QOTD: middle names
question of the day: what is your middle name?
none of yo business
what - are you trying to steal my identity you freak? it's Ann - that's boring - more fun when i think u are trying to steal my identity
Elizabeth. It was supposed to be my 1st name, but the neighbors had a baby a couple days before I was born and named her Elizabeth, so I got it as a middle name instead.
are you databasing al lthis info for blackmail? Frederick
not only do I have my father's first name, but my parents were so uncreative, they didn't even give me a middle name. When filling out official forms, I use "Green Lantern"
I don’t have one. Unless you count the name I took for confirmation which I choose not to reveal. 14 year olds should not be allowed to pick their own name and spelling variation when they are trying to stand out from the crowd and create a sense of individuality. It is just awful, I was an idiot.
you should have asked..... "and the name of the street you grew up on?"
Slartibartfast I think it has angloasianindofrench origins, and yes because we still don't like the french i don't call it my middle name, I call it my freedom name, which goes nicely with a big plate of cheesey freedom fries. When will the french ever learn? Their women must start shaving their pits before any kind of friendship can be built up again!
no middle name. my dad's middle name is kumar, so they thought about kumari for me, but never followed through. and kumari has a fun meaning, oh well.
i think the next question of the day should be, "if you could ask the question of the day, what would you ask?"
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