Tuesday, October 10, 2006

QOTD: waste

question of the day: what is your favourite way of wasting time?

probably watching tv - i can sit there for hours and pass an entire day happily

depends where i am, here's its bbc and at home its tv.

Playing the guitar and video games.

coming here to work

uh, i dont waste time. i do like to sleep though

I forget. It's been a while since I've had any time to waste. I guess I'd have to say TV/movies since I can do that and watch the baby at the same time.

I like to go outside a pick up rocks that look like people. Then I bring them inside, name them, and dress them up as if they are going on the TV show Survivor. I also like to drive around and set fire to people’s wicker-porch furniture.

Surfing the gossip sites on the web.

My favorite waste of time is going to work, where I generally slip in 25 minutes late, read some emails, stare at the wall of my cube for about 45 minutes, take a coffee break, as my manager a stupid question of which I already know the question to, answer a few emails, visit the other department for about an hour (there is a Russian girl over there), take 1-2 hour lunch, come back and surf the internet, check my voicemails, stare at the wall of my cubicle for another 45 minutes, re-organize my desk (sometimes I like my picture frame "Space For Rent" on the left side of my keyboard and sometimes I like it on my right), water my plants and tell them how nice they look today, forward all the FW: emails that are sent to me (not forgetting to forward them back to the original sender just to annoy them), take an afternoon break, send out a memo or place a job related order, call up some vendors and yell at them for missing a deadline, go back to the other department to harass the Russian girl (I love Russian women), email my manager with a project update, surf the internet and go home.

sleeping, doing weird dances in the house, smoking, talking to the dogs.

this....this has got to be it....

Watching TV. Of course, it is a bit educational. The pointers in those crime shows will come in handy once my serial-killing spree starts.

punching [coworker] in the stomach

xbox 360



At 2:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sittin on the dock o' the bay...

At 5:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

whacking it!


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