Monday, September 11, 2006

QOTD: 5 years later

question of the day: do you feel any safer now, five years after 9/11? is the government doing all it can to protect its citizens?

What is safety? Complete safety comes only from complete control, which no one has or should have. Do you want someone or some entity to have complete control over everything you do? Certainly not if you love freedom. Five years after 9/11 I fear the government more than I have ever feared any outside threat. Why do people claim our troops are fighting for freedom while our politicians simultaneously steel our freedom from us with unconstitutional laws. The public was scared on and after 9/11 and that has been used against us to take away our freedoms leaving us all to feel less comfortable to dissent.

My housemate, Oh-Sam-a says that there is nothing to worry about. not really. two words: beard ticks.

they could do more if people were not such idiots. people complain too much that their privacy is being violated

no i defintely don't feel as safe. 5 years ago we all lived ignorant to the fact that 9/11 could happen - now we know it can happen, and will happen again. our government has done a few things to safeguard us, but there are so many open/missing links in our security that its truly only a matter of time before another catastrophe happens on our soil again

i feel fine, i'm not going to change my life for any reason. I don't second guess any of my actions because of terrorists. Government is doing what it's got to do. Their hands are tied in some aspects because most americans won't allow them to do what they need to do.

A coworker was wearing a child’s plastic “Sheriff Badge” at an airport last week (if you knew Bob, you wouldn’t really ask why he would do that) and was able to walk through all the security checkpoints, only being asked to register his side arm. Until I see bomb sniffing dogs at every subway, Patriot missile launchers in the Hudson, and a national thumb scanner tied to a security database at every restaurant, hotel, airport, post office and hospital, then the answer would be “no”.

i believe that it is. i believe that we would have been attacked again by now if they were not doing something to protect us. frankly, we were left pretty vulnerable after 9/11, and they could have hit us again easily, and did not. for all the complaining everyone does, they ought to be more grateful for their freedom and opportunities.

yes and no. i know since 9/11/01 we have a lot more domestic monitoring, jets for emergencies, etc. however - the US war lead against iraq (remember saddam and iraq is the WRONG country and WRONG guy - we want osama in afghanistan or pakistan) makes us look like we have no clue what to do. we are attacking/fighting to seem like we are doing something. internationally, our reputation is shit and we constantly meddle in problems. and i think that puts us in an even more volatile situation than we were in previously.

i feel like nothing has actually happened except for airport regulations and a really bizarre war that we are definitely not "winning." im not sure what the correct course of action would have been, but i feel like sending undercover snipers into afghanistan would have been better than sending troops into two countries where theyre been blown to pieces daily. i really dont know if i ever felt unsafe, but i feel like eventually things are going to get really ugly here. the terrorists that have the agenda to destroy america will never give up, and obviously theyre smart and resourceful, and keep coming up with ways to get around the current safety regulations. eventually, we will feel unsafe daily if we dont come up with some sort of peaceful strategy to deal with this problem.

I'll feel much safer when I buy my Remington 870 express synthetic shotgun.
Remember what you were doing on the day of the attacks?


At 2:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"i believe that it is. i believe that we would have been attacked again by now if they were not doing something to protect us."

Yeah, this logic works *so* well. The 1993 WTC attack failed, and they made a second run at it 8 years later, with greater results.

If there is any truth to the election-time raised terror alerts, whatever was initially targeted (ex: NYC Subway, Sports Stadium) *will* be the place of a future attack.

Terrorist have nothing but time, they aren't going to just *stop*. There's not on a schedule. It takes time to recruit more terrorists and get money to carry out their plans. And besides, that waiting time is all part of terrorism.


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