Wednesday, December 07, 2005

QOTD: model for life

question of the day: assuming you don't already have it, what is your dream job?

my dream job entails being the head of of business development for mtv international from new york city

This is it. Although it would be better without some annoying people around (sorry, can't give any names.) I'm lucky to have found a career that I enjoy . . . for the most part. I really cannot imagine doing anything else.

hmmm... maybe I'd like to be tour manager for a big rock band... or their lighting director... or maybe a scuba diving instructor in the Caribbean... or a roller coaster designer...

I would ideally like to be a successful artist living in NYC. The "successful" part is the key here. Being an unsuccessful, starving artist would kind of suck.

be my own boss(me: doing what?) anything. as long as I ain't working for someone else's bottomline

I'd like to work as a decorative throw pillow. Most of the day, you just sit there on the couch and look cute. I can totally do that. Other times, someone might put you on the floor, but people will rarely lay or sit on you since you're so nice looking.

Writer on with a column similar to The Sports Guy, Bill Simmons. However since I’m a woman it would be a female sports perspective.

fashion photographer

My dream job would be as a full time philanthropist. I'd like to hit the lotto and spend my millions helping other people who are legitimately less fortunate get jobs, training and whatever else they need to help themselves achieve a better quality of life. I don't want to just hand out all the money; I want to help people find ways to help themselves. Or, be a movie star.

To be the suntan lotion rubbing boy on the coppertone models....hmm did i answer that a little too quickly?

Tour Guide in Hawaii

Small-scale farmer

child psychologist

what - [company] isn't EVERYONES dream job? :-) well - if i wasn't at such a wonderful place, i'd be at an animal sanctuary or in forensic psychology

lotion boy for Sports Illustrated Swimsuit models

bazaar organizer

I wanna be a shepherd

CIA Agent

POTUS (me: potus?) Man I have to teach you everything? It is Secret Service lingo for President of the United States

I want to be the oil boy for the Hawaiin Tropics modeling team...or I'd also like to be a professional motorcycle racer.

art director for a music magazine, album cover designer, the person who picks the songs out for movies and tv shows, or a travel writer.

I'd like to run a day care center, no wait... I hate children. Make that an abortion clinic.


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