Wednesday, September 06, 2006

QOTD: sounds of science

question of the day: whats the most annoying sound in the world?

The sound of my skin being pricked for a blood test. :)


When Helen Hunt speaks, puppies die.

a baby doing anything. actually children in general.

[coworker] laughing

when my boss yells my name from the other room when he needs something...yeah, thats pretty darn annoying.

those stupid wawa radio commercials!!!!

The grinding and clicking of a failing hard drive. There goes all your porn!

My neighbor across the street mowing, or leaf blowing at 8am on a Sunday morning.

nails on a chalkboard

people dialling phones on speakerphone, the nextel beep beeping, a trucks backup beeping noise, pretty much anything that beeps

The sound of my neighbors voice calling me to put a lamp shade on her lamp, or calling me to move her car cause she won’t walk on gravel in the rear parking lot. She is so hot though..

that damn whisper that's always saying kill, kill, kill that mofo.

when somone eats with their mouth open. Even worse is when someone slurps their soup. It drives me insane where I just want to go over and ... nevermind... count to ten. I'll be okay.

The sound of [company] puncturing my skin with a syringe so that I can enroll for health insurance (every year).


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