QOTD: you should be ashamed of yourself!
question of the day: what is the most embarrassing thing that has happened to you while at work?
So, there I was eating lunch at the other end of the building (at my old job) and the food was kinda greasy so I decided to wash my hands after lunch. Well I didn't realize that the bathrooms at the other end of the building were set up in reverse of the bathrooms near the end where I worked. Without looking I walked into the bathroom and began to wash my hands. I looked up in the mirror and thought to myself, that's strange - no urinals. I continued to wash my hands. The stall at the end of the row of toilets opened up and out came the lady that ran our mail room. It then clicked that I was not in the mens room but instead I was standing in the ladies room. I was so embarrassed.
I once congratulated the wrong coworker on her pregnancy. That REALLY sucked, but…I’ll never do that again!
Somehow, I ended up working at [company] for over 4 years. Boy, was my face red.
my boss was at my computer and my friend im'd me saying she couldn't believe she had done something with this guy ( sexual implications). She used a lot of words that were inappropriate. I reached over very quickly and clicked out of the box, but i am almost sure he saw
I was going into the stairwell and the doors don't have windows, so you can't see if anyone is on the other side. I must've been in a rush that day because I came flying through the door and was inches away from knocking out our CEO with the door. (Note: I actually did smash one of these doors into someone's face once and the guy had to go to the hospital to get stitches). Either that or the time I sharted...
a coworker saw my paycheck amount and a hooker came to my cube when she was instructed to wait outside
At a job interview once, I had diarrhea. I excused myself to go the men's room between interviewers, only I was in there practically dying for about 30 minutes. At some point, they sent someone to see if I was okay. I finished the interview but I didn't get the job.
"what do you mean, RE- move?"
It happens all the time, so I'm probably beyond embarassment by now. Talking to a co-worker, trashing a third party... and then having that third party walk up behind me and hear the conversation.
i forgot to wear deodorant one day - and it was during a summer heatwave....not pleasant ;}
Hitting reply in an email instead of forward. While working at my old company the exec at our San Diego office sent out an email regarding an open position at her office. Thinking I forwarded it to my co-worker I wrote “Great weather, $h!tty salary”. Of course the second I clicked send I KNEW I hadn’t forwarded it and that feeling of diarrhea inducing doom washed over me. Then I had to make nice and apologize to her. Ugh.
two embarassing things have happened - i don't know which is worse...i broke up with someone via messenger at work - the conversation was insane and AFTER we implemented pod messaging, so i've been super paranoid that someone downstairs has read and laughed about that conversation. and one time i said something about fishes and jelly things and flashlights all in one sentence to my boss. she has been spreading it like wild flower.
Can't think of anything. May be that makes me shameless
I got foiled
One of the sheep put a "kick me" sign on my back.
Public viewing of my appearance on Double Dare from 1988. at [work].
maybe when my sheep called up and said it was pregnant and i yelled, "[coworker] is going to be a father".
To whoever said: "i broke up with someone via messenger at work" Damn! That's cold! Cold as ice.
"At a job interview once, I had diarrhea". I should add that I wish had crapped during my interview for this place ;-)
To whoever broke up with someone over aim, so does this mean you are single now? ;)
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