Friday, January 20, 2006

QOTD: knives, bats, new tats

question of the day: do you have any tattoos? if yes, what are they of? if you don't, what tattoo would you get, if you were so inclined?

None... probably would never get one.

no tattoos - but i like the idea of them. i have thought about a bull on my lower back - the sign of taurus. or music notes. and some other things that i can't say here even if it anonymous.

no tattoo....would never think of it...You regret it later in life

I don't have one YET...but all the sheep do. I personally design my own art on their ears. I find its best to do this when they are sleeping or grazing. The one I'm going to get will be of a cross on my arm with the Italian flag draped around it with my father's and grand father's initials above it

Yeah, I have 2 tattoos. A tribal band around my ankle and another piece of tribal art on my shoulder. I've wanted a third one for a while now, but I'm not sure what to get

No tattoos. The only thing I can think of putting on my body would be Snoopy but since I am already so white, i don't think he would show up very well.

i do have a tatoo. it is of a 4 leaf clover. you must "get lucky" to see it and find out where it is.

I don't have any. If I were inclined; I would flowers of some kind.

No tattos. But if I would get one, it would be a picture of [coworkers] head on my chest!!

nope, no need or wants. I used to want one, but i grew out of it.

i would want tattoos of hookers, but i already have too many on me as it is. therefore, i'd go with a [company i work for] logo, so i can rack in the [incentive program points]

no tats, i think i might like a maple leaf somewhere though. or a teardrop under my eye!

xxxx: Yes, I have a Tattoo of Jennifer Aniston on my ass.
me: for real?
xxxx: Yes
me: i don't beleieve you
xxxx: why do you want to see it?
me: um. thats ok

unfortunately not - always wanted to. want to get ones on the back of my neck and/or my lower back - chinese characters to represent words that describe me best.

No, N/A

No tats... I haven't felt passionately about anything enough to commit it to appearing on my body for the rest of my life. Maybe when I'm 50 and get married--to a 25-year-old, of course--I'd get a ring tattoo.

Yes, I have traditional song birds on my back holding a banner with some words on it. The meaning is not worth getting into. I would love to expand my current back piece so that it covers my entire back. I also want a half sleeve on my right arm and a few other miscellaneous pieces. I have a few ideas about the subject matter in my head, but I'm not ready to make any appointments just yet. Besides, I need to raise a few thousand dollars to get this all done.

No tattoos. Been planning to get one. I want a tattoo of a real real muscular man with real good looks, life sized over my whole body.

I have four.
A rose on my ankle (I know, how unoriginal but I got it 13 years ago and the tattoo craze hadn’t really caught on yet. Plus, I still really love it and I haven’t seen one that even comes close to my design.)
A cross with a rose on the left-hand side small of my back (this one hurt like an SOB)
A little heart design on my shoulder. (My mom liked this one so much she got it too)
A starburst design on my left big toe. This is my favorite, I told the tattoo artist what I wanted and he drew me 5 sketches and the one was exactly what I pictured in my mind. It is fabulous.
No more for me though, my husband is not a fan :-(

I have a tribal band tatoo around my right arm - yeah, real original I know. It seemed cool 6 years ago. I still like it, though.


At 12:22 PM, Blogger Dickie Z said...

I have a tribal band tatoo around my right arm

Wow. I thought you people went extinct.


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