Friday, January 06, 2006

QOTD: tech support

question of the day: what trend or new technology are you looking forward to in 2006 for the web, or to help you with your job?

Some sort of 'virtual-commuting'. If only there were some sort of technology where I could connect to the network here at work from my home, so that I would not have to spend 8 hours a week in travel time!

RSS feeds, fully integrating blog technology, using del.ici.ious to help us market...and i hear personally -- there is the new video/live thing coming out for newspapers, magazines...its going to be awesome. its like a talking advertisement

the trend will be that everyone works from home


a machine that will make me feel like i have slept longer than i have

absolutely none
I hate the web
I hate ASP
I hate PHP
I hate Oracle
I hate mySql
I hate .NET

a robot of myself that will handle all of the stupid requests i get every day.

Ball bearings. It's all ball bearings nowadays.

anything google touches turns to gold, so it will be interesting to see what new innovations they'll come up with this year.

The SS-XT 2006 trimmer!!!! If you haven't heard, your ass better go ask somebody!!! It's the latest sheep trimmer made only for the most advanced users!

i want to see how horrible IE7 turns out to be. nail in the coffin!

I am looking to get more involved in VOIP technology, as that seems to be where most industries are heading to. Specifically, CISCO certifications, as the voice end is pretty simple.

This has nothing to do with the web and will probably be detrimental to my job since I'll be up all night using it, but I'd really like to get an Xbox 360. And try not to die, Amp'd mobile looks pretty cool too...their commercials are funny though. It's always like a hotel maid finding a dead body and she starts yelling at it. Then it's like "try not to die, amp'd mobile is coming soon"

a robot. that looks like me and can create the illusion of busy when i am not in the mood to work.


At 4:14 PM, Blogger Dickie Z said...

"Ball bearings. It's all ball bearings nowadays." -- You're half right. Tee hee.


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