QOTD: genius question
question of the day: what did you get on the SAT (or other standardized text)? do you think tests like that are an accurate measure of your intelligence? have you ever taken an iq test, and what did you get?
i got under 1000 on my SATs. i took a test prep class and my score actually went down. i have now invested my entire professional career in standardized testing or standardized test prep and in no way do i think they are an accurate measure of intelligence. they are an accurate way to determine if someone is a good test taker. irony is funny.
i got a 780...ON THE MATH SECTION. suckers.
I got a 1340 on the SAT, but I definitely don’t think that means much in the grand scheme o’ things, good or bad.
I did miserable on the SAT's, i only got like 990 or 1080.... or something, I think avg is only 1000. i dont think it in any way is an indicator of how well you'll do in college, i had the flu every time i took it and i still graduated magna cum laude with a 3.74
I’ve never taken the SAT. I did not know where they were giving it out.
I did take 2 stdt’s GRE and TOEFL made money on those, this was way back when it was still a pencil and what-is-it-called the fill the circle things. I do not think they are measuring intelligence, if they are I have choice words for them for not telling me. They measure relatively how the test-taking population fared on memorizing, solving, thinking, speed and ability to properly fill the – wait a minute, I got it! – scantrons.
They also test how well one can, given a choice, choose the best fit. Nope, did not take an IQ test
i scored a 960 on the SAT and the last IQ test i took was 138 or something....I do not think that standardized tests are an accurate measure of intelligence
I got an 1130 on the SAT with no practice courses AND I was in a rush to get out of there. No, I don't think that it is an accurate measure of intelligence because there are people that get 1600's on the SAT that have no common sense at all and no work ethic. Being smart, to me, is more than just book smarts. *SAT is a registered trademark of the College Board, which was not involved in the production of, and does not endorse, this answer.
800 math, 600+ verbal (I not so good at words). I think most standardized tests only measure basic logic and test taking skills, not things that you know. I took 2 IQ tests for a buddy that was doing research on how people learn for his pyschology Phd. The first one, I scored average, but 6 months later I scored in the insanely smart genius level. Did I get smarter during that time? Probably not... but I was better at taking the test the second time.
This question made my brain hurt. i don't want to talk about how smart I was and how I wasted it away. I get that enough from my family.
my sat score is a sensitive issue. in fact, to this day, i think i'd be way more confident in life if i had broken 1300. i got a 1220: 630 math, 590 verbal. i don't think its an accurate measure of intelligence - but i think if you score well, it can prove if you are either smart or a really hard worker. in any case, i think the SAT is a necessary test as a measure accross the US, cause an A in a competitive high school in NJ is worth more than some dinky run down high school in outskirts of Chicago. so grades are relative - but a test EVERYONE takes is a true test as to how you stand compared to others. never took an IQ test. i'm still bummed about the SATs. but whatever, i still have at least one more standardized test left to take in my academic career - hopefully, i can redeem myself.
450 Verbal, 780 Math (missed one question). These types of tests are pretty stupid but of course, we all have a job because of them.
nah i think its a bunch of horsesh!t really
SAT: 1240; I had my IQ tested in first grade and it was 135. Both my SAT and IQ are a little short of Mensa. I don't know whether these scores really mean anything. Most of them are just measuring how well you remember stuff and how well you take tests. I can give you hundreds of useless facts about movies and TV but I couldn't even tell you who the Speaker of the House is or work a sewing machine. Everyone has their own things that they are smart about.
My SAT was horrible. I signed up cause I was bored and didn’t really have any plans for college, so I didn’t prepare, never studied and never took the test again to better it. No idea what my IQ is. My parents refused to share the results so that I wouldn’t get a big head…or maybe get depressed…
IQ: 135. Don't remember SAT
i gotten a 800 in math and a 740 in verbal fur a turtle of 1270. i tink its a good measure of mine intelligence.
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