Monday, October 09, 2006

QOTD: coffee

question of the day: what would you do if coffee was banned?

not care. I don't drink coffee.

drink tea

drink tea

drink more tea

be even more bored at work

start drinking tea i guess? either that or just stick to soda - that would suck though. i love coffee

Same thing I do now. I don't drink coffee. It is a crutch for the weak-willed.

i don't drink coffee so i couldn't care less...In fact, they SHOULD ban it!

i'd be an coffee bean lord.underground international bean dealer. yeah, that's what i'd do

Put on my best poncho and flee to South America.

drink tea. fight with the caffeinated revolution to get coffee back.

The same thing I do everyday Pinky...try to take over the world.

I don't drink coffee. I'd definitely try to make money off of the situation--either by participating in the smuggling operations; or by investing in companies that make other addictive products.

I would start chewing beetle nut... That is until that is banned too.. Is that even legal in this country?

First, I would have to ask why.
Second, I would not accept any reason that was given.
Third, I would rally the masses to rectify the situation.
Fourth, if the situation didn’t correct itself I would enjoy the world of tea and get all puffy-chested when anyone mentions coffee.


I would probably turn to a life of crime and start looting remaining Dunkin Donuts and Starbucks. Maybe start up a new underground coffee speakeasy and sell you fools my stolen coffee at a premium and call myself The Sauce Father. Or I'll just start smoking Crack as my replacement.


At 3:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

How many coffee beans would it take to fill a dime bag?


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