Wednesday, August 09, 2006

QOTD: cubism

question of the day: what does your cube neighbor do that annoys you?

There is one particular neighbor that is quite possibly the most bitter person on earth. He could win a million dollars and still find something wrong with it. Another neighbor taps/shakes his leg on the floor and it makes the walls of my cube and my desk shake.


whistling. God I can't stand the whistling.

she plays her music *just loud enough* to be annoying. No big deal, I'm moving to a new desk next week.

i know my one old cube neighbor used to drink out of a big thermos and every time he finished drinking from it he would slide it across his desk and slam it into his cube wall - the ajoining cube wall - and everything on my wall would shake and sometimes fall off - not to mention making a loud banging noise.


Lives. Breathes. I could go on and on.

this guy in the help desk speaks very loud plus he uses these phrases that make me want to kill myself. In short it sounds like the scene from Office Space where he has to listen to that operator say the same things over and over. "Corprate councils payroll, Nina speaking. Just a moment." I want to take a bat and, nevermind I don't want to get fired for this.

My neighbor is [coworker]. His simple existance is annoying!!

write the question of the day.

[coworker] is a perfect neighbor....[coworker] has meetings and doesn't shut the hell up!!!!!

Am I a bad person if I say breathe?

I really don't sit in a cube, I'm kinda between two cubes, But if i had to say one thing that my cube neighbor does that annoys me it would probably be not saying good morning when they walk in. A simple acknowledgement in the morning would be nice. If I don't say anything to her she sometimes won't talk to me all day.

i have some nice cube neighbors, so i shouldn't really complain, but one of them says often 'it like i says...'

Some of them sneeze a whole lot. Some of them chat constantly. And some of them are so quiet, you can hardly even tell that they're there.

The guy to my left sneezes really loud and it scares the crap out of me. The guy to the right is a long-distance talker - he calls people's names that sit five cubes away. The guy across from me punches his phone buttons REALLY HARD when checking his voicemail - I'm surprised he hasn't broken the damn thing yet.


cubicle knocking, blasting off in his chair every time he gets up, staring at me while he talks on the phone, hovering while asking inane questions, talking to me while i eat breakfast, asking how my weekend was every day, reading whatever is on my screen, lingering too long after a conversation has ended, chewing loudly, smelling like a vat of cheap perfume, tapping too much, or squeaking an annoyingly noisy chair...i could go on forever

I have 2 new cube neighbors. They feel that they are the wittiest of all creation. So much that they feel the need to explain their jokes, as the rest of the cube neighbors are not intelligent enough. In reality, even their sarcasm is sub par...

My cube neighbors are chatterboxes personified. They not only talk to each other by visiting each other but talk over the cubes – you guessed it, loudly. I sometimes wish I could wish them mute, or cast a spell where in they are sent down an evolute that never ends or smack them on the face so hard that their tongue sticks to the other cheek wall rendering them … yes yes ..speechless. I think its definitely annoying

my cube neighbor is the printer and it annoys me because of all of it's visitors.


At 2:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

screen staring is the worst.


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