QOTD: office resolution
question of the day: pretend our company is a person, what new year's resolutions should he/she make this year?
stay steady, make more money and renew business
[company] should resolve to not be so friggin' stingy and cut out all the meaningless corporate B.S. like self-reviews, points programs, and ethics courses.
If our company was a person, it would be named [person]. [person] should resolve to be more generous to the people who support him. He should also bake lots of cakes. In other words, I want a big raise and more cake.
to take the time to memorize where [meeting rooms] are so they don't have to ask me ten times a day..... oh yeah, that and give me more money.
quit drinking
Have more parties :-)
stop screwing the employees in a particular place where sun doesn't shine
1. provide real incentives to stay at [company] - via december bonuses...result oriented raises
2. provide more group related activities - such as a [company] bball team, habitat for humanity
3. make sure everyone has enough to do
4. monthly company sponsored happy hours
5. better coffee, free soda, and good water
to not call me any day that i take the day off
quit masturbating
[company] should be more generous next year. he should think about not smoking any more too.
not force us to use substandard software such as im clients. grrr
"stay steady, make more money and renew business." Damn. Who let the VP on the blog?
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