QOTD Halloween pt. 2 (Mike Myers attacks Kanye)
question of the day: whats your favorite scary movie?
i don't like scary movies... but silence of the lambs freaked me out
office space
the ring
The Wizard of Oz.
I haven't closed my eyes or watched a video or gone near a well since seeing "the ring."
The Exersist!!!! Hands Down!
I hate scary movies
The Grudge
Saw and I'm going to see Saw II tonight
scary but funny too - shaun of the dead, scream, and army of darkness
Signs. I do not watch hard-core horror movies. Signs. was scary as hell when the dog barked. When the Aliens came in. However the subtle "shocks" make it my favorite movie
texas chainsaw massacre
scary movie...but i never watched it
the shining and the excorsist (sp?)