Wednesday, November 09, 2005

QOTD: goodbye sky harbor

question of the day: what airports have you been to, and which one was your favorite?

Newark, Philadelphia, Salt Lake City, Las Vegas, Montego Bay Jamaica, Ft. Lauderdale, Miami, LAX, Israel, Italy. My favorite was Montego Bay, mon. Drinking Red Stripe beers and hanging out with the locals was a ton of fun.

Airports I've been to: Seattle, Tacoma, Little Rock, San Fran, Atlanta, Cincinatti (which is in KENTUCKY, WTF!!!), Orlando, San Juan, Newark, St. Paul, New Orleans, Portland, Dulles (why fly for 45 min, really?), Nashville… Best food is in Nashville's airport. Best smoking section BY FAR is San Francisco; it's like a giant aquarium for people. All the hippies walk by looking at you in disgust while you stare back through the smoky plexiglass. WORST ever airport - Little Rock, AR. The bar closes at EIGHT!!! And then they put you on a puddle jumper with a wacky pilot that boards the plane asking if anyone else "knows how to fly this thing"? What the hell is that about?

newark,ft.lauderdale,miami,san diego,bahamas,cancun. Newark was by far the best because we were able to set up a mini soccer game right in the louge area, nets and all. We were actually taking real shots on goal. Nobody complained. However, on the way back from cancun, we tried the same thing and the airport security guy cut our ball up with a knife.

ft lauderdale, west palm, san jose, bakersfield, cancun, atlanta. my favorite: west palm. one more...philadelphia (least favorite) and newark

Atlanta, Newark, La Guardia NY, JFK NY, Long Island NY, Philly, Houston Hobby, George Bush Intl Houston, Chicago Ohare, Chicago Midway, Lexington, KY, Oakland CA, Eugene OR, Austin TX, DFW Dallas, Denver CO, Amsterdam, Frankfurt, Heathrow GB, Gatwick GB, Dubai UAE, Delhi; Bombay; Hyderabad IND. Like Denver, Dubai, Atlanta

I've been to a few. louis....newark

been to a bunch. My favorite was in St. Thomas, (virgin islands). There was actually a forest fire there in the forest that surrounded the airport. They didn't delay flights or anything. When we were landing, it looked like we were going to into a lake of fire. People were screaming bloody murder. They gave us extra peanuts as a consolation.

hmm St louis, phila, newark, O'hare, san francisco, sacramento, cancun, orlando, kona, maui, kuai, oahu and I dont have a favorite, I dislike all airports equally

Cedar Rapids, Ottumwa, Chicago, Minneapolis, Des Moines, Honolulu, San Francisco, San Diego, El Paso, Dallas, Houston, New Orleans, Boston, Trenton, Philadelphia, Newark, Baltimore, London, Oslo, Copenhagen, Shannon, Dublin, Peoria, Rock Springs, Atlanta, Charlotte, Providence, Memphis, Lexington, Panama City, Paris, Kennedy, La Guardia. my favorite is Heathrow in London. I've been trying to remember this tiny one in Missouri, I think it was Fort Leonard Wood. Oh yeah, there's another one in Illinois, Moline. I had to use Google to find a couple of them. And, I'm probably missing a few more. Those would be the ones from a long time ago and probably pretty small.

been to newark, laGuardia, jfk, philly, atlanta,charlotte, myrtle beach, charleston, O'hare, des moines, phoenix, calgary, missouri(can't remember the name), minneapolis, detroit. favorite is Charleston because you are in and out in 5 minutes

went to LAX recently, liked it better than Newark. oh I have been to JFK, German airport, Kuwait City, Frankfurt airport, I meant,but LAX was better, Chennai, Mumbai, Ahmedabad, Goa, Hawaii. oh wait, Hawaii was nice, very open and sunny. ok...Hawaii is the final answer. Maui/Hawaii airport

PHL, JFK, Newark, Orlando, Las Vegas, Phoenix, SeaTac, Vancouver, LAX, Honolulu, Auckland, Palmerston North, Wellington, Sydney, Brisbane. favorites would be Wellington and Phoenix, although I did end up sleeping at Auckland, Tom Hanks "The Terminal" style.

I've been to alot of airports, My favorite would be Maui airport. They make you walk out to the plane like the old days.

Haven't been to that many airports. Jamaica was the most interesting. Miami was probably the nicest.

EWR, PHL, ORD, BSM, AUS, LAX, HNL, DFW, MDW, SFO, IAH, DEN, TTN, DOV, TSA (Taipei), NRT (Tokyo), PHX, IAD, DCA, JFK, OGG (Kahalui, HI), SEA, BFI, GYB, 39N and about a dozen more I can't remember. HNL (Honolulu) is my favorite because the plane lost power on the way out to the runway, and had to be towed back to the terminal.

i love airports --- as a child my favorite airport was jfk and it probably still is. the most interesting airport i've been to is the international airport in kuwait, i did not like it - i was 12 and everything seemed scary, and as i got older everyone told me that the singapore airport was the best airport ever - so clean and organized, it was just okay --- over-rated. oooh and the international airport in taiwan sucks. Newark, JFK, BWI, Dulles, Indianapolis, LA, Seattle International, Orlando, Austin, Houston,new hampshire airport, DC National airport, Hithero, Frankfurt, Geneva, Rome, Delhi, Bombay, Kuwait, Amsterdam, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore, Jaipur airport


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