QOTD: injury
question of the day: what has been your worst injury?
Broken Heart
broke my tibia and went through my car windsheild and suffered brain damage
when i jammed my vertibrae together and they shattered my tail bone
would have to be when i slide into second base wrong and sprained my ankle, knee and hip - all in one shot
lost most of my left calf muscle when climbing over a fence....I slipped and the "prongs" on top of the fence acted like knives and sliced right through to the bone...Muscle was cut in half and lost around 3-4 inches of it....They had to reattach the muscle....
Tore a ligament in my hip. Only one way to heal – time. No medication or anything
torn ACL....had to have knee reconstructio
My Pride...usually happens when my best lines fail to achieve results. Also biting my tongue when chewing gum is a painful Injury. Last but certainly not least is having a fingernail bent backwards when doing a highly complex job like kitebuilding. Those would have to be the injuries I really try to avoid!
Somehow, with all the sports I have played in my life and all the crazy stuff I did as a kid I have never broken a bone or had to get stitches. I hurt my shoulder (probably rotator cuff) and back in separate incidents playing football, but both are injuries I can live with.
While working for a rural telecommunications company in PA, my day to day activities including climbing telephone poles with “gaffs”. Gaffs are spikes that one straps to ones legs so as to climb utility poles and trees without the use of a ladder. One day I climbed up an unusually high pole and a piece of the pole broke out from under me. I fell 25’ and landed on my back, breaking 3 ribs (for the second time) and crushing (actually split the vertebrae) 2 vertebrae. No spinal cord damage, thankfully, as I would not be here typing these words today. I tried to sue and was turned down by 3 law firms due to PA laws on employees suing their employer… I wake up with back pain and have had daily back spasms ever since. That was @5 years ago..
when i was two i burned a part of my hand really bad. the skin completely came off...and even now i have this ugly scar. i've been told i used to walk around with a bundle of paper towels wrapped around my hand covered with ointment the doctor gave.
I was shot 8 times and didn't die. Now I have an unsuccessful rap career because someone stole my act.
Knock on wood--I've been pretty lucky. One nasty burn and one pile o'stitches and that's about it.
It happened in my freshman year of college. I travelled up to Boston to see her and ended up getting dumped - after paying for dinner, going out to a club, and train fare. My ego was busted up beyond belief. It hurt a lot. Just another reason to despise Boston.
When I was 8 I got my right ring finger caught in the hinge of a door at school. It ripped the nail up from the back, split the sides of my finger and cracked the tip of the bone. I needed stitches, had to wear a splint until the nail grew back and to this day it still doesn’t look like a normal fingernail.
i was living in a really old house and i was trying to open a huge, floor-to-ceiling window in my room. it was stuck, and it broke as i was trying to push it up. it was extremely heavy, and a huge glass shard landed on/in my arm, and i had to go to the hospital and get a few stitches. then my complete ass of a landlord accused me of punching the window, but had no answer when i asked why the stitches were on the inside of my arm...
decapitation. frontal labotomy
I was 16 and I was snowboarding. I was trying 360's for the first time, but only made it about 270, so the edge of my board caught the ice (thanks Poconos) and I was whipped down to the ground, with the back of my head hitting the hardest. Not sure how long I was blacked out for, but that was my first and only concussion.
spraining my ankle really hurt, but i think the worst was when i worked in a machine shop and was cleaning off one of the machines, and stupidly i wasn't wearing any eye protection. a piece of metal flew into my eye and was stuck there for 3 or 4 hours. it was very painful
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