Tuesday, December 13, 2005

QOTD: we major

question of the day: what was your major in college, and why did you decide on that?

Mass Communications w/ a journalism emphasis and I minored in speech communication. I was all set to be a sportswriter. After an internship following my junior year I found out I hated the profession and wasted my degree. Whoops.

Marketing (concentration Graphic Design), with a minor in Philosophy. I was an accounting major for 2 years before I made a radical change in my life. I finally decided to change majors because I really enjoyed business but wanted to explore the creative side of marketing. New business practices were emerging with the dawn of the www in the mid nineties. It seemed a natural fit since I was already experimenting with web design, computer graphics/animation and digital video.

My major started out Psychology because I wanted to help people. Then, I changed it to English Literature. Then, I changed it to English Writing. Then, I went to a different school and continued to study English. When I transferred from that school, I had changed it again to Journalism. Then, I opted for Communications. Then, I transferred again, and got an associates degree in communications. Then, I transferred again, and changed my major to marketing communications. I graduated with a degree in marketing communications which is the equivalent to a degree in liberal studies. It was the one i could get the quickest with all of my transferring around. I only needed electives at school 5 to finish, so that's the real reason for picking it.

My major was psychology......decided on it to get chicks.....'cause we all know the women dig being analyzed and told what their problems are

I navre want tro colege bekuse I kant spel

which semester? went from wildlife science, to communications w/minor in poly sci, then double major criminal justice and psychology w/ minor in sociology - wait - why am i here?

LOL Ummm my major was business psychology with Math and statistics

graphic design, because i've always loved art, but i can't draw very well and the concept of starving artist didn't really appeal to me

Strangely enough, my major was Computer Science. I guess I've always been a geek.

When I was a young boy, a man named Shamus Benheart use to stop by the farm with a herd of sheep to sell us wool for the winter. He wasn't a very good shepherd and the wool he supplied us was dirty and stretched out. I took an solemn oath that day to attend the finest shepherd school; Masking Ridge Shepherd University. There I studied the great art of shaving, washing, and or course herding.

History..I wanted to be a history teacher because i loved studying history.....

I was a fine arts major and a philosophy minor. I wanted to guarantee myself the lowest paying job possible.

double major in international business and marketing -- contemplated international business and finance...but chickened out for some stupid reason - who knows i could have been an ibanker and worked 100 hours a week and be making over 100 grand at the age of 22, i'm an idiot. i knew i wanted to study IBUS and marketing when i was a sophomore in high school cause i won some state competition and go to compete in orlando -- and i'm still pretty naive and think i can run some huge project in asia and generate millions in revenue for some compnay some day

My major was computer science. I had a job doing data entry and get intrigued, took a few programming courses, and went ahead and got the degree.

I majored in Environmental Geology because I always enjoyed math and science.

Comp Sci. I had a Unit Record Machine course in High School. Unit Record Machine you may ask? I am showing my age. It is a machine where you wire a board to produce accounting reports. It was a predessor of a computer program.

History because I didn't like anything else

Civil Engineering followed by Business School


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