I’ve never seen anyone get super crazy or get “pot” muscles like some do with alcohol. Most people just get high and sit around, eat and watch tv or movies. How is that hurting anyone? People argue that it kills brain cells and damages respiratory systems, but cigarettes and alcohol do the same thing. People have a choice, if they want to do it they will. If it isn’t their cup of tea, they won’t.

Nope. I think we were intended to eat and & drink. Smoking was not an intended way to accept stuff into our bodies.
(what if it was in pill form?)
Good point. Might as well legalize it then, if you can booze, then you should be able to use marijuana too

Yes, if alcohol is legal, marijuana should be too. Alcohol is more damaging to the system, is more addictive, causes more car accidents and accident related deaths, provokes more fights, leads to more rapes and accidental pregnancies, but since the government makes a ton of money from the sale of alcohol, they will never make it illegal. Just think how much money they could make if they sold weed! Currently, an ounce of marijuana is worth more than an ounce of gold.

It's legalization personally does not affect me one way or the other, but I see so many people using it and wonder if maybe it shouldn't be legalized and regulated by the government. I have no idea of the social ramifications...but it seems to be a drug that doesn't really hurt people any worse than cigarettes or alcohol. Also it's one more drug that just may improve my chances of party on.

sure. its no more or less health-threatening than cigarettes or alcohol, and it really does not cause crime or destructive behavior. not in my experience at least.

it would make sense, if only to clear out the prisons of people whose only crime is holding. maybe it could be regulated like alcohol

I think it should, but under the same stipulations as alcohol. Not that I would toke up even if it were legal. It doesn’t cause lung cancer like smoking tobacco, makes brownies even better and is a tasty tea. It’s good in salads as well. As far as pain relievers and nausea preventatives, it is amazing. It was good enough to be used for the penned word in the Declaration of Independence (hemp paper) and is also wonderful full cloth and rope. Think of the possibilities.. Clothing you can edible underwear any day.. Writing paper as can really tell someone to put that in their pipe and smoke it.. Caught in a hostage situation, smoke your way out of it. Really, the question is why is it NOT legal??

Absolutely. Glaucoma is running amok in this country!

Yes. I’d rather have legitimate companies sell it as a product because it is safer for consumers. Also, it eliminates the black market and illegal drug distribution that exists today.


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