QOTD: reversal of man
question of the day: if you could cause one invention from the last hundred years never to have been made at all, which would it be, and why?
probably nuclear weapons - nothing good can ever come from them
reality shows
Intermintent wiper blades. They are never the right speed I need so I end up having them on full time and it squeaks or not at all and every few seconds I have to manually make the wipers move
cell phone....They are really freaking annoying...yes, i do own one but it is not affixed to my ear
internet (computers) and tv... both ok inventions but like most things, there's no end.... causes us nowadays to be lazy and inactive, and tv has caused numerous catastrophies (murderers matching what they see on tv, ppl learning how to build bombs online).
The internal combustion engine. We don't need cars. Cars mean pollution and sprawl. We'd do fine with bicycles and more developed electric rail transit.
the gun
I'll tell you what it would be. It's the most evil product known to man and represents all that is wrong in the universe -- Snapple.
i would say nothing...even bad inventions lead to the creation of other inventions people actually do use or like.
The spork. I mean, come on - if you are so stupid that you can't figure out if you need a spoon or a fork, then Natural Selection should have killed you off years ago! Honestly, what kind of lazy, sick, demented bastard comes up with hybrid eating utensils? This is what happens when insecure metallurgists try their hand at genetics! It's this same sort of perverse mentality that spawned craziness like the toaster that also cooks eggs or that crazy hat that holds beer and an irrigation system. MADNESS! We should all stop trying to cross pollinate things that work fine on their own. Separate but equal, damn it! Take the power back!
talkies - silent films are much more interesting. the electric guitar ruined music
Gasoline. Fuel for combustion engines can be created from almost anything. It doesn’t have to come from oil.. The thought that some smart guy in history found a way to create fuel from oil and never considered the fact that it can run out some day is ridiculous!! Hind sight says he should have been treated like a drug dealer and put away. He created an item that turned into an world addiction, has crazy street market prices and can not be controlled by the government. Sure, the government may want to try to put a measure of control on it, but why when their pockets are lined by the petroleum cartel?
The atomic bomb.
cigarettes, health reasons
Hiroshima, good. Nagasaki, good.
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