QOTD: now you are old
question of the day: what things about yourself were you most surprised by as you’ve gotten older?
country music isn't all evil
How big my belly is
I have hair everywhere except on top of my head
the nut bra is a great idea
that i have become even more unlike the rest of my family. everyone in my family is similar in many ways (politics, ideals, etc.) and i'm completely opposite as all of them
that I still like 12 year old girls
I'm surprised I've been a been able to talk about sheep for over a month now. I'm surprised that my maturity level hasn't increased the slightest bit since I turned 14.
Today, kids have so much easier than when we were young.
I don’t feel old. I still like music. I don’t have kids. I’m still figuring out what to do when I’m older!
that i don't live up to my own standards/expectations and that i miss my innocence really badly - i just want it back.
I can't eat like I used to, unless I buy bigger pants.
I've been the most surprised by the way that I've matured into an adult. I've always been smart, but in High School, I just never cared about doing the work. I knew I could ace the tests and pass anyway, without doing all of the homework, so I figured, why even try? During college, I developed my work ethic and by my senior year, I was getting A's in all of my classes. Who knew that a little effort would go such a long way? I definitely kept the momentum going as I transitioned into the working world.
FAT most definitely, its all-over the place
my tastes have definitely changed. i find myself doing things or saying things or listening to things or interested in things i would have never thought i would like. in many cases its good, as i feel i've become more open minded, but in some ways its bad because i really don't want to grow up
the older I get, the bigger and fatter my schwanzola gets. Who would have thunk it?
I somehow thought everything would be different. Like at a certain age there would be some switch that was flipped and it would suddenly notify me that I was an adult. Instead everything happened gradually. Got my first real job, I bought a car, bought a house, moved in together, got engaged, got married etc. There was never that one defining moment I thought would happen that would signal, adult status. That and all of the grey hair I’ve started getting.
My hair loss
10) I lived past 30
9) I am not in jail
8) Divorced already?
7) Some company was stupid enough to make me an Assistant VP
6) I bought a FORD
5) I choose to move to NJ
4) I have grey hair, but not bald
3) Older women aren’t that appealing anymore
2) I still look DAMN good
1) I await the QOTD email
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