QOTD: joking
question of the day: tell me a joke?
so, these two sharks are in the ocean eating a clown, and the one shark says: does this taste funny to you?
Proper decorum restricts me from telling you a joke
why was the peanut crying? b/c it was a salted
what did the baby corn say to the momma corn? ...where's pop corn?
- A penguin takes his car into the shop and the mechanic says he needs an hour to check it out.
- What kind of car?
- What kind of...a damn penguin car alright? Anyway, he goes across the street to the 7-11 to kill some time and get an ice cream. Penguins love ice cream.
- Really?
- Sure. But because he's got no hands the poor little guy gets the ice cream all over his beak.
- This goin' somewhere?
- so, he goes back to the mechanic, the guy tells him, "looks like you blew a seal." The penguin tells him, "no, that's just a little ice cream."
A horse walks into a bar, the bartender says, “Why the long face?”
What do lawyers use as birth control? - their personalities.
What's brown and sticky? A Stick.
hey....I got a good joke...[coworker] still has a job
Yo mama so fat, her finger nails got stretch marks..
Yo mama’s hair so dry, it looks like ramen noodles..
What happens when a politician takes Vi@gra? He gets taller..
To think, there are 200,000 battered women, and I am still e@ting mine plain..
2 cowboys are playing chess. ha ha
Rod - Hey Jack, what's happenin'?
Joe - Oh, I don't know.
Rod - Well, rumor around town says you think you might be heading down to the shore.
Joe - Uh, yeah, I think I'm goin' down to the shore.
Rod - Whatcha gonna do down there?
Joe - Uh, I don't know, play some video games, buy some Def Leppard t-shirts.
Rod - Hey, don't forget to get your Motley Crue t-shirt, y'know, all proceeds go to get their lead singer out of jail.
Joe - Uh huh.
Rod - Hey, you gonna check out the Sandbar while you're there?
Joe - Uh, what's the Sandbar?
Rod - Oh, it's this place that lets sixteen year-old kids drink.
Joe - Oh, cool.
Rod - Y'know who's gonna be there?
Joe - Uh, who?
Rod - My favorite cover band, Crystal Shit.
Joe - Oh.
Rod - Yeah, they do a Doors show, you'd be really impressed, in fact, it goes a little like this:
Love me two times baby
Love me twice today
Love me two times girl
Cause I got AIDS
Love me two times baby, once for tomorrow, once cause I got AIDS
Joe - Wow, Pretty good Jim Morrison impersonation there.
Rod - Yeah, I hope those guys have a good sense of humor and don't take us to court.
Joe - Uh, what's the court?
Rod - Never mind that,
Joe - Oh, you mean like the People's Court?
Rod - Well, that's another story; the important thing here is you gotta ask me how I'm gonna get down to the shore.
Joe - Uh, how you gonna get down to the shore?
Rod - Funny you should ask, I've got a car now.
Joe - Oh wow, how'd you get a car?
Rod - Oh my parents drove it up here from the Bahamas.
Joe - You're kidding!
Rod - I must be, the Bahamas are islands, okay, the important thing now, is that you ask me what kind of car I have.
Joe - Uh, what kinda car do ya' got?
Rod - I've got a BITCHIN CAMARO!
Yo momma is so cross-eyed that yo daddy left her for seein' someone on the side
Did you hear about the baby born with out eye lids? The surgeon actually used the skin from his circumcision to reconstruct them.
Did it work you may ask? Sure it did, but now he sees a little cock-eyed..
Actually, I'm kidding, yo momma is cool. Me and her, we been together awhile... and we were thinking of putting you out soon.
Yo mamma so fat, her waist size is equator. She puts her belt on witha boomarang.
I saw her fall once. I tried not to laugh, but the ground sure cracked up!!
She wore a red t shirt last week. All the kids in the neighborhood were chasing her screaming "Hey KOOL-AID"!!
She was in McDonald's last night. When asked for her order, she said "Yes and make it a double, with a diet coke"!!
Did I ever tell you that your mom is hot??!!??
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