QOTD: interofffice sports
question of the day: best cones, hockey, cricket, or kickball memory?
I don't play any of these. And I don't watch much. But I can't help but hear comments. What exactly is a "Ziggy"? Or should I not ask?
Cones: When I shut out DA 6-0 in a round.
Hockey: JR backflips within the first min of Hockey
Kickball: [fred] Kicks one way way up and [joe] catches it
The first turducken (2 ringers in a round). We had to give it a name that first time. Good times. Good times. Because it's one cone inside of another, inside of another. A turducken is a turkey that's stuffed with a chicken that's stuffed with a duck.
me falling? classic. [larry] tripping over the curb? also the giant bruise on my foot won't let me forget hockey night
Ziggy shutting down left field in the bbq kickball game was a feat I didn't expect and will never forget.
almost nailing 3 ringers to win a tournament cones match. that, and my shoe going flying into the field playing kickball and almost killing a family of four.
when master turducken kicked my butt....Or, when [fred] tripped [norman]
Grabbing a car bumper and going for a ride through the parking lot on my blades (they will definitely never let us play after they read that one)
Cricket: [sally] batting in high heels
all those times that i got picked last.
learning how to play two new sports: cricket and cones, cricket more specifically, cause its a real sport
names changed to protect the innocent!
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