QOTD: you are such a geek
question of the day: everyone is a geek about something. what do you geek out about?
reading news on .NET
I'm a total geek about a couple of things... mostly about schedules and planning. i REALLY like to be on time, particularly ridiculously early for functions or flights... but not so much for work...
how about EVERYTHING. But mostly politics.
i'm a geek about (un)food.
R rated movies
I geek out about cooking related stuff like recipes, techniques, and equipment. Give a man food and he'll eat for a day, teach a man to cook and he'll blather on about what kind of pan surface is best for de-glazing.
animals - whenever i see one i have to run up to it to pet it, squeeling like a little girl.
Any kind of new technology - TVs, cell phones, computer stuff, etc. Prime example: I think I was the first kid in my elementary school to have a totally awesome calculator watch.
I totally geek out about working on my motorcycle. I love to read about combustion and how the different parts of an engine work together. So, in essence, I'm a bad ass geek, I suppose.
perfectionist about anything I'm working on, but I rarely "geek out" because I'm a jack of all trades. Although I am the "family geek" on anything that has to do with a computer because I happen to work on one all day, but that doesn't mean I know a damn thing about them. I hate it! Am I alone on this one? think not
i like to geek out about quantum physics. every time i'm with my friends, i'm like "electrons don't just move around the nucleus in elliptical orbits, you know!" then they get mad at me, and tell me to go [expletive] myself. then, i'm like "why [expletive] myself when i can [expletive] a hooker?" that normally shuts them up.
I’m a geek about lots of things -
1. I know a lot about signs
2. I get excited about business articles on China and India
3. And I like to make lists. I have lists for everything…
- to name a few..and TRAVELZOO
A certain aquatic rock band.
music, pirates, zombies, and any combination of the three. if i ever saw a guitar playing pirate zombie i think i would explode. oh, and web standards.
What am I not a geek about?
The pursuit of bajingo.
Playing "Risk" with the sheep. They always win!!!!
i don't geek out about nothing
I’m a complete geek about new books and magazines. I love the covers, I love finding new things, I love expanding my mind…
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