QOTD: powerful office
question of the day: If you could have one super power, what would it be, and why?
the power to make anyone happy - i thought first about the power to heal - but that doesn't guarentee happiness - the spirit is far more important than anything physical -
Mind bullets!!!
i would like the ability to read minds at my leisure. i don't want to hear voices all the time or anything, just when i'm curious and especially at work in meetings. although, i'm going to have to work on my poker face, because i think i would be laughing a LOT.
Oh that's an easy one.....the ability to stop time! Do you know how much of a pain it is trying to get all the sheep together. Just think if I was able to stop time I could place them wherever I wanted without having to run around!!!
Time travel. To kick my cousin who used to terrorize me when I was 4
invisibility, too many reasons to list
it would kind of be like "using the force"...I would be able to read minds and then also change peoples thoughts. Why? Because it would kick butt...Just think, i could make co-worker go tell manager to go f themselves!
Does being Master of space, time, and dimension count as one power?
i've been trying to be invisible most of my life, its really not all its cracked up to be...i might like to fly but i'm not too keen on heights...i think i might like to be able to go anywhere in the blink of an eye. or turn into a giant rock monster and smash cities or something
without a doubt - the ability to fly. i'm fascinated by flying -- in fact, most of the things i dream about are somehow related to the sky such as -- like owning a plane, riding concord, flying in luxury, etc. but if i could fly....wow! :-) in fact, that's why i've been OBBESSED with superman as a child
I'd want to be able to poop money
I'm gonna have to go with Invincibility on this one. I'd like to be able to do whatever insane stunts I want without getting hurt.
When I was little, I wanted the ability to shoot lasers out of my eyes. Then as I grew older and became interested in X-Men, I realized Cyclops was a douchebag and the ability to shoot lasers out of one's eye is just stupid. So nowadays, I think being a shapeshifter would be really cool. I really have no logic behind this....it's just cool.
To be invisible so I could be the proverbial “fly on the wall”.
Understand women, because I need the comedy
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