QOTD: that time of year again...
question of the day: Are you going to attend the company holiday party? If so, what are your expectations? If not, why not?
Possibly. My expectations are for [Fred] to flirt with my "girlfriend" and have me punch him square in the nose. A good time will be had by all.
I might go. If I do, I expect to put on my dancing shoes and be ready to eat, drink and be merry!
Yeah, I'm going to attend the party. I expect everyone to get hammered and eat a ton of food, especially the pasta station.
No. Those situations are uncomfortable for me. But picnics are ok. You are not restrained in a room
Maybe. I have no expectations. It varies from year to year on food quality, food quantity, and band quality. Of course it's always interesting to see who the fool for the night turns out to be.
no i'm going away that weekend! have fun, suckers!
yes. mild orchestra. jokes that are supposed to be funny. [Coworker] showing up in a Suit
I have skipped the ones in the past but I may go this year. My expectations are pretty low. I'd rather just have the in-house one like we had last year. That way we're partying on company time.
Expectations: The best number to be played by DJ will be the Electric Slide and the party will thoroughly suck. AND they will run out of alcohol. those are the predictions
yeah i'll be there - since there is no holiday bonus, i'm going to try to eat and drink as much as i possibly can to get as much out of these people as possible :-) expectations? all depends on who goes.
NO. it s&&ks
i think so. I expect some VP to get wasted and throw up all over another VP's car like the last holiday party we have. At least it is on a Friday this year.
No. I'd have to fill the 2.5 hour gap between the end of work and the beginning of the party...by doing what?, hanging out at a happy hour with people from work? Wouldn't that be better than going to the party? At least at the happy hour you can bitch about the dolts at work, instead of standing right next to them in a poorly decorated hotel 'ballroom'.
I think it's always a good career move to attend company holiday parties. It's a chance to mingle with the management types in your company, maybe toot your own horn a bit. It's really a nice way to help move your career up the ladder. However, since I could give a crap about this company or my "career" in it, I will not be attending.
Not sure if I’m planning on attending the holiday party. It could be a game-time decision. I don’t enjoy having another person’s idea of fun stuffed down my throat. If I go, I will have very low expectations. If I don’t expect too much from the party then I won’t be let down. It is always fun to watch people get drunk and make jackasses of themselves in front of the entire company. The potential for unintentional comedy is quite high. Hmm, perhaps I just talked myself into going….
I am undecided about the Holiday party... of course, I'm generally inclined to go to any event where the booze is free, but this is still a "work" function. It's also always fun to see who on EARTH would marry or date the people that you work with... hmmm it's possible I've talked myself into going as well.
Yes - I expect there to be open bar and decent food - and I hope people dress to impress
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