Monday, April 03, 2006

QOTD: room with a view

question of the day: what do you want to happen to your body when you die?


I don't plan on dying. Seriously. In our lifetime, either the medical advances will exist to halt and reverse aging, or I'll be able to download the contents of my brain into a new form. However, if I get killed by something that doesn't destroy my body, donate the organs (if organ donation is still something that's useful) and cremate the rest.

hmm, not sure... i think just a plain old burial in a grave site near the rest of my family. Unless I'm mangled in some horrific accident or have some crazy disease that makes my body all nasty, then maybe cremation. i saw this thing on tv about a company that mixes your ashes into cement and makes a thing that they dump into the ocean. your ashes then become a habitat for fish. maybe that's what ill do. or maybe i'll get my body frozen so they can bring me back in 200 years.

If anything left is worth saving, I’d like to donate whatever organs are viable. I mean I’m done with it, why not let someone else get a little more mileage out of them?

i want to be cremated. and i want my ashes spread in the desert of rajasthan.

I want my body to come with me to heaven. Those 1000 virgins aren't going to do themselves.

I want my body to be thrown down a flight of stairs, then stuffed with old Beatle Bailey comics. I'd like to have some antlers screwed into my skull and a hook drilled into my back. Then I'd like to be hung from the back of a speeding school bus, with a T-shirt on that says "How's my driving?"


have my ashes spread over a golf course...or, have me stuffed and placed in cones alley

I want be sealed up inside the wall of the house of an enemy. That'll smell!

In accordance with the beliefs of my people, my body will be raped by 100 syphillitic inmates, dragged across a field of broken glass, beaten with a 2x4 full of rusty nails, and fed to angry chipmunks.

I would like it to come with me. I would like it to punch [a coworker] in the stomach

i would like to swim with the fishes

My grandfather always said that he wanted to be buried with his buttocks out of the ground. I always figured it was so everyone could kiss his rump good-bye. He said it was so there was a place to park ones bicycle. As much as I appreciate his thoughtfulness, I think I want to be cremated. How morbid for a Monday morning!! Editor has issues…

i'm not sure. i used to want to be cremated, or stuffed into a mausoleum (i love those things!) but donating my body to science seems like something important i could do with my body after i'm done with it

I guess donate to “science” if the science wants it. I think viewings and funerals are disgusting, so if science won’t take my haggard corpse then someone can go ahead and incinerate me.

I haven’t thought much about it. I just don’t want to be buried.


At 8:42 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

to whoever said necrophilia, you sound hot. what's your number?

At 9:41 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

976-938-2697. Just have a major credit card ready..

At 8:54 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i called that number and talked to an older woman. was that your mom? it sounded like your mom.


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