QOTD: a day that will live in infamy
question of the day: what do you want for your birthday?
to be more motivated in life ...and sunglasses
A job that doesn't suck!
Dude, I am going to be 32. How about everyone forget about me and treat me as invisible that day.. So depressing…
for you to remeber it
golf clubs regripped and a new mountain bike
a day off
to finally be truly happy!!!!! yeah - that would be nice!
World peace
a dolphin
well, my birthday was a month ago and my wonderful wife got me a black 30 GB iPod. It's pretty cool. Now I just need a way to hook it up to my crappy car stereo without using a stupid FM transmitter.
I want an Xbox 360 since the movers stole our regular Xbox when we moved.
a new pull cart for golf. i'm tired of paying cart fees to ride, and i get too tired carrying them for 18 holes.
Money.... and I'll buy what I want with it. You suck at giving presents if you have to ask.
some hot chick
to have at least half of my home projects completed so i can lounge/bbq/drink a lot that day (its a sunday)
I want a quart of motor oil, a lawnmower and a blonde wig. Don't ask any questions.
my two front teeth... back from that pimp that knocked 'em out and took 'em. They're probably covered in gold by now.
A new job.
A license plate that reads: A55 MAN.
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