Tuesday, March 28, 2006

QOTD: ageless

question of the day: how do you feel about large age gaps in relationships? would you ever date/marry someone significantly older or younger than you?

I'm not particularly attracted to people that are significantly older than me, so I would say I probably wouldn't marry someone too much older than me. I have often dated people younger than me, but that has it's own issues. I have a sibling 4 years younger than me and I won't date anyone the same age or younger than that anymore. It's just weird. I prefer to date in the +/- 3 years of my age range

to paraphrase a great movie: "I like to date 17 year olds. Because I keep getting older but they stay the same age." that being said, my girlfriend is actually a couple of years older than me.

Older women, no way. 35-45

indifferent... everyone's taste in people are different, there are obsticles, but if there's enough in common, I am sure it can be worked out.

If your happy in the relationship your in, who cares what people think.

Well, I'm not going to date/marry anyone, so there goes that part of the question. I'd do the horizontal mambo with any decent looking woman between the ages of 18 and 45 though. That's right ladies, I can be the Harold to your Maude.

Assuming I was on the lookout. I do not think large age gap works in majority of cases. I hazard a 12.26% success rate in that situation. I am defining large as 6+ years. Older than me are not even a possibility with me.

generally, i am uncomfortable with large gaps in relationships (15 years or more). i just don't get how the people relate with one and other. and the larger the age gap, the more creepy it gets. i have a 10 year rule though, no guy over 8 years older or two years younger. but you know, there's always exceptions. if george clooney or hugh grant wanted to take me out, i wouldn't say no (even though they are close to mom's age). but whatever, to each their own. i just personally wouldn't like it.

I'm not opposed to age gaps to a reasonable extent. Anything more than 10 years starts to get a little weird. At 33 years old now (assuming I wasn't already married), I probably wouldn't go too much older but would consider someone down to her early twenties if she was mature and had her sh!t together.

I once dated my Aunt, she was much older.

WHAT I AM SUPPOSED TO SAY: “Age means nothing. It is the maturity of the individual”
Being in my early 30’s however, there is nothing wrong with a chic 10-13 years younger (legal of course), whom gravity has not affected and knows how to ‘get crazy’. Younger girls are not yet set in their ways and tend to act like they are invincible. And the best part, they usually can’t hold their alcohol as well. They are more appreciative and yet act more spoiled in an odd exciting way.
Funny, 10 years ago I was dating girls almost 10 years older than me..LOL

whats that old rule, half your age plus 7? i think a 4-5 year age difference is perfect, though.

I think it's a matter of state of mind....I personally don't care about the age. but it's the social conditioning that you grow up with and are surrounded by that makes those decisions for you

i think a difference of 5-6 years is the max in either direction.

Age is just a number and it doesn't matter. As long as you have things in common to talk about and don't have conflicting lifestyles (3am clubbing vs. asleep by 11), you should be fine. If your friends and/or family give you grief about it, you don't need that many friends...and holidays are made for visiting family members that you don't get along with.

I think it can work…or be creepy. Age is just a number, but sometimes numbers are important. It’s all about where someone is mentally. But let’s say that there’s a 50-year gap. That’s just gross.


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