question of the day: does money = happiness? why or why not? While I don't think there is a direct correlation between money and happiness I do think that money does make it easier to be happy. Anything that helps alleviate stress and anxiety can ultimately lead to greater happiness. Unfortunately the grass isn't always greener. Most of the time when you read about lottery winners you hear about how miserable their life has become. I think money whether you have it or not is often the cause of unhappiness. It is quite often the root of divorce, crime, murder, cheating, etc. For me, financial security and comfort does make me happier. I am usually stressed when I don't feel I have enough money. But money is only one source of happiness and at the end of the day what really makes me happy is my family, my friends, my health. As long as I have a good support network then the money becomes less significant. Oh, I am a materialistic bastard though... I like my toys and I'm much happier when I can buy them
Money doesn't buy you happiness but sure can buy you lots of hookers!!
nope - but i still want A LOT of bling bling.
I think Biggie said is best…” Mo money mo problems”
maybe money doesn't equal happiness, but it sure doesn't equal unhappiness either
partly but not entirely... you don't see destitute or homeless people thrilled about their conditions. You need money to afford things in life and take care of yourself. On the flip side, excess of money doesn't ensure you'll be happier than others.... usually quite the opposite. Money can't BUY happiness. it only ensures a roof over your head etc
money=problems. its important to have enough to afford a comfortable living situation, but the more money you have, the more useless crap you will acquire, or the more selfish you become. its a fact that poor people give more money to charity than rich. so f them.
I think in certain circumstances it can mean a little more happiness. If there is a good couple, but they are having trouble paying bills this can lead to frustration and cause marital problems that wouldn't be there if the money problems weren't there. In general though, if it wasn't there before the money it ain't gonna be there after the money.
$ = not having to worry about $ when wanting to do stuff that you want to do. So in my mind $ = happiness
money can buy you things that make you happy and lack of money can cause unhappiness, but overall, if your mind/heart/soul isn't happy, no amount of money in the world can make you happy
If you have respect for money to begin with, you'll be fine. Otherwise, your character flaws are just exacerbated by the increased cash flow.
no, but it sure does help!
Having money to spend makes me happy. Not having money to buy the things I wand and to pay my bills makes me unhappy. But really, that is anxiety which only affects my happiness. In general, I am most happy when I am around friends, family and having a feeling that I am fulfilling a purpose in this life.
The TODAY show the other week noted that couples in areas of the country with higher incomes and adequate affordable housing (is that possible) who had the higher incomes were not the happiest. Rather, couples with a low to mid income reported to be the most happy, according to their pole.
money = common basis of a system of fairly exchanging goods and services
happiness = individual self-fulfillment and increase of joy
Does a "common basis of a system of fairly exchanging goods and services" equal "individual self-fulfillment and increase of joy"? Not to me.
But perhaps you are asking, "Does money lead to happiness?" In other words, is there a causal relationship? Nope:
There exist people who have money who aren't happy.
There exist people without money who are happy.
Strike two. Last try: "CAN money lead to happiness." Again, not really.
I win the lottery.
Free from the need to work to earn money, I quit my job.
I am happy to be not working anymore.
However, my happiness derives from the choice to quit working, not from the money.
And this is only a temporary lift, anyhow. It won't last unless I can find a path to self-fulfillment.
Strike three.
$ = high price hookers. high price hookers = happiness. therefore, money = happiness. QED.
It may not buy happiness, but it can certainly help alleviate some stress.
It would be nice not to have to worry about car payments, mortgage payments and all of the assorted bills on a monthly basis. However, I don’t think it is the be all, end all to happiness.